Hi i just joined the group this week.,i sure have had my eyes open to how fibro patients r treated from the health boards,n ignorant people to this illness. I have hd fibro fo over 20 years,n all the things that go with. it,depression,ibs over activity of bladder, n self harm due to the pain.I hve also hd to fight with my gp,for other test,as every thing i complained about was put down to fibro.I hve now been. diagnosed with osteo arthritis in both knees,n had torn cartlige removed from both.And also told i will need knees replaced in future,also osteo arthritis in lower bk elbow.And just had op on my shoulder ten weeks ago,due to calcafication. and I'm i total agony with that And hve a major flare up of my fibro due to stress.I have to go for an atos assessment on Tuesday n after reading a lot if lovely peoples posts.And being in recipet of high dla,n middle rate care. for over 20years.N now a good chance a total stranger can take it all away. makes me feel so ill.If i hve hd it all these years n they decided to take it away. then wat r they no saying,i hve been faking it all these years.I don't think so.I will let you know how i get ob,but i don't hold much hope up after reading the way. people are being treated from atos!
Worried sick,gt my atos assessment. o... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Worried sick,gt my atos assessment. on Tuesday.

Hello and welcome to our lovely forum Feeling, you are most welcome here!
Take a look around our Questions, Blogs and Tags, there is a wealth of information there, advice, support, personal experiences and friendship too! Please read our FibroAction Guidelines, you will find these under Blogs at the top, please select FibroAction Blogs and then scroll down. We ask all our new members to read these, many thanks.
If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask us, we are always only too happy to help. We all understand, we are all in the same boat here.
I hope you enjoy your time at FibroAction!
I hope all goes well for you tomorrow, wishing you all the very best Feeling! (((hug))) xxx
Thanks,my anxiety is through the roof,feeling fiscally sick tonight. I know a stranger can put me on the bread line tomorrow,n am frighten in case i freeze up to their questioning. Cannot wait till its over, I'm having a really bad flare up my jaws n every part of my body aches tonight.
I am hav ing deja vu and it is driving me insane. I keep finding threads that I think I have already answered. Anyway good luck for tomorrow, I hope it all goes well for you. xxxxx
Please let me know how you get on. I just joined tonight and have my assesment next Monday. I'm also scared they will say I am fit to work but had to give up my job in Jan due to this. I struggled to get there some days and was useless when I did. I constantly forgot things and was in tears most afternoons due to the pain. I had a job sitting but when I got up I would have trouble moving. I cannot type for long or write as I have carpal tunnel in both wrists to, plus plantar fasciitis in my feet, some days I can't put my foot on the ground. Arthristis in my neck and shoulders and I'm in constant pain. The only thing that helps is CoDydromol and they knock me out, so who would employ me? But I've been told if you can sit on a chair for ten minutes, wipe your own eyes if you cry then you are fit for work. I'm sick with worry too. So any advise on who this works would be much appreciated.
Hi peppersoo,i will let you all know tomorrow how it went,bt i don't expect to be told much,n I'm sure they will try to give me a false sense of security. I don't think I'm going to sleep well tonight, You sound like you hve a lot to deal with.. Take care fee,speake to u all tomorrow night..fee