in my own circumstances at the moment, my symptoms suddenly get worse of an evening and atnight time, just before going to bed.
I am interested to find out more abou... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I am interested to find out more about fibro flare ups, how often they occur and how long do they last etc

How long is a piece of string.... I know what not to do to avoid flares for the main but some still creep up on me unawares any time any place anywhere... Its a wonderful world that we share, not the right time or the right place thats fibro...Hmmm martini anyone... Wanders off humming martini song tune and looking for olives
VG x
"A Flare is an increase in symptoms above what is normal for you".
One interpretation of a Fibro Flare - When you're really ill with the flu and you are barely able to move, every part of your body aches and you feel so weak, wobbly, headachey, unable to think straight or concentrate on anything for long. Maybe you have a stomach upset. All you want to do is sleep, but often the pain and other symptoms keep you awake, so there is no break from it. This is basically what a flare up of Fibromyalgia might feel like.
There is no particular time for how long a Flare will last, we all tend to be different as with our symptoms. Similarly the symptoms of a Flare can be different from one person to the next.
Here are some links to information on Fibro Flares and some discussions we have also had on the subject -
Hope this helps TK! (((hug))) xxx

thanks for all the info, I am still trying to get to grips with my illness despite being ill for over 6 years, but I have never met anyone else with fibromyalgia, so I am finding your site invaluable- thanks
hi there not trying to scair you but my flare up this time has been going on for 10 mouths .And does not seem to want to go but i try to stay possative .
That's exactly like it is, for me I have been fairly well in the last two
Weeks, better in fact than I have been for a few years. Still have
Pain but I am able to dismiss it.
Yesterday I had a very dry throat, I thought hello a cold coming
This morning I feel exactly as you have discribed above. Not a
Place on my body that does not hurt, it seems to me if you have
Any other complaint like a cold it brings on a flare.
Most of us I think feel worse in the morning, and at night and
Late afternoon, that's not a flare it's just part of this very strange
And very nasty thing we have.
A flare stays all day does not go away at all.
Love to you all and hope you all feel as well as you are
Able to feel.
I don't have flare ups as such,iv just felt in pain and exhausted plus all the other things that go with fibro since I was diagnosed one year ago,that pain varies throughout the day,sometimes I can do things and other days I just can't move,there seems to be no let up with pain or exhaustion..PB xx
My pain is worse from around 3 or 4pm, usually increasing until I go to bed (not much past 7.30 or 8pm !!)
I may wake with pain but that tends to taper off quickly as I stretch and start my day. The late afternoons and evenings (probably peaking at 6pm) is much worse for incapacitating pain level.
xx j.
thanks for replying, how does your pain manifest itself, -mine is mainly severe left sided chest pain, which at the moment is worse of an evening, I have found it to bevery debilitating and have seldom left the house for the past 2 years. Do you take any meds that help ?
my pain usually starts in my neck/trapezius muscles on right side, then travels to both shoulders and ultimately up my neck and into my head. i also get rib pain (usually during day time for some odd reason) and stiff hips on both sides.
lately, i've been getting shooting pains like Electric Shocks -- seemingly at random, throughout. They make me jump and don't last long. usually only two or three a day.
all my Meds help -- in combination. Nothing specific on its own though. Finding adequate pain relief IS A PROCESS.
I am about 9 weeks into a flare and fatigue has not set in too. My hubby came down with a sore throat and bad chest Wednesday whilst I was also in a COPD flare, and guess what, now I have it on top of that so I am running the gauntlet right now. Plus my daughter has just come out of hospital so we have that to deal with too. I am not expecting my falres to go out partying on the their own so they may be around for a while ye. I hope you get better soon as I think we feel worse at night as we are more tired xxxxx
thanks for the reply, you seem to be under a lot of stress at the moment which can't be helping , hope you feel better soon.
Thankyou. You should get lots of ideas just by looking around the site, there is just so much info here from all the wonderful members and you can see how it affects people in different ways. Stress I am used to lol, part and parcel of who I am, but let me take this chance to welcome you to the site and I hope it will prove a wealth of information for you. I know I would be lost without this site and I only found it recently after having chronic fibro for 26 years xxxxx
Mine too