Just checking in ...: It's been a month... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Just checking in ...

SootyB profile image
2 Replies

It's been a month or two since I actively contributed on here, mostly because I have had so much to do at work that, when I haven't been working, I've been grabbing a cheeky, lunchtime nap! Plus, things have been clattering away outside of work, so I haven't had much time to sit and reflect. But I'm back now to bore you with an update.

I finally got the all-clear from the Health Professions Council (who some of you may remember have been hounding me for 18 months after an anonymous complaint) - they wrote to me last month to say that they've closed the case, and decided I am fit to practice! :) I think that my boss was nearly as happy as me, as she has been doing all of the paperwork for them, and she didn't see their problem in the first place. To temper that piece of good news somewhat, though, one of the girls in my team (who has had a very difficult pregnancy) finally lost her baby at 25-weeks, and had to have a stillbirth induced, so I have been dealing with her husband on the phone, and the multitude of paperwork for HR and paymasters. There was some dispute over her rights, but I waved my fist in their general direction for a few days, and it was all resolved. I've had to keep the sad news to myself since 1st March, but I finally spoke to her on Friday last week, and she is now comfortable with me telling the rest of the team, so that's my task for the staff meeting this week. I just feel so sad for her and her husband, but know nothing I do or say can make things any better, so I've just said that, if anything from work causes her any stress whilst she's off, she's to call me and I'll deal with it. It's the best I can do.

My OH and I are still trying to get his house fit for sale, and the garden has nearly been sorted by the landscaper/fencing chap, so it'll be largely down to us after that. He's also got an appointment in Harrow regarding his planned op, so we're tagging that on to a short break in a week's time - hopefully, we can get some firm answers from the specialists there.

I recently saw the rheumy at Solihull again - apparently my CRP and ESR were slightly up (and I mean slightly - ESR of 25 in a 32-year-old woman seems fairly unremarkable), so they wanted me to have more bloods and a nuclear bone scan, to be sure. Had the scan (lie completely still is far more difficult than it sounds when your fingers and toes have random episodes of uncontrollable twitching - is that normal, by the way?), which gave me an excellent excuse to sit around a hospital and read a book for several hours ( :) ), but still awaiting the results. Anticipating absolutely no abnormality, but have to wait and see.

I've also been sticking fairly well to my diet (scoffed chocolate at Easter, but balanced that with fewer calories in the days before and after), and have now lost 20lbs - getting on for a stone-and-a-half! I'm quite proud of myself, as I'm halfway to my initial target now, and my boyfriend and Mum are both proud of me, too (which is always nice). Hopefully, now I'm in the swing of it, I can carry on sticking to it, as it's not proving too hard. That's not to say I don't take it too far at times, and panic that I can't have something because it'll take me 'too high' ... I just have to take a breath and work it out in context with the other days in the week - it's easy to panic about being 50 calories over a limit today, and forget that you were 300 under yesterday! Hope everyone else's diets are going ok!

I think that's about it. Going to see the MILFO for the next bank holiday, but my OH has had a chat with her about how she is with me, and it turns out that she sometimes thinks I'm being off with her! I guess we're both misreading signals, and my pain levels can sometimes make me a bit uncommunicative, which doesn't help; add to that the fact that we're very VERY different people, and I suppose there are bound to be a few fireworks! I'll be on best behaviour next month, and see how it goes!

Keep smiling, all - hope you are relatively pain-free and cheery today! Hugs!

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SootyB profile image
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2 Replies
ladymoth profile image

Nice to hear from you, SootyB, sound as though you've really taken control and are giving life one-in-the-eye!

Well done on the weight loss - 20lbs is most impressive, and just shows it can be done with a little perseverance and the odd outbreak of chocolate.

Hope you get on with your prospective Ma-in-law when you see her next - some of them are enough to make you leave the area - or even the country!

Take care,

Moffy x

Wow busy time sooty ..... Hope everything goes ok for you with MIL and results and OH,s op.. My diet went so well lost 10 lbs then GP put me on steroids for 6 weeks and I managed to eat for England and ended up a lb heavier Than when i started...Since coming off them Have restarted but have been avoiding the scales till I feel thinner......

Don't ever worry about not being on for a while.. It's nice to catch up on news

VG x

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