In my case I thought it was chemotherapy or my road accident or the traumatic birth of my son!?
However after doing a bit of research on this subject like we all do I came across this information which makes for very interesting and fascinating reading
I thought I would share what I found ( information that they do not tell us!)
I hope everyone will be able to have a look at the link?,
I am sure you will all find this information very interesting in deed!
Please do read both page 1 and 2 it is a bit heavy going but maybe will answer some of the questions we all have unanswered?! Or they won.t answer?!
It seems to me there maybe be a bit of a cover up and conspiracy going on between governments and pharmaceutical company's?!
Conspiracy theory comes To mind!!
I know this might sound controversial in some people's minds but I feel it needs to be in the open.
It will be very interesting to read what everyone thinks to this?
Happy reading and soft hugs to all xxx,