been awake for 24 hrs now taken painmeds but not making mme sleepy at all god! and to top it all walked into sofa leg and broke my stupid toe the other night! other than that happy belated new year to everyone xx
sleep depravation:(: been awake for 2... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
sleep depravation:(

Oh tell me about it....been awake most of tonight. I completely understand, going to be a naggy girl today, hate wakeful nights! I am rarely sleeping these days even though I take amitriptyline every night. Not good....happy new year to you too! Hope 2013 is a better year xxx
I have the same problem, sleep for a couple of hours wake up and that is it! Then work all day and feel like a zombie come home and cook dinenr and can't wait to go to bed and repeat the scenario. I am not on anything and only take OTC pain relief which just turns down the volume a bit on oain so I can get to work. My Gp is not happy for me to go on amitrip as I have gained an awful lot of weight since hysterectomy April 12 and was on HRT, stopped that now. He has given me temazapan and told me i can take once or twice a week for next few weeks until they run out and no more as they are addicitve. So I will be back to square one exhausted all the time and in pain aghhhhhhh.
Oh i feel for you so much, I had to give up work due to the sleep deprivation I went so long with sleep snatched here and there a baby and working full time I just couldn't cope.. I started hallucinating and saw black cats following me everywhere.... Even now 13 years later I still needs meds at night or I just don't sleep , no matter how bad a day can get its easier to face after sleep. Sorry about your toe.... Is there nothing your GP can give you to sleep, I tried many combinations till I got the dose and tablet that suited me.
Fingers crossed
VG x
Ouch , that must of hurt !! I either sleep too much or not enough. 08.25 and I'm about to go to bed! Oh to have a normal pattern back xx
I fell for you. I have had n more than three hours of sleep a night for last five days. Mental capasity is low to non existant. pain is throught the roof but I am alive so thats a bonus
Hope you get some good quality sleep soon xx
I feel the same. I've barely slept for weeks now, I just toss and turn all night. My mental capacity it null yet I have to work. I'm on a collection of med's which all make me sleepy yet just can't sleep. Lots of things on my mind at the moment. Car problems, money problems, waiting to hear about benefits, house problems, the list is endless. I just want to curl up and forget it all but I have to go on for the children's sake as I'm a single mum. I just want to cry all the time.
Hello Fairytails, so sorry to hear about your sleep problems. Please pop along when you can to speak to your GP about this, they may be able to prescribe you something to help you relax and get some sleep.
Take care and I hope you manage to get some sleep and rest soon.
(((hug))) xxx
Happy New Year!
Well what a christmas, not only did i suffer the flu as well as the fibro , i myself could not sleep, no matter what i took.
It is so misserable at times and i hate not sleeping!
I am wondering if there is some way we can start a chat up line we can go on when we cant sleep, company i would love on those sleepless nights, even if you play scrabble etc. Yes i know there are sites but i think being with people who have the same condition is easier other wise i feel i am just moaning to someone who hasn't a clue what we are going through.
Any ideas how to go about this anyone.???
I too had a lousy night last night, I wriggled and fidgeted all night, just no comfort for my aching pains everywhere.....I was suppost to be in work at 9 today but strolled in just after 1, I work for myself but have to have customers to survive......Lets just hope soon we get regoniosed as sufferers that need help now not when its too late...I am still awaiting confirmation from doctors that I have FM, but have all the symptons but on a waiting list of 26 weeks......xxxx
You could have a chat on skype, which people can drop in and out of room all night.....xx
Hi there sleepy fairy tales,
Feel the zzzz's for you , i get zopiclone to help, but admit can go through phases.
Its very catch 22 at times.
No sleep and then sleep, sleep but still tired when wake up.
I always feel tired now since 2010 a whole lot more than i did prior to this and not only that its a different kind of fatigue to the average healthy person.
Also the fact any woman experiences a pregnancy is very tirering yet one can have a smooth flow pregnancy the point am making is that i have experienced pregnancy and many operations and illnesses over years and this fatigue is a little trouble maker yet can not sleep no matter how much want to.
Do see your Dr though as they do listen (should) and take everything you say aswell as observing you as a patient too.
I refuse to sleep in day except if forces me to because i take forever to come round and then up and down in the night.
Tut tut to mr snooze !!
Hope you get some sleep soon cuddles xxxxxxx
Hi I'm sorry to say its nothing new for me ,I have many nights a week when I'm up until the following night .Thank goodness I don't have to work ?Im sorry your suffering but if you can try not to get anxious about it as it makes it worse .I get up and do something I love .Like someone above I had to stop work because it was too hard with the pain ,tiredness etc etc .
thankyou so much everyone for your replys i know its awfull but doesnt make me feel so bad when i know im not the only one out there! and yes hilucinations have started! i saw someone sitting on my chair earlier then i saw one of my fish laying dead! counted them and there all there!!Lol! omg! im so glad to have you all here to talk to xxxx
I have had only 6 hours sleep in 3 temperature fluctuates all night longs. I can get comfy and in so much pain. Painkillers last about an hour then cant take any more for another 3. I too am tearful, worried about benefits cousin has been diagnosed with pancreatic grandchildren keep me going.....I live now only for their visits....I am very down I know .....keep being so dizzy cant get out on my mobility scooter even so am housebound which in turn makes me return to a dark place.
never slept alll night, and i coud,nt bother to get up this partner said i should get up because there is washing to do..he does not understand,but then again i really don,t think he wants to. he said i should get a job,i have worked all my life it was only because of ill health i had to give my job up. he is a carer for the gentle man next door,but he just sits around all day.i hope you can get some sleep during the day, i have grandchildren and they keep me going,pain killers help for a short time,.it is always good to know there some one that understands what we are going through.i got my self a small dog and she as helped me get out of my dark places.
I've been sstruggling with sleep to.
ONE cup of caffienated coffee, taken by accident.....and NO sleep what so ever.
Followed by 2 days of migraines
Feel like I've got a hangover now.....but without the fun !!!!

know how u feel! ive gone out today looking like a zombie and certainly acting llike one! but just had to get out ! lol! hope the migraines on its way out i suffer with those not fun at all xx