Hi everyone, how long does your flare... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi everyone, how long does your flare ups last. It would be interesting to learn this xxxx

13 Replies
13 Replies

Hello TGS10, I don't think there is any definite answer to this question. Some flare-ups can last days, some can last weeks, some can even last months.

I am sure you will get a variety of replies from members who have had varying timed flare-ups. They are awful things and I am sure most of us have them from time to time.

For those of us who haven't had a flare-up before, here is a bit of info about them -

"Fibro flare-ups can often seem mysterious to those new to the condition. A flare-up can seemingly strike at any time, for any reason, and it seems that there's nothing that can be done for them. One of the biggest questions, especially from people whose conditions are not yet managed well, is how can I tell a flare from my "normal"? Well, during a flare you are likely to feel more fatigued than your usual normal. You may become quiet and withdrawn, or even hostile to your loved ones. It's only because your body is in more pain than it's used to, and is trying to get you to stop and relax, to try and eliminate the pain. If your "normal" is general aches and pains, your flare may cause you to have throbbing pains, like an out-of-control toothache, pains that pulse every time your heart beats. You may get pains that shoot down your nerve endings, as if you could see the electrical impulse travelling down your nerves. You may feel depressed and not interested in your normal hobbies or activities. Maybe even your pets can't cheer you up.

For most people flare-ups will eventually become flare-downs, and you will find the relief you so desperately need. Others, who have other medical conditions that complicate their Fibro, may flare up and never come down.

What causes our flare-ups? It could be anything, from additional stress in our lives, moving, travelling, having another injury that "lights up" all our other pain receptors, not getting enough sleep, being low in vitamins, you name it."

pinkblossom profile image

I'm always in pain but for the last 4 weeks its been realy bad with everything playing up! doesn't feel like its going to get any better soon neither,some people are a bit sceptical about the change in weather playing a part in it but I think it does,roll on the summer! but then saying that I then suffer with prickly heat..I can't win!

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I am 5 weeks into a flare up, and as has been mentioned, complicated by other illnesses so they can go on forever, literally. I am 3 weeks into a COPD flare which really is not helping so I cannot see this flare improving until the COPD calms down. My longest flare, again due to comlications was 22 weeks, nearl yhalf a year and wehn that eased I literally felt I was on cloud nine, the flare down was so so good. I would be happy if this one cleared up in the next week or so. But like Liberty says you will get varied answers to this one. I cannot necessarily blame the change from warm to cold weather as I am terrible in the summer too, if not worse at times. I seem to find no happy medium. xxxxx

roserogers profile image

Flare ups can last anything between weeks to months, My last one lasted about 3 weeks, but because the condition is constant it is difficult to know when flare ups happen because it pretty much feels the same as when you have the condition normally only it's a lot worse. cold weather makes it a whole lot worse so am expecting a flare up @ some point & when you're i'll it can flare up too that's who I have the flu jab, I like to try to limit all possibilities of it flaring up.

fairycazzie profile image

Hi unpredictable i say as i had facial since end of jan, but have had numerous other things .

When in bed i been in a day to a few.

Depends how hard hits

Xxxhugs x

Spirit profile image

I only really have Fibro, so no additional complications (appart from scar damage from a couple of injuries and accidents).

I have had flares that have lasted 20 mins - the ones that move from one place to another; and I have had one that lasted 18 months near my right elbow.

Most commonly for me they are 6-10 weeks I would say.

Hope this helps

Spirit x x x

arrrrrgggggghhhhhh profile image

Current on is 4 days and counting. Im not just taking pain. im includin exaustion nausea ibs and sleep deprivation in that too. Fourth night of disturbed sleep and im in a very bad mood.

jolow profile image

Hi,I have been in severe pain continually since Aug 2011 in most areas of my body from shoulders to feet it's wearing me out and nothing seems to help my body reacts badly to cold and heat and any form of exercise even in water(hydro) causes massive bruising even gentle skin massage hurts and results in bruising.I am at my wits end with this condition it's so frustrating and painful.I have other conditions which may prolong the symptoms osteoarthritis in all joints,Ibs,Rynaurds ,to mention the few which affect me most.I have swollen knees which are bright red and burning same with lower back and hips ,the pain is never ending,sleep is not restful and i find my joints lock and i cannot move or turn over even the bones in base of my skull ache when on a pillow.I have tried everything from memory form to mattress toppers x 2 and my bones still ache i bought an electric blanket could'nt stand the heat even on low argha what can i say except i am finding it awful with no respite from pain and mostly i am exhausted.If i am to be totally honest i wish every night that i don't wake up in the morning then i am plagued with guilt as i have a young son but i cannot help how i am these days.I have removed myself physically and mentally from friends ,family,x partner as i feel ashamed and weak and can't cope with their lack of understanding or their pity which i am still not sure whats worse.I only go out when i have to to collect my son from school is an effort and yet i try walk as normal as possible as i look normal which for me is tried but that is the only real sign of anything amiss.Back to your question (finished rant now lol) for me my flare has lasted 15 months. X jo

in reply tojolow

Ahhh you poor thing, I told my doc it would be better to have my legs amputated because they are no use at the moment! he laughed (in a Nice way) and siad, it would just move some where else! We all have to look on the bright side but sometimes its impossible. Wen i get too bad I put ice age on, or a kids movie, sit with the kids and have our treats, choc, pop corn etc. That way I dont have to speak and we get quality time together xxx

Ahhh bless you all and thank you for your answers. This flare up that is hounding me at the moment, started in the middle of march and still persists to try and ruin my life. i saw my doc yesterday who is BRILL and very up to date with fibro. He has an idea to try and change my brain!!! He has given me tramodol prolonged release 100mg which I can take 3 a day and also sleeping tablets to take for 14days on the trot. Its good to try different methods as I find fibro can be annoyed! We are trying to break its cycle to give me a break for a couple of days. I must say I slept deep for a change and I am loving being a guinepig. Watch this space xxxxx

Some times you go into a flare, I,have been off work for the

Last two weeks, then began to feel better, but have just had

The night from hell, why, who,knows strange thing this fibro

Always pain just worse at times than others is this a flare

How do you know it's a flare, I don't know seem to be better

For a few days pain still in my body but bearable, then bad

Pain is this a flare because if it is I get it every few days.

And why does it get worse, no problems, no stress and then

It gets you just when you think you are better.

Oh well could be worse, in my head I plan my life and

Hope I can still do things I used to do you have to have

Hope don't you

Love viv

Gdubya profile image

Hi copd flaresults can last from hours to permanent I had a life treating flare in 2009.I was unable to work for 10 months and suffer regular flares ever since.Even a minor flare can be long lasting so get it treated asap regards gdubya

Bambamsnan profile image
Bambamsnan in reply toGdubya

Hi I'm just going onto my 6th week agony shoulder and arm on 60mg morphine a day I've tried cream and heat pads not sure what else to do it driving me mad ☺

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