For quite a few nights now I've been unable to sleep and have a restless leg! I've done all the right things before going to bed, relaxing bath, fresh bedding, milky drink, room right temp but I lie there wide awake, tossing and turning. Restless leg is only the top of my left thigh which I find odd!
Not sleeping: For quite a few nights... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Not sleeping
thats because youre trying to sleep with Mr Fibro!! ive tried many diff med combinations (all under medical supervision i might add!) and im now on trazodone, i sleep like a baby and snore like a warthog! according to mr westgate that is.....xx
Hiya I also suffer really bad with no sleep or very little n bad pains n aches - my doctor has put me back on diazapan - I also take amitriptiline n pain kilers but most of the time I do not sleep well are you on any medication to help you? have you tried lavender lotion also A friend of mine tries to concentrate on saying one word over n over again like bluebells n doesnt let anything else enter her head lol hope you will get a good nights sleep soon - if you ever want to chat just msg me as I know how horrible n irritating it can be - hope u get some zzzzs soon - big gentle hugs - mystique xxxx
Thanks for the messages, it's 7.15pm now and I'm tired but I dare not close my eyes until bed time! Mystique, I'm on Amitriptyline for Fibro and Tramadol for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I take these before I go to bed but it doesn't help me to sleep. There are times when I can sleep late in the morning then 3 hours in the afternoon then a full nights sleep, but not sleeping is far worse xx
Can you tolerate nutmeg? I take some steeped in hot milk about 4 hours before bed, seems to help. I take ammi to sleep too, I just suddenly stopped sleeping one night, like the flick of a switch!
Finally got a sleep after a night out on Saturday. Got to bed at 1am and slept until 11am, back to bed at 2pm until 6pm the slept from 10.30pm last night until 9am this morning.......felt like my body was catching up