2say i have not past again i give up just keep crying they need to be in pain
i got a phone call wdp yesterday - Fibromyalgia Acti...
i got a phone call wdp yesterday
Sorry evie,
Have you talked with Dr and cab
As if you have diagnosis surely should be entitled to help.
What are you managing on at the moment
so sorry evie these people really have no idea what we go through and how much pain and distress all these medicals and forms are doing to us, i dont wish to be horrible but if it was someone they knew in this pain they would have second thoughts.
It makes me so angry, but dont give up cos thats what they want. try and see CAB and see if they can help you
Good luck
Lin x
I know how you feel love,all you can do is try and keep going. I truly hope that these people could experience how we live for a week not knowing its just for the week.These people DO NOT CARE AND ARE JUST SAT BEHIND A DESK AND HAVE FIGURES TO MEET.Chin up my love
oh evie, I feel for you. take a few days and then contact the CAB and they'll send the review form off. have you got the benefits& work info? you can get it from lindsay middlemass in admin or pm me. please keep your chin up. - let the tears fall, they are healing and you are rightfully upset.
regards, sandra.
thank you every 1 i have a few hospital app this mth so going 2 ask the doctor for letters as well so thank you for letting shout b4 lol
So sorry for you Evie - I am expecting my appointment any day for my first assessment for esa not holding out much hope but dont want to sit and have to tell them a pack of lies just want them to know that even on a so called good day I feel so awful - but just get on with it as best I can with husband and family support - stand no chance I know - the other thing does anyone know if a so called health care professional can just turn up without an appointment ... I have a feeling one did today but I just could not answer my door fast enough as I have felt so bad today ...... saw him walkiing away but managed to see he had a car and name badge around his neck for indentification I presume! Good luck Evie I do hope you get some support and more importantly some success. X