I'm having increasing problems with sleeping. Last night was really awful. I went to bed about 11pm and could not get to sleep at all. I made myself a hot drink but that just made me want to wee more!!! I try not to sleep during the day but sometimes it just gets the better of me. Any ideas anyone?? XX
SLEEP: I'm having increasing problems... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

This is a common problem with having Fibromyalgia Sue, we have chronic fatigue symptoms and yet when we try to sleep we struggle. As a result we get up the following day feeling even more tired and so it continues.
Have a word with your GP about your sleep problems, hopefully they can prescribe something to help you. If you are taking an antidepressant, maybe it is a type like Amitriptyline that can be prescribed for sleep and relaxation reasons as well as for an antidepressant. Your GP may raise the dose to give you more of a relaxant effect which would help you to sleep better. On the other hand, if you aren't taking a med like this already, perhaps you might be prescribed it in order to help you at night.
Speaking to your GP is the best way forward at this stage. Hope this helps. Take care, keep warm and let us know how you get on please.
(((hug))) xxx
Ew that's a tricky one for all of us,iv noticed since the clocks have changed I'm all over the place,I make sure that I sleep for a couple hours when I finish work at 2 ,if I didn't have that sleep then I would fall asleep on the sofa all evening,then I'd wake up at 10ish then not be able to sleep when I went up to bed,the other night when I couldn't sleep I went down and made a hot chocolate and hot water bottle and read for a while,then when I went back up I went straight to sleep...however I was awake 2 hours later to go to the loo! I guess it's a part of fibro and trial and error to see what works for you,I just know for me is to make sure i sleep in the afternoon to stop me sleeping in the evening..x
Join the club it not nice is it I also have had two nights without
Any sleep at all, at work today I,had to have an interview
Return to work as I have been off sick for two weeks with
Fibro, my manager only said do you think it's getting worse
And I burst into tears, god I'm 60 so embarrassed.
Part of fibro I think one of the worse
I hope things get better for you
sue my neighbour sets off in the morning at 4 oclock,9 times out of 10 i am still awake tossing and turning,i hate it when can't sleep,that can happen 3 or 4 times a week, dispite being on loads of tabs,don't knock me out,yours jacksiex.
I've tried amitryptilline but it affected me quite badly.....my head felt it was nailed to the pillow in the morning!!!! I came downstairs and promptly fell asleep!! I suppose there are other meds though. Thanks guys for your input....it looks like I'm not the only one suffering XXXX
Like everyone else here , I have terrible problems getting any quality sleep at times and often have many sleepless nights in a row.
I find ( strangely ) a warm bed but a cool or cold room ( I leave a window slightly open even in winter ) helps me nod off . Snuggling into a warm bed , when the room is cold , seems to kick off my hibernation instincts !
I dread the summer when it's hot and I know I'm not going to be able to cool down enough to sleep .
I've switched to decaffeinated tea, which helps not only with sleeping but also with bladder problems , but I still avoid drinking anything other than a sip of water after 7 pm. I make sure I'm off the computer early, and though I love reading , I no longer read at bedtime as it wakes my brain up instead of making me tired !
For some reason, having a television on with something really boring on ( football does it for me ! ) also helps me nod off , I put the TV on a switch off timer.
Thanks guys....I do leave the window open slightly, even in winter and my bed is warm, I think you're right wigglewaggle, a cool bedroom but warm bed could be the answer. Now I was sooooo tired last night I must have gone to sleep pretty much straight away cos I remember saying my prayers, then nothing till 4am this morning, but I was really, really tired last night!!
Sleep is sometimes impossible with this auful condition.Im awake most nights and the few nights I do get some sleep are very rare.Ive been up most of last night with it I sweat and ache then give in and get up.Hope you manage a few hours tonight ,Leaving a warm hug here Xx
I get up and make a nice Milky drink and read for a while to try to motivate some sleep.
I seem to have tried everything in the book, and everyone's commenting on how tired I'm looking. Yes, well, that's cos I AM tired!!! I'm trying to stay up later and later in the vain hope I'll just fall asleep...maybe where I'm sitting, who knows? Who cares? It's becoming a real pain in the backside!!! Maybe a hammer??? XX
Im shattered today too. I fell asleep last night at 11.23pm but woke at 12.40am and that was me tossing and turning all night just grabbing 10 minutes here and there. I'm just back from holiday and the travelling has taken its toll -early flights and long days. I take Zoplicone sleeping pills and sleep like a log for about 7 hrs on them with no hangover effect but am only allowed to take 2 a week. The in-between nights are torture. I could cry for feeling so exhausted. It's not anything specific keeping me awake its just that I can't stay asleep then I lie awake thinking and worrying which is exhausting in itself. x