Has anybody been diagnosed with costochondritis as well as fibro, if so what treatment are you receiving from your GP. I am in agony with pain all around my breastbone, and left sided rib area, I would be very grateful for your replies
Costochondritis: Has anybody been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yup and in exactly the same place .. Had it over 20 years it was the first symptom that led my gp to test me for fibro. I was lucky i was diagnosed in weeks. When I was in my 20s I had physio and took co dydramol physio wasnt any help for me but the codyramol masked the pain till the flare up subsided.. Over the years I have found if I try to lift anything heavy it flares up immediately now I,m in my 40s stress also brings it on and the codyramol suddenly gave me bad headaches as well as pain relief in my chest so have swapped to very low dose dihydrocodeine. If I feel it's manageable and I am in the house I just snuggle up and rest and it will subside but many days it's felt like I imagine a heart attack would being on the left side I think that's the worry... I have one spot on my back which hurts whenever it's touched.. Has done since the day I was diagnosed .. I have trigger point injections in my neck and shoulders and when the consultant heard about my back he injects there too...
Gentle hugs cos its just not nice and I know it can hurt to be hugged on a really bad day
VG x
Thanks for your reply, Its good to know that I am not on my own, I have a lot of problems with medication, and I have been using Ibuprofen gel, and taking Paracetamols,I take Amitriptyline 10mg also Duloxetine 40mg. I have just turned 60, but have had M.E since I was 30, and started with the Fibro about 18 months ago. I also have a spot on my back that hurts too. I can manage it and get around OK, infact I feel better when I am out for a walk. Who gives you your trigger point injections, I have never been offered anything like that. Cheers for now Joyceconfused x
Hi there,
Went to my gp about a year ago and he sent me to the local pain clinic the consultant there read my history touched my neck and shoulders ... Peeled me off the ceiling and said I was a perfect candidate for trigger point injections ...... I still can't turn my neck to the right but the pain is better. I should get them every 3months but ATM dates are very erratic.
If you ask your gp about these injections and your local pain clinic he may feel it would be good for you...
Good luck
VG xx
Hi, thought I'd let you know that you're not on your own. I've had this for years along with all my other problems. It feels like my chest is falling off sometimes & it is hard to breathe. I have the pain in the same places as you and I use crutches that exacerbates the costochondritis so I have to rest as much as possible until I can function and feel almost human again. Taking Tramadol & Oramorph for relief but haven't had injections for pain trigger points. Gentle hugs to you & I hope you get more help from your GP soon. xx
me too. got diagnosed a day before my 40th birthday. I had very pain breasts for over a year before I did anything about it. The consultant was going to suggest evening primrose but because of my allergies he wont give me anything.
Yes I didn't think this was separate but just another part if fibro. I've just about got rid of it using shibashi qi gong exercises. There's some good free videos on google (utube).
Thanks for your reply, I asked at the hospital, where I have been doing a program for fibro, and the doctor did'nt seem to know, great eh! will look at utube and thanks again
It's a great pity in this day & age that so many doctors have no idea how destructive this illness is to you mentally & physically! Keep going Joyce (and everyone else of course, lol), one day there will be something that helps. At least that's what I keep telling myself......
Gentle hugs xx
Yep Joyce I find I have to take small shallow breaths so I just cancel everything on these days and rest doing nothing
VG x
Thanks for your reply, its this breathing thing that bothers me, will take your advice, I try to battle on, making things worse for me Joyce x
OMG!! I thought I was the only one who had these pains!! I thought I was having a heart attack at first. Went to see GP and she touched the trigger points in my upper back and shoulders and I thought I was going to be sick!! Is this part of FM or what??
I think that it must be,I too get a pain like an electric shock in my back when I am having a shower, when the water hits my back, I am frightened now to turn around, but needs must.My pain feels like someone is sticking a dagger through my ribs. My bra hurts me underneath my bust . Its a frightening thing, Joycex
I get costo pain, I also get muscle spasms in my sides, top this up with GERD and for a while, until diagnosed I thought I was having heart problems. It was a relief to be told it was GERD or costo. I take co codamol 30/500 for the pain, do gentle stretching exercises and apply heat pads or gels to the area, more for the distraction than the pain relief. Underwired bras are a no no, get a good fitting sport bra with wide shoulders, helps keep some of the weight off the rib cage. Once you know what it is, and it took being wired to a heart monitor while having the waves of pain and seeing no change to convince me, it lessens the OMG it's my heart feelings. Stay warm, keep muscles as supple as you can and rest when in too much pain. x
Thanks for your reply and your advice, I ordered a sports bra off the net last night,I was initially told that it was GERD, and given medication, for that. I have only just this week started
using gel this week and it feels a bit easier, do you have trouble with your breathing? I am going to see my GP again this week, to see what she has to say. Thanks again for your help.Joyce x