Just found this site on google this morning and it looks easy to navigate. I've had fibro for 5 years and looking for some friendly people to talk to.
New person looking for a friendly site - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New person looking for a friendly site

Well you have come to the right place. This forum is very easy to find your way round, there are plenty of friendly people here at all times of the day. You can ask questions, post away about things that you like or need help with or join in the fun that helps to break up the day
There is more information at
VG x
Hi Welcome to the site. There are lots of lovely people here who will be happy to chat to you, myself included! I hope you're coping ok at the moment.
Hi Molly
Welcome to the group. I am sure you will soon feel at home, and start to get to know people here. As VG said it's full of lovely people, and there's plenty of information and advice, as well as a listening ear, and a good dose of humour.
thanks for the welcome. i didnt expect such speedy response.
Welcome to the site Molly, we are all the same boat and support each other in every way x
Hello Molly, and welcome - we shall look forward to getting to know you.
Hope you enjoy this site, we have fun and exchange hints- and also share our troubles.
Best wishes, Moffy x
welcome Molly, I think you will find this a lovely site, I have rejoined recently and have had loads of support when I've needed it brute also fun and lightheartedness too, sometimes it's nice to get a laugh when life is just the opposite in the normal way of things. Look forward to seeing more of you. Foggy x
Helooooo Mollymolly loving the molly name !
Welcome aboard and you will find many other parts to this site too for any other things you suffer aswell.
we are all very supportive and will try help you as much as possible too
unsure about anything just ask .
There is a Blog bit as you have just done and Q bit if you want to ask questions .
post anything you want to about how you feel and even any nice things that you are doing too and we are here if you are so not feeling too good.
i am so happy i found this site and the ppl on here they are great support and help and there if need be and also can have fun times too to help us through if we having a decent day to try lift our spirits up a bit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
fairy huggles xxxxxxxxx caroline xxxxxxxxxxxx
Welocme to our family mollymolly, we are so glad you have found us! looking forward to hearing from you soon. I can only echo everything that my friends have already said and im sure you will love it here.
Charlii xx
M orning Mollymolly I am an early bird early in the morning so I have only just come across youre new entry , This site is brill lots of lovely peeps all in the same boat as you . I do hope you enjoy it so join in and be haappy if you ever need a moan this is exellent place to let of steam. So welcome speak soon xgins
Hiya molly molly oh hell there is an echo here lol I am the nutter of the group my voices and I bid you welcome there is a tiny irish voice asking if your name is repeated to be sure to be sure cyber hugz petal
fadedblossom is correct, she is one of the hmmmm...how do i say it tactfully.....one of the rather loopy members of our family. Also watch out for V-G and Ladymoth (totally lost the plot, the pair of them) Gins is another and so is Sandra and Kaz...myself of course is completely sane and normal hehe.
Lots of Love...Charlii xx
A big welcome Molly x looking forward to getting to know you xxx
well come dear mollymolly
Well Molly, welcome!! Most of us on here are mad as hatters, fibro fogged or just plain insane!! It is, however, the best site I have been on!! Full of like minded, and bodied, people who know how to help others. I come on here everyday and there is something for everyone who suffers with fibro! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Better than any medication in my view!!! Love 'em all!!! XXXXXXX
Welcome moly ..i can only repeat what the others have said ..