when will I start to feel better? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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when will I start to feel better?

VonnyM profile image
14 Replies

I am getting worse. more joint pain, more swelling, headaches like you wouldnt believe, fast pulse rate. I have no energy, feel really down. I told my doctor and he shrugs and says praps I will feel better in the spring.

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VonnyM profile image
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14 Replies
Ginsing profile image

I thought it was spring rising so why am I like you feel like I am going backwards not forwards. Hey nonnny no and all that jazz xgins

bernie1 profile image

Im still waiting to feel better 5 years later and still the same xxx

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I have read that by the end of this week we are going to be back into almost winter temperatures. One day of sun on Tuesday when I had a migraine and couldn't enjoy it and that methinks was the beginning and end of spring and no doubt we'll be plunged straight into autumn as summer seems to have been a missing link for the last three years........it's being so happy that keeps me going (not!!)

Foggy x

Do you have another GP you can see and will listen to you..I had another med change 6 weeks ago and it gave me a constant headache fast pulse and heart pounding more joint pain no energy whatsoever . I stopped taking it as it was only a low dose and within 48 hours no symptoms ..except the usual.fibro and arthritis .. Am off for an evaluation of how these tablets have helped on Tuesday at least I know now I am worse on them than without... I just want a med that makes me feel even slightly better please see if you can see another GP

VG x

ladymoth profile image

I would agree with that. You can't cure fibro, but you can manage it so that you have more good days than bad.

I have occasional spells when I feel limp, lethargic, ache all over and have an upset stomach, racing pulse and headache. It's horrible, but I usually feel better after 3-5 days. I have no idea why this happens, but I know it's fibro.

Do try to find a more sympathetic GP - there must be a group of doctors somewhere who also suffer with fibro - I wonder how they manage?

Moffy x

irisjoy profile image

Hi Milypeede

I am afraid no one can say when we will start to feel better, i am one of the luckier ones whose Fibro is fairly well controlled until i go in flare but we are all different and fibro affects us differently

The GP dosn't sound very empathetic at all and i agree with others about changeing if possible. Have you been refered to a rheumatologist ? they seem to have more access to meds that may be more effective for you

take care x J

jom277 profile image

My fibro is normally quite well managed too and I am able to work 22 hours a week. The pain is always there as well as the fatigue.

Since the beginning of February though I have been in a big flare, started by a cold that lasted 3 weeks. The fatigue has been awful and really getting me down. I sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night but during the last few weeks I have been sleeping 3 to4 hours during the day.

I have now got an ear infection to top the lot.

I too missed our two nice weather days this week as well as life in general.

Morning Millie, Sorry your feeling so poorly. Ive had a bad patch for a couple of weeks, It gets you down. The cold certainly makes us feel worse, its a waiting game to feel better, but i'm sure soon as we get some warm sun it will lift our spirits !!!

Have you had any new meds recently?, It just a thought because I too have felt worse than ive done in a long long time, and i have been to see 3 Dr's in as many weeks and not one of them give me the time of day....

Although I would say keep at em, I lost my patience and took things into my own hands and went to A+E, Luckily I had a lovely Dr in A+E he gave me Diclofenac for the head pain/neck pain and they worked in a matter of hours. They dont suit everyone, but they did what 8 a day of 30/500 co-codamol failed to do.

Ive been on Gabapentin 300mg x 3 a day for ages and i have stopped them (dont do it without a dr's advise) because i was refused a meds review I did do it myself, but i do not advise it !!!

And hey presto, the itching has stopped, the fatigue is 60% less, the joint pain is 40% less, buzzing in my head is 90% gone, im sleeping loads better, im actually getting tierd at 10pm rather than 3am, the difference is either a wierd coincidence or the gabapentin was having bad side effects...

If I had been given a meds review "as im entitled to" I would jave done it under dr supervision but he refused so i had no choice but to do it myself,

go back to your gp and try someone else, unfortunately i ran out of gp's id tried them all, one after the other...


rainbowdancer profile image
rainbowdancer in reply to

Hi I was told last week that I should take Gabapentin by my horrible Rheumatologyst, (another story ) I told him I would not take it ,and he said well I am going to tell your GP you need to take it! and you cant just stop it, you has to be weaned off it. So I said well I am deffo not taking it then!

I already have a job getting my head around tablets.and if as you say the side affects could be what you experienced I am glad I said no.

Take care Gentle hugs x

Rainbow x

in reply to rainbowdancer

Icant say for sure the Gabapentin made me feel so bad but if not then its wierd how i feel soooooo much better not taking them, they did me good initially, but only for the shooting pains in my hands, if i had to choose id put up with shooting pains alday instead of feeling like death from morning till night day after day like i did b4 i stopped them

xx shelley

rainbowdancer profile image

Milly that is so bad I agree with the others if you can see another Dr,I was ages before I tried to see another one as I thought they would all stick together. As it happened I had to see a Dr urgently one day in Jan,he was new to the practice and has been amazing! He even says if I need to just have a chat just book an appointment.....and when I was a long time there and I appologised if I had made him run late, he said no! I have let the reception know that you have 15 min appointments. How good is that !

Anyway you take care x

Gentle Hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :-) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Rainbow x x x

jom277 profile image
jom277 in reply to rainbowdancer

That is really good to have a doctor like that. I went to see another doctor last week as couldn't get an appointment with my usual one. I had an ear infection. I also have loads of other stuff going on and I wanted answers about my bloods as I may have Hughes Syndrome. She said she was not an expert in bloods, so would refer me to a haematologist. I also started to tell her that I think I got my meds wrong and was overdosing. She said that she shouldn't deal with it as you are only supposed to discuss 2 things in 10 minute appt and I should have booked a double appt if wanted more. Told her I would but was worried about overdosing. She agreed this once. Didn't want to tell her 2 other things I am having issues with.

What made me laugh is that she kept me waiting over half an hour. My usual Gp doesn't have over a .10 minute wait, yet he has all the time for me. He has even examined my daughter during my appointment to save having to go back.

It's amazing how GPs in the same practice can differ.

jjojay profile image

Hi millipede ,, flipping Doctors .. Some are great some are just plainly not interested. I had a appointment today with an eye doctor specialist at the hospital that told me I had good 20 20 vision and didn't need to wear glasses ,, crazy ,, can't see a dam thing I get blurred vision sometimes my eyes seem to see mist I have floaters and see spiders webs I've been told by my usual specsavers that I have the jelly coming away in the back of my eyes and my prescription needs checking every 6 months. According to this eye doctor I saw today the specialist my eyes are good and there's nothing wrong with them, I was in his office ten mins . Crazy oh Five years back,,, I was diagnosed with a squint that effects my vision also. Well it depends on the Doc, its gotta be m because theres no way my visions good , or i would be able to see wouldn't I . if i don't wear my readers i cant see to anything small, i have to wear distance i have a stigmatism and i get fuzzy vision .

Get yourself to a different Doc, you need to see another that will listen to you don't be put off. Worst thing ever is not been listened to, it's so upsetting . Don't be sad tho we all know on here what your going through and am right there with you . I haven't been offered any treatment drugs of any sort I had to ask for pain killers and I have been given no advise from any specialist yet about Fibromylalga I was diagnosed in January. What advise I can give is look up yourself what drugs are best for your condition talk to these on here I know there's members that have some experience and then see your Doc or perhaps a new one that will talk it through . You need relief or you won't be able to rest and recuperate. There are good Gps and bad ones , I've had to go through a lot of this for my Mom. I was pushy till I got answers with my Mom , so when I get a real negative reply from any doctor or specialist I get another opinion. I know it's a run around but Doctors are just people, I hope you feel better very soon. Good luck let us know how you get on in the next coming days and if your any better . X

jjojay profile image

Oh just a note, millipede ,, plenty of bottled water not tap, fresh vedge plenty of it. No sugar only natural sugars no biscuits , a little dark chocolate is ok , i crave chocolate like so many people i just have a little, and lactose free milk. Other dairy ok ,,, it's helped me like enormous ,, settled my IBS and seemed to calm the muscular pain a lot I still ate meat just less of it , also I now have low carb and eat more meals just smaller portions. I'm telling lots of people with fibro because I'm wondering if it will help others too. It's all harmless and just sensible eating . It may of been just a coincidence but I feel amazing compared to how I was. I was suffering in so many ways. I don't have caffeine either. I have evening primrose oil too. It's just a theory but I think it helps with my hormones. I got so desperate I was in so much pain I wanted to try anything that was harmless enough ,,,but I don't have any pain under my arms or in my breasts now I just use it like moisturiser on effected areas. X

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