What are the best meds to take? I have taken countless varieties and amounts and they either don't work,make me feel sick,insomnia or more fatigued? My doctor and rheumatologist just don't seem to be able to help me.Fed up of feeling rubbish al the time
What is ideal medication?: What are the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What is ideal medication?

god I wish I knew Im still in pain even with 12x gaba, 6x baclofen 8x co codemol, starting duloxitine tomorrow, I dont think there is a magic pill I wish there was
Theres no meds that suit all, you can only try different medication and doses to find out if it helps a symptom or not and if it does then move onto another symptom and find another medication that helps that symptom, its a long long process to get your symptoms under control, I've never had all my symptoms under control but I'm getting there slowly, the problem is sometimes the meds can make you feel worse than the actual illness.
I suffer with terrible fatigue and sleep most nights for about 14 to 16 hours, some of the medication makes me really tired but if I didn't take it i'd be in terrible pain so I can't win really but to be honest I'd rather be tired than have pain even though I cant really function normally on the medication, I've tried quite a few different medications but found I have some sort of side effect, its hard to find a tablet that takes the pain away and makes you feel normal as most medications used for fibro make you feel like a zombie anyway, just keep trying till you find something that helps.
Lots of cotton wooly hugs and hope you can find some relief soon
Irene x
I don't know what 'Fibro in isolation' is.I have also Trochanteric bursitis and severe sacroilliac pain,a prolapsed disc in my back which often causes sciatica and tennis and golfers elbow in both arms.Also pain in collarbones and ribcage.Fatigue all the time,headaches-bet you're depressed now, lol
Tried Lyrica, cymbalta? If this ones do not work alone add an opioid. You may start with a soft one and see if it improves pain - if it doesn't you will have to increase it. You have to be very careful with opioids (too, really) but if you are really in pain you may need tham too. You may do well with Lyrica alone or something like that, it really depends on the person and severity of symptoms. You are the only who can find out what's the best for you.