Vodkamyalgia: Ingredients: 1 bottle of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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stormwytch profile image
25 Replies


1 bottle of vodka

1 bottle of diet coke

1 fibro mite

2 stressed bunnies


Put vodka into glasses in generous amounts. Add fibromite and stressed bunnies(of the human female variety) repeat several times.

Miss most of Saturday

Storm x

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stormwytch profile image
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25 Replies
bluebahog profile image

Vodka an tabLets don't wOrk hunny!!!! Dangerous combination believe me I've been ther

I the only thing tha happen after waS thar wake up ae with everyoNe saying how locky I was,,, don't go there love lots xxx

stormwytch profile image

Ah no I left it a good few hours before taking my meds hun but I am broken today so all plans cancelled x

Sorry Storm hope you feel better soon

VG x

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to

I'm sorry too storm. want to talk about it?


Mdaisy profile image

Moj-nohurt-io !

Try exchanging you Vokdamyalgia for some Cherries or Cherry Juice. There is research that reports Cherries contain Anthocyanins that are helpful to relieve some pain experience in conditions like arthritis, gout & Fibromyalgia.

Including good nutrition with medication, complementary therapies, relaxation techniques, pacing & gentle exercise are all part of lifestyle adaptations that may help ease the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Using a combination approach when living with Fibromyalgia is usually what most find to be beneficial.

But why not include a Moj-nohurt-io into your day



Thanks for that Emma I love cherries.... Am going to try them .... A banana a day helps my leg cramps so adding cherries win win situation

VG :)

Angeldancea812 profile image
Angeldancea812 in reply to

and it's 2 of your 5 a day - fruit and veg

stormwytch profile image

You are all taking this post far too seriously it was meant to be humorous :-D - epic fail - story of my life recently!

Hm cherries lol!


hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to stormwytch

I liked it storm it's a nice dream isn't it? :D

thanks for the chuckle!


Boromoor profile image
Boromoor in reply to stormwytch

I like your thinking. A Polish friend introduced me to a drink called Wisnowska, it's Polish Cherry Vodka. Tastes gorgeous and it makes you feel like your ears are glowing with the warmth of it; on top of that you get one of your 5 a day!

stormwytch profile image

I did have a phase of making smoothies recently with frozen fruit and juice have to careful with dairy but I might try some of the lactose free stuff. I could add bananas and cherries and yoghurt and ooh now I'm making myself hungry!

Mmmmmmm those smoothies sound good do we have an emoticon for drooling?

stormwytch profile image

I think we should have I have to confess that I took my frozen raspberries and instead of smoothie I made Eton mess with whipped (electric) cream and meringue do we have an emoticon for greedy pig :-D

Hang on I,ll be right over assuming there's any left ..... Looks hopeful:-/

rainbowdancer profile image

We have a thing called Yonana's it is amazing you freeze the banana and raspberry's or any fruit,you then put the banana through add other fruit and half banana! and Hey Presto a sort of cross between an Icecream and sorbet!! it is lovely my daughter puts a dash of Liquier in hers it is scrummy. At Xmas gave my mum one with cherry brandy in her's. De-Bloom-in-Lishuss!!

Hope all feeling well today:

Gentle Hugs

Rainbow x x x

jules123fun profile image
jules123fun in reply to rainbowdancer

Loving the sound of this. Can you give me idiots guide instructions??!! Xxxxx

summerlite profile image

Am loving the sound of all of these! Alcoholic or not!!! Thanks for the ideas, will pop them down in my over used notepad. S x

stormwytch profile image

Yum yum that sounds good Rainbow - especially with cherry Brandy (not had that in years)

Storm (hic) x

Maladjusted profile image

Got a secret stash of Cherry Brandy (my favourite) in kitchen cupboard. Alas due to meds, all I can do is look at it and drool :(

stormwytch profile image

Aw boo that's no good Maladjusted :-( Hope you are able to indulge one day soon x

Me too N.. Got new meds on Thursday to replace an old one that had given up on me and would you believe it on the label... Avoid alcohol I swear my GPs although believing in fibro think I am secret alcoholic and have me on a drying out plan...... It's working I haven't had a single proper drink in YEARS... I know I shouldn't moan cos I know the cost pain wise if I don't take them .... Couldn't drug companies invent alcohol flavoured fibro tablets..... Hmmmm rushes off to patent the idea :)

charlii profile image

Hmm, my OH used to make me the most gorgeous baileys ice-cream smoothies! This was obviously bf (before fibro) days. They were highly alcoholic and a calorie bomb but oh boy, were they good! VG, i think the alcohol flavoured meds are a brilliant idea but i have to go now......rushes off to find camping gear to be first in the queue! xx

stormwytch profile image

And now on Dragons Den we present........

Sthandra profile image

Hi peeps cherrys and vodka yuuuuuummy . Sithy

SuzyB profile image

I brought a cocktail making kit at xmas. 12 days later I am in the midst of a worsening flare. So now I make it my mission to find yummy 'virgin' cocktails that I can drink and enjoy :)

Not what you're looking for?

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