Does anyone find Tramadol tires you o... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone find Tramadol tires you out more than normal?

Ljames72 profile image
5 Replies
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Ljames72 profile image
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5 Replies
scrumie profile image

Hi i've been on tramadol (6daily) for about 6 yrs along with paracetamol (8daily) and amytriptaline(4atnight). I would'nt say they make me feel more tired. What makes me more tired is if i over do things and also the wet, damp and windy weather because it causes more pain. (if only the sun would come out lol) soft hugs to you xx

paula1967 profile image

Hi there iam on tramadol and they dont make me tired, its the things i do that gets me tired ie anything xx paula x

Hello Ljames, thanks for your message. We all tend to react differently to our medications. One person will have no side effects at all from taking say Tramadol whilst another person might feel completely wiped out by it. Also if you are taking other tablets alongside Tramadol you may be affected by this more than someone else. If you are feeling especially tired and you think it's due to your medication, please have a word with your Doctor as your dose may need adjusting, or your meds might even need changing. Your Doctor can advise you what's best for you. I, for instance, took Tramadol for a while with no effect at all, it didn't help my Fibro symptoms, reduce my pain, or help me sleep, so my meds were changed. Hope this helps. Take care. :) :)

skit profile image

Hi Tramadol is a good painkiller but as per other posts all meds react different on others.

Blood chemistry is all a cocktail with the meds we all take so where is James Bond shaking it up hahah!

I would personally talk to your chemist as they above GP have up to date and depth of knowledge about meds interactions.

Also Tramadol is opiate and therefore addicitive.

I took 10months to come off it from 8 a day I actually feel better!

stevemacca1967 profile image

hi ljames72,i took 8 tramadol a day,but my body just got used to them over 3 years or so.Doctor then changed me to dicodeine for a wee while,now on gabapentin 300 mg x3 a day plus duloxetine twice a day and amitriptyline(1 at night).i went for hydrotherapy for the first time yesterday felt human and in less pain for a few hours,really enjoyed it,got another session next week.i also did a emote study through lancaster university wearing an actiwatch result was that i get an average of 2.1 hrs sleep during course of night,most of time im just lying resting cause even with all medication to help i still cant stay in any one position before you need to move cause of soreness and pain.

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