has anyone with fibro been diagnosed ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
has anyone with fibro been diagnosed with hypothyroidismn and vit d as i have recently

My Hypothyroidism was diagnosed about six months ago and my Fibro about a month ago. Not sure about Vit D as I have not been tested for this although am looking in to it.
thankyou ladies for your help. I am trying to find out if they are all linked as my gp thinks you can have one illness like fibro but she deos not think vit d and thyroid are linked. I ws diagnosed with fibro then vit d deficiency and the thyroid. so now she thinks that i have not got fibro but my consultant says i have so confused by it all my body definately has fibro
I got told i had fibro the same time as my blood test results came back saying
i have hypothyroidism, My GP.said they often go hand in hand, i was tested for vit D, B12, and Ferriton (iron), but they all came back ok, i do take them as supplements though, as my doctor said it was ok to do that.
i wish you well, hugs.xxxx
I have low thyroid - not sure what the hypo bit means - for many years before knowing I had fibro, and I have understood that people who have fibro often have thyroid.
vit. D is interesting cos I picked up on tht myself, and I was low and took the supplement, but did not actually feel much better for it. My doc was interested as she thinks there is a link with muscularskeletel (cant spell that) conditions. I should follow it up really. Evidently in America it is standard practice to have it tested.
Its the in thing at the moment Vit D there has been lots
of papers written on Vit D
I am a nurse in a prison and all the patients are on Vit D
dont know if it works but the doctors seem to think so, i
suppose that we get Vit D from the sun which makes you
feel good and as there has not been much sun we are
lacking in it I dont know just a thought.
Yes i have firbo, underactive thyroid and vitamind deficiences and many more.
I think they are definatly all linked some how.
hugs, kel xxx
I have under-active thyroid and vitamin d deficiency take 400mg adcal twice a day and have vitamin d injections every 3-6 months, i am on 75mg levothyroxine for the thyroid problem i was diagnosed about two years ago.. i think both at the same time
another Kelly
yes i have under active thyroid 2....diagnoised bout 3 years ago...have read lots of articles sayin the 2 r linked xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s im on 100mg levothyroxine xxxxx
hi webby, i was diagnosed with overactive thyroid about 5 years ago, the most horrible thing, 11 out of 14 symptoms, one included attacking my joints to the point i could't even open a door my fingers were so inflamed. thankfully it was eventually cleared up by meds, then to top it off i got glandular fever, yuk. Some months later i got painful joints etc etc and doc diagnosed me with fibro (about 2 years ago)....and linked it to thyroid. Well...thanks for that legacy!!!! Think people SOOOO underestimate the thyriod and all it's problems, so many people whom i talked to as i was tearing about like Billy whizz on speed lol, didn't even know where they thyroid was. One even said.."oh i wish i had that it keeps you thin doesn't it?" Honestly wanted to slap her. ...yes i did lose lots of weight, went down to 7stone and was continually eating...but i was only sleeping about 20 mins a night, shaking so much i had to use a straw to drink, was continually on the go and skin itched all the time, that was the worst i think. i've never heard anyone else say there could be a link apart from my doc so this is very interesting.
Thanks and take care
Jan H xxxx