Again scored 0 points on my assessmen... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Again scored 0 points on my assessment for ESA

Fibroman profile image
28 Replies

Feeling at an all time low again. Its winter I'm feeling like crap and government think I can work. The woman who did the assessment even claimed to have Fibro herself so I had a small glimmer of hope. I asked how did she cope and she told me she was part time.This is my 3rd attempt and always same problem. I want to appeal but I cant face the constant flare-ups that the stress cause. Every person I have dealt with during my time on JSA have told me I'm not well enough to work full time. Trying not to get depressed as I nearly didn't make it past last winter.

Only thing keeping me sane is my cousin who is dying of a brain tumour. Always someone worse off.

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Fibroman profile image
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28 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi Fibroman

I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way, my sympathy goes out to you. I know that the stress of an appeal can be awful, but I would sincerely give it a second thought, as you have nothing to lose by doing so?

I am also so sorry to read that your cousin is so ill. I genuinely hope that they are not in any pain?

Please take care and I have pasted the FibroAction website link below as you may find this useful:

All my hopes and dreams for you


Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi Fibro man! I'm so sorry to hear this, and like Ken my sympathy goes out to you. Having lost your appeal are you being placed in the WRAG ? If so, it may well not too bad, because if you are dealing with the same people who you have been on JSA, and they have made understanding comments, then it may not be as bad as you think, also I would agree with you about not feeling up to appealing again now. You can always reapply later, when perhaps you have less stress happening. My experience with the jobcentre and being in WRAG has been positive in that they can see I am not up to working and just check with me if things have changed or not,

I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way :-)

Foggy x

Kirby profile image

Hi Fibroman

Really sorry to hear the awful time you've been having and I totally understand regarding the stress of appealing. On the other hand, the government win if people don't appeal. And now there's the added complication of mandatory reconsideration before you can appeal anyway. I do think you need some welfare advice from somewhere. I can recommend Benefits&Work who do charge a small annual subscription for their manuals but they have helped an awful lot of people. In fact, some sites (such as this one) are probably members and may be able to pass on the manuals for nothing. Another good site is:

Do you have any additional medical evidence that you could possibly send up? If your GP is able to support you with a letter that carries a lot of weight too. And don't forget about regulations 29 and 35 whereby even if you don't qualify for any of the other Support Group descriptors you can get in the Support Group if it is deemed that not being placed in this group would cause a worsening of your physical or mental health. In fact, if you have evidence to show your deterioration of your health that should help too.

Finally, you could try contacting your MP. Even if he or she is a Tory they are there to help their constituents.

All good wishes to you.


Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Kirby

Thank You Kirby for your good advice to this member :)

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to Mdaisy

Very welcome. I just hope Fibroman gets the outcome he deserves.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Kirby

Hello Kirby,

Did you read the MEA Report about WCA? I posted on the Welfare Debate for you all. Interesting read!

Best Wishes

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to Mdaisy

Thanks Emma - I will have a look....

... just looked and can't find it. If you can send a link?

Thanks :-)

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Kirby

Here's the link;

Emma :)

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to Mdaisy

Thanks Emma! I didn't realize it was the WOW debate you were referring to. Yes, I had front seat in front of my TV and watched most of it on BBC Parliament. In fact was just switching it on when Dennis Skinner was talking :-)

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Kirby

Oh great, I missed it so was catching up :)

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to Kirby

OMG is the Beast of Bolsover still going?

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to fenbadger


Hi Fibroman I think the others have given you good advice so just sending you good wishes and lots of hugs sue

Mdaisy profile image

Hello Fibroman,

You have had good advice as Mayrose54 says so far from everyone. So, can I just provide you with our link to our website about Benefits;

Also as Kirby says please do email us at FibroAction for information guides which may help you with your ESA Claim. Here's our email address,

I look forward to your email

Best Wishes

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

jillylin profile image

Hi Fibroman,

I am sorry you are having to deal with so much stress and hassle, particularly with your cousin being terminally ill. It just doesn't seem fair :-( .

I think appealing might be worthwhile, despite the stress. I think they count on people just sitting back and giving up so they don't have to pay out. Seems like those of you who genuinely need help are brushed aside .



Fibroman profile image

Many thanks for all your comments, feeling a little more grounded. I can cope with the pain and fatigue but the anxiety is difficult to deal with. The last time I felt this bad was last year and I didn't get out of bed for close to a month. On a happier note I did lose 2 stone.

Sick of being made out to be a scrounger. Every time they knock me back it helps reinforce the doubters.

Many thanks


Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to Fibroman

Hi Fibroman

I find anxiety is the worst thing too. Glad to hear you're feeling a little more grounded and just remember there are thousands of people fighting back against the nasty 'scrounger' rhetoric. I think slowly slowly the tide is turning. People are seeing the horrors of foodbanks eg Panorama did a programme on them earlier in the week. Every time people challenge the myths with the facts it all helps and these people who come out with such rhetoric have no argument.

Take care

K :-)

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Kirby

Hello Kirby,

Have you completed the 'Who Benefits' campaign?

As you say we need to keep fighting for change

Emma :)

FibroAction Administrator

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Kirby

Hi Kirby

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be? I genuinely agree with you, there is an element of the media that loves to portray anyone, receiving any kind of benefit, as a scrounger.

It doesn't help when certain TV channels want sensationalism and film a whole street of people on benefits and edit the programme so it looks so bad! It then gives certain newspapers warped front pages!

Take care

Ken x

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to TheAuthor

That's very true, Ken. The problem with Benefits Street was the title of the programme - if they'd called it James Turner Street or Community Spirit Street the fallout would have been far less!


K x

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Fibroman

No problem, this is how the community works. We all support each other as we are either going through the same or we have been through it!

Emma :)

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to Fibroman

Not all in one go I hope!

I think you're doing the right thing by being persistent. It is very wearing though when you have something that grids you down anyway.

I really hope you get what you need sooner rather than later. :)

I get quite angry about this because 5 years ago I was awarded it with no problem at all.Until I joined this group I was totally unaware how lucky I was. Don't know if it works the same now but before I got it I had to attend appointments to see what work I could do. It was soul destroying to be told not to bother going back as I wasn't able to do anything. If I could find a job that I could do believe me I would have jumped at the chance. Stress is also my worst enemy and things like this really don't help ! I would appeal if you can muster the energy and go in with the knowledge that you are entitled to it. Good luck my friend xx

Jannigran profile image

Hi Fibroman,

I know how you feel I have had my appeal and still got zero points, it appears to be your luck if you get professionals who have knowledge and sympathy with fibro, unfortunately from atos to the tribunal panel I was treated with open hostility and made feel like a fraud. My husband said after the appeal that I would not be going through that again but after 4weeks I felt stronger and angry and decided I had to fight on . I am currently waiting on my papers to see if I can appeal to the upper tribunal, they want you to give up!!!

I have excellent support from my consultant who believes that the whole system is flawed against fibro suffers and ignorant doctors should not be allowed to make decisions regarding benefits awards when it is clear they don't believe the condition is real.

Try and stay positive and I'll keep you updated with my progress which may bring some hope for us all as life is difficult enough without having to fight for everything.

Kind wishes

spiro profile image

Hi, Fibroman. Sorry to hear about your problems. If you're scoring 0 points you definitely need help with the forms as you need to know what the assessors are looking for. Not that its helped me as I've only managed to get as far as the WRAG group, despite having a high score. On the other hand, they haven't bothered me at all since my initial interview with the Job Centre last May. They don't believe I'm well enough to work, just well enough for WRAG!

bren876 profile image

Hi i'm new to this and i'm truly sorry that your having such a tough time, i;ve been waiting 6 months to hear about my ESA & PIP assessments and the more i read about the lack of care given to all fibro friends the more i fear about my appointment coming through...Please DONT give up, fight for yourself and all the other fibro's that have yet to walk through the door of doom known as assessment centre .. I'm so sorry that your cousin has a brain tumour i lost my mum 4yrs ago to a tumour and all thoughts are with u & your family.... life can be really tough at times but thats what gives us all extra courage to fight back,,, big hugs and loving thoughts 4 u all, xxxxxxx

Jeff1958 profile image

There is only two people that knows what its like ,yourself and your doctor , these people at ATOS are the spawn of the devil , they get paid to lie , my doctors think its a total con , when ATOS goes I wonder whose going to replace them ? good luck for the future .

bvlgari profile image

Atos have pulled out and Capita have replaced them. My Wrag finished in December,I was told I was too ill too work but not ill enough to go on a support group, does not make any sense. I have now appealed and applied for pip so fingers crossed capita are not lies like Atos.

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