I truely do not understand what is going on. The small of my back was in a tight knot which did not hurt unless I moved, which of course I insisted on and slowly eased by gentle rocking.
My hands have been stiff lately and taken time to regain full movement, but my elbows too? I could not straighten my arms for a few seconds, my hands took a little longer and my back eased soon too - none of them had a residue pain - one that lingered showing what had gone on.
I got up, went to relieve myself, and went back to bed, preferring to curl up on my left side to keep back extended. When I woke later my hands were briefly tense but that was all.
The history behind this? It's my time of the month, quite heavy at the moment but under control [unlike another time!] Sorry gents! But it seems back spasms and time of the month go hand in hand for the last few months if I am heavy. When its light there is no problem, so there is a link. Will have to add this to doctors notes! My hands have been stiff in the morning, the tendons feel shorter, but the tendons slip for my little fingers and the first joints lock my fingers into a curl. Its brief but painful. And also my finger joints have begun to hurt too. However, the tendons on both elbows tightening too?
Anyone else ever had anything like this and is it linked to FM or something else?
I have stayed up late to write this so I had better go up. Sweet dreams everyone and hopefully a better morning tomorrow!
Soft hugs