atypical trigeminal neuralgia type 2 - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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atypical trigeminal neuralgia type 2

charlii profile image
9 Replies

A long shot maybe but does anyone have any experience of this? x

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charlii profile image
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9 Replies
ladymoth profile image

Hi charlii

Type 2 TGN is uncommon - even more so than the usual type - and that's not very common.

Here's a link to the TGN Association which may be helpful.

It's an extremely painful disorder, but there are good treatments available.

Hope this is helpful ... Moffy xxx

charlii profile image

Hi Moffy, thanks for your reply. The reason i ask is bcause i have been studying lots since last week on this agonizing condition and as you know my doc diagnosed trigenimal, however, some things didnt seem to fit. That pain although fitted the description comes and goes but mine does not. It is there constantly now since wednesday last week . Its like really bad neuralgia all the time but then i have these bouts of indescribable pain which is defferent, sometimes it lasts for minutes sometimes for hours but when it subsides, the severe throbbing like headache pain remains and that doesnt really fit the diagnosis.....what do you think? xx

ladymoth profile image

It's not a condition I've seen often, charlii - but the symptoms you described the other day seemed classic TGN. Don't forget that you have fibro as well, and it's possible that the pain of an attack is more inclined to linger on because of this.

Everyone differs, however, and you would need to see a neurologist to tell you exactly what's going on. It's a complex disorder!

Most sufferers do pretty well with their GP's treatment, (Carbemazepine/Tegretol) but if you don't get good relief, then your next step would be a hospital neurology department.

If you look at the site for TGN UK, it describes the treatment that they might use for stubborn cases.

Hope you improve soon, it's very painful as you have discovered!

Moffy xxx

charlii profile image

Thank you my Charliis angel......there to the rescue as always. Big gentle hugs to you xx

ladymoth profile image

A pleasure! x

fairycazzie profile image

i say we should never diagnose ourselves but i sure tell you i have issues and it is herendous for the short lived period i have them and i swear i hope it does not move in like all the other things i had for past couple of years that have come and gone but yet come back a year or 2 later and moved in slowly but surely and if i get this on a permanent basis it will do me in .. i have gums on left side from where i had root canals and dry socket and it now has bad issues that kill me at times.

i am to go back and see about it as we speak as its getting more often but does not last long and i am so thank ful which makes many other things less stressful to me so i carry on like we all do and my days now are fair to middling and plodding on and some worse than others but the facial is a deadly one if i say so ..

hugs xxx

fairycazzie profile image

it is only my meds that keep it at bay and as soon as i miss any doses it is bad and very painful my vision on my left side is getting worse too . i have another condition which i do know and i feel sure i have not been diagnosed entirely correctly with EDS type 3 for those with Vascular suffer some what exactly the same .

so the nerves that are being compressed on cause symptoms in different areas.


charlii profile image

Its a minefield fairycazzie, thats for sure! I know for a fact that i do suffer with trigenimal neuralgia but from the links that Moffy and Libs have kindly given me while the pain is similar, the constant pain between the agonizing main pains is not and i am not prepared to sit for months or years without knowing for definate what is going on..l..been there, done that with fibro.Having Chiari in itself makes me far more prone to this condition so i need to learn all i can because no way on this earth am i going to be able to cope with that on a regular basis.......and the problem also is that most painkilling meds do not work with this condition......brilliant, nice one....think i must have been a wasp in a former life or something!

.......a question though please...what is a dry socket? ive heard of this before but have never dared ask in case i look sill lol.......Charlii xx

Can I ask you a question? For many yrs I have had bizzare migraines.starting with a burning feeling across one temple and scalp running diwn to cheek and side of my nose.also my upper gums swell at centre of palette. It lasts days and sometimes swsps to other temple foe a few days. Ive been to gp but they have no idea what it is. Its driving me mad . Ive had the latest one since monday scalp and right sids of face feel like ive got sunburn and gums all sore.could it be t2????

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