Hi everyone i left this site a few months ago because there was some problems with trolls etc. Decided to come back now find there are other problems. Hope its resolved as i understand that we are all individuals with different pains and good and bad days. So my question is this IS IT SAFE TO STAY OR GO xxxxxxx
whats going on i am confused ??????? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
whats going on i am confused ???????

It's 100% safe Webby, don't worry lol! Everything is fine. Good to see you back
Oh Webby, please stay,
I personally haven't experienced any trolls and just get wonderful people who help us all with this horrid fibro.
Don't you think that wherever you go there's always someone who thinks they can spoil it for everyone.
Lots of gentle hugs...
Ren Robin...xxx
Hi Webby, I dont think you are the only one that feels a bit like that about the site at the moment cos it isn't the same as it used to be. I am hanging on in the hope that it will get back to normal as we used to be a happy supportive bunch of people didn't we. Glad to see you back btw and hope you are doing okay. Take care, love Angela xx
Hi webby,I too have not comented on here for a while as I felt very vulnerable after the Troll incident.I fell into the trap of "Feeding him" and his vitriol was aimed at me and sammy.
With other things going on in my life recently I fell into a bad state of depression,but realized I had let him win.
We have far more people on Admin now and when problems arrize they can be dealt with promptly.Instead of waiting for one person to deal with it we now have more people who can nip things in the bud.
They also give us good and empathetic advice which I have watched with interest.
The problem I think you are concerned about hurt, a much loved member of our mostly caring community,but it was dealt with quickly.So like me you can feel more assured that a close eye is being kept on things.
Like me don`t let these people win we all need on and other.
Love and hugs Butterly54xxxxx
hi butterfly nice to hear from you, you \re of course right think this sight has changed but with caring people like you i am sure it will recover.I remember how nice you were before i left. thought i could go it alone with this annoying illness but could not so came back on and it was all kicking off. never mind i am going to stay now gentle hugs webby ang xxxx
Welcome back big hugs xx
Welcome back big hugs xx
Thank you so much for that lovely comment Butterfly, you are quite right when you say that Admin keep an eye on all the questions and blogs etc to make sure everything is ok and that no undesirables start causing mayhem. We want the forum to be a happy and safe place for everyone and I can't stress enough that if anyone is ever worried or concerned about anything to please contact us, we are only too happy to help at any time.
With a large forum with thousands of members there is always going to be the odd occasion where something happens, it's to be expected. The real issue is how it's dealt with, how quickly and how efficiently and I like to think we do that very well here. We will never let the odd person ruin our lovely forum and all our members are so important to us, we intend to take great care of each and every one.
Thanks again Butterfly!
thankyou to every one feel more confident now as i know this site is very supportive. I came back on when everything was kicking off and thought oops xxx
welcome back .. if you get any problems please report them ... we are not 100% spotters so we can miss some .. but we can not egnore bullies
Gentle dyslexic hugs
I'm fairly new to this site - but not to online forums.
Trolls will apear from time to time on the best of sites. Best thing is to report them straight away so that they can be dealt with and their email address and computer address can be blocked. (There is a hole in my brain where the correct terminology used to live - I taught Computing to A level for goodness sake grrrr).
They are sad little individuals are Trolls, their faces look a bit like ugly pigs, they are stunted both physically and mentally, have big feet and terrible BO! You can't be scared of them really - they are too freakishly pathetic.
Julie xx
Welcome back Webby I wondered where you had gone xx