I started feeling chronic fatigue and pain after a traumatic bereavement and horrible divorce 5 years ago. I have vistited my Doctor so many times and I have had blood test and an X-ray on my neck - results NORMAL
I had knots in the shoulders that progressed to pain up to the neck and this would then go to the shoulders and be stabbing or a dull ache throughout the back too. My general symptoms are stiffness in the neck, back, shoulder and hips and general pain all over, sleepless nights, groggy head, IBS, I only occasionally have sunburn feeling on the skin in one area, numbness in one finger and migraines, restless legs and tinnitus.
Just recently, I have experienced occasional heart palpitations, (ECG test was NORMAL), white flash in corner of right eye most of the time and the latest was almost blacking out whilst driving (twice 8 weeks apart). So back to the Doctors again. I have just had blood tests which came back NORMAL this morning!! GRRRR! I know Fibro doesn't show on blood tests and I was tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis so that rules that one out. It was mentioned a brain scan and 24 hour ECG heart monitor. So, I have to go back to the Doctor on Monday and ask yet AGAIN for this to be investigated as this help wont be offered freely!
I am so frustrated as I feel it is most definitely Fibromyalgia.