It would be interesting to know " how... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
It would be interesting to know " how many members have won esa @ dla appeals with fibro as their main dissability?"

Well I have never claimed ESA but I do get dla and did I get it for fibro ....... NO, they ignore any problems my fibro gives me which are many and only give me low care rate for the arthritis in both my thumb joints which cause me to drop things without warning so they class me as unable to cook safely . They also ignore the arthritis in my ankle and knees and the fact I can't drive anymore due to meds and being unable to turn my neck right. I am up for review next June and am going to download the info from here and get a gp letter and anything else I can think of ... I type here with two fingers on an iPad can't use mouse or pc keyboard.
Grrr will fall off my soapbox now
VG x
no wonder u r called very grumpy! thanks for your reply.. u have every right to be on your soapbox. i asked the question because i think someone on one of these blogs mentioned it. the comment tickled my curiosity, and i was just being nosey..if a lot of people had won their appeals on fibro alone i wouldnt worry so much. i have an appointment with a consultant at the pain clinic tomorrow and thanks to this site im clear in what i want to say@ask without beating around the bush.. thanks again best wishes xx
Hi thre
I applied for ESA and got put into support group without a medical, I was waitin 3 months for my med then I got letter to say I got put into group, I couldn believe it, I even Foned them to see what happened to my medical the answer was the information my gp gave was enough that they could make a decision that I wasn't fit for work and put me in support group, now my dla tri is on 19 thus month do let u no how I get on, thanks Michelle
i suppose we are the lucky few. thanks for replying, i phoned enquiring when id have to go for a medical and they said i wouldnt have to and was going to be indefinately awarded..i think mine said it was because of the self assessment form i had to fill in,gave enough details to make a still expecting to be told theyve made a mistake..thanks again and good luck on 19th
Hi Sorry to interupt as i not got ESA or DLA but instead of staying in the background watching this thread lol i want to know too as with me on the path to jsut starting the journey of all this i be interested to know on which basis do ppl get their DLA/ESA.
I have BHMS which is another condition in itself and i just been for Blue Badge Assessment and the words the lady was giving to me she knows my condiotn will not get better and since it has been triggered and i was born with it too but i am fortunate i do not have Vascular as this is the life threatening one. But it does make life very difficult as the changes in me have progressed in just 2 and half years and along side this which is with Neuropathic pain compression on the spinal cord makes life very difficult even just to do the simple things ..
So i be intrigued to have answers because when i came on the sites or you research on line you do not get a simple straight forward yes or no with a condition .. i dont want to have to go through assesments every time i try for something i going through enough!! i was in bed alll day yesterday in tears because of the Blue badge assesment (feeling sorry for myself ) but its more because it jsut provoked everything and made me 10 times worse!
If you have the like sof MS and no offence to other illnesses you get automatically Disability on a lot of things and its not fair ! i was ruled out with MS but all my symptoms mimic it which i hate that 'mimic' because i know i will prove them wrong jsut like other things too.
sorry to waffle on so muchly there but it is frustrating
i have FM do i Qualify alone for this
I have BHMS do i qualify alone for this (since i could end up in a wheelcahir ) and the way my body going it may not be far away as i am struggling with any distances and stairs!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i am was such a very lively hyper bubbly bubbly girly so try not to read me too seriously hehehe but you asked a decent Q there lady xxxxx
to answer your question, no we dont automatically recieve any benefits,we have to fight for what we get and nowadays you have to prove as to how bad your dissabilities are and you need to have evidence to back up your claims. if youre not sure about what you could be entitled to,ask the dwp or cab for a benefit check
I asked not long ago a similar question and there appears to be some people recieving benefits with my condition. I visited my doctor today and explained how I was and that I need a letter from her for benefits appeal. I was upset and shaking because havent had usually meds all weekend, and felt ill, but she did state on a sheet that I was limited to 20 metres walking and I found it difficult washing dishes etc and she included some history of my visits. I was surprised to see how many times I had been diagnosed with depression, going back over 20 years or so. But I know my pain is real. I had to wait round for almost an hour before I saw her as well, and I had go out to my car to put another ticket on it, I had to drive had no one to help me today and I know I shouldnt really, but I take it easy. The time I came out of the surgery after blubbering and letting her know how bad I felt, she still passed Fibro off as a last resort thing, I felt annoyed about that, then I got out to the car 15 mins late to find a parking ticket on it. Aargh. sat in car for about 20 mins upset then got home and my head was spinning and I threw up and lay on the bed waking up some 3 hours later. I do feel better now, but I've got a headache and my right wrist is killing me, Im sure its the typing on here, since I found this site, I cant shut up!!!
Im sorry that you have had such a bad day,but grateful that you have taken the time to write. you are lucky that you had a positive response from your gp is really nice but does not want to help.she begrudginly agreed to write me a short note for when i go to tribunal. now weather its going to be helpful is another matter. some people seem to be handed everything on a plate and can get their doctors to support them in circumstances like these. i hate going to my doctor as i feel she doesnt believe me so of course worrying makes things much worse..this site is my therapy and im so glad i came across it..I really hope everything goes ok for wishes xx
You are expecting "them" to understand how fibro affects you.
Thay cannot do this. Read through this and other sites. As oppposed to MS which has different stages and a clear path of how things change and affect the person Fibro does not. You have to paint them the picture of everything that has an effect on your day and how difficult it is for You.
There is no use saying I have fibro and expecting them to know "Wow, that must be hard" . So many, myself included managed to work for many years before fibro progressed and made that impossible.
So on DLA applications, describe every day issues in full. how hard, if painful or unable to do because of pain, dizziness, confusion, whatever. Then at the end you say "most of these issues are due to Fibromyalgia and it's effect on my body, mind"
Good luck and please pass this message on so we all fill in the forms to get the best result. xx
Good luck x
After 7 months of no money ESA say I'm in the work related category, and I will need to go to interviews. I said I am employed already (a job I love, and passionate about) but will be leaving because i'm too unwell to work AND I'm still getting sick notes from Dr??!
Atos didn't even mention my FM but mentioned my ME and Sleep Apnea.
Waste of time and money. Fed up with trying to convince people of how unwell I'm feeling.