I started BAT using testosterone propianate which requires injections every other day during high T cycle. The beauty of that is fast clearing and slamming the jail cell shut on the beast with darolutamide.
My recent PSA came in as 0,05 which is almost at end on my 2nd darolutamide cycle.
My Numbers
DATES 2023
After One Year on ADT/Osterine and cardarine my NADIR= 0.03
July 29 2023 BAT START DATE
July 11 Last day of 1st HIGH T Cycle
uPSA 0.33
T 1808
July 20 9th day into 11 day DARO Cycle
uPSA 0.08
T 24
E2 <15
Aug 10 Last Day of 2nd High T Cycle
uPSA 0.46
E2 <10
Aug 21 11th day of 2nd Daro Cycle (extended Daro cycle 6 days to coordinate High T during my Camping Vacation)
PSA 0.1 (i messed up by not ordering ultra sensitive PSA uPSA
Aug 31 Last day of NEW extended DARO Cycle
uPSA 0.05
T 12
Sep 19 end of third high T cycle:
uPSA 0.64
E2 34 <===climbed dramatically from <10 on last of second high T cycle. This is due to not taking Orgovyx and letrozole (aromatase inhibitor) during this third high T cycle.
I am also using Orgovyx on and off trying to get a gauge of E2 and also during daro cycle my total T levels. Want to keep it in teens or lower.
Also during low T cycles i take 10mg of osterine and 3mg Carderine every day.
Every single CMP and CBCw diff are all in the green.
Will check lipids soon, but i suspect good numbers.