I have been taking gabapentin for a week now and am finding my memory is even worse then normal. I left work the other day and went to a meeting at a school and I can't remember getting home. This is just 1 of the things that I forgot I don't know what day of the week it is. This is as well as having headache, feeling sick and dizziness.
Does anyone find that gabapentin make... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone find that gabapentin makes memory worse?

hi hols, they don't call it "fibro fog" for nothing!
I'm on pregabrlin which is similar to gabapentinm but it could be a symptom of fibromyalgia, exhaustion, lack of deep sleep, etc...
I was thinking that as well. I had cut my hours in work 2 4 days which meant I was only working 1 or 2 days then having a day off but they asked me to work 5 this month and have been feeling crap so maybe that is what it is as well. I also have 2 children my son is 5 and my daughter is 3 but she is a nightmare at night up 3-4 times a night. So it might just be FM x
Hi Hols15
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this problem at the moment. If it happens again, I think I would go and discuss the issue with your GP, as it may be that Gabapentin does not agree with you?
Your GP may want to do a couple of tests just to rule other things out and possibly change your medications?
I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your problem.
Take care
Ken x
Hiya, I would stop them straight away under the guidance of your GP... Hope you feel a bit better and soon x
Morning Hols, Fog and not remembering is one of the curses of Fibro. If you feel these new symptoms are from the gabapentin. and you are worried about them stop taking them but do check you can just stop sometimes we have to come of gradually. So ring your Doc have a word then the next step is to find an alternative.
Best of British let us know how it goes please .
Take care
I stopped Gabapentin after 4 weeks for the same reason. By week 4 I was an absolute mental mess. I could barely remember my name and was constantly in a confused state. My GP switched me to Lyrica which has been much better
I was on Gabapentin for about six weeks several years ago.. As the weeks went on so my memory became worse. I couldn't hold a conversation, any information was not retained, I had no confidence in anything I did. Cooking became a nightmare as I would forget pans were on and boiled dry or forgot to put them on altogether. I felt and behaved like a zombie. I do have fibro fog from time to time but this was on a much larger scale.
I stopped those meds and last year, (when I had my fibro diagnosis) I started Pregabelin, (Lyrica). This wasn't as bad as the Gabapentin but on the other hand I spent most of my time asleep in the chair. So I stopped them too although they did help with the pain.
This is my personal experience and some people manage these meds very well without side-effects. I just didn't like the way they made me feel.
I'm the same with the cooking I keep getting things out and putting them on a baking tray going 2 the bin and walking out the kitchen go back to check on it and it's still on the side. My husband has to remind me to do simple things like turn the iron off or my hair straighteners it's so depressing even spelling and remember words when talking x
I have had the same problems but I don't take gabapentin perhaps as someone else said it is fibro fog
I would still see your doctor

I'm going to see my doctor it might be that I'm working too much as well. I started doing 5 days instead of 4 this month and that's when I have noticed it I also have 2 young children x
Hi Hols I too am struggling with gabapentin, confused, dizzy, really out of it, worse than fibro alone, keep getting lost when out. Weighing up pain difference against confusion.
please don't give up yet - for me it took 2 weeks to get my head back but the pain relief i got was worth it xx
I have been on 1200mg a day of Gabapentin for almost a year, I notice the symptoms, Dizziness, headache's, balance problems, very dry mouth and gum sores.......nerve pains on finger tips and toes......It takes the edge off my pain and I have tryed to reduce my daily dose but this just leaves me in a mess, physical and mental difficultys
I hope you find the treatment that suits your needs........xx
I had been on this for years, never really had time to see the problems I had with it as I was nursing my late husban . 3 Car accidents later started to. Check a out me and certain drugs. 2 were not my fault but would I have avoided them if not on this drug. I have Fibro, I thought memory loss was Fibro fog, NO NO. NO there is Fibro fog up this was terrible, was tired all the time was shaky , have been off 1 year now and a heck of a lot better, this drug is dangerous and does little to ease the pain, I get more relief from muscle relaxers and other pain relief, NO Narcotics just pain relief when needed.