About a year ago, I went and had blood tests at my doctors, the results showed high inflammation, my doctor decided he would treat this himself with high doses of steroids (prednisolone) instead of finding out the cause of the inflammation.
While taking the meds I had an appointment to see a neurologist for neurological symptoms I'd been having, he immediately told me to stop the steroids as they had no use for my symptoms.
Since then my gp hasn't wanted to investigate the high inflammation which could be a number of things one being polymyalgia as he suggested, which I haven't got.
A year on and I recently requested having my bloods taken and tested again, I knew they would come back with high inflammation as this as never been resolved, I received a phone call this morning telling me I need to see my gp regarding my blood test results, the problem is my doctor is away on holiday till Friday 20th and all the other doctors are fully booked, so now I have to sit and worry for the next 9 days.
I'm just having a moan, I'm sick to the back teeth of going round in circles with this pillock of a doctor, in 9 days time I know he will try and treat the inflammation with steroids again but this time I'm not accepting it, I want to know where and what this inflammation is and then they can treat it accordingly.
He blames everything on fibromyalgia but from my understanding fibro doesn't have inflammation as a symptom, he's playing with my life, for all I know it could be something serious and he's not even bothered about finding out what it is!!!!
Rant over just so fed up of not being heard and waiting!
Irene x