Does anyone experience bad dream patterns that don't make any sense whatsoever ? Being on medication or not.Would be interested to know as it's puzzling 🤔 me.
Sensible answers please 🙏🏻
Kindest Regards
Does anyone experience bad dream patterns that don't make any sense whatsoever ? Being on medication or not.Would be interested to know as it's puzzling 🤔 me.
Sensible answers please 🙏🏻
Kindest Regards
Hi 👋 I only get dreams due to medication. Had no medication last night and slept like a baby. So did hubby lol when I'm dreaming and shouting in my sleep he's obviously getting no sleep either.
Hello, sometimes I get nitemare dreams that don’t make any sense what so ever, maybe medication never sure, I hope your Xmas day was as comfortable as possible .Take care
HiHave COVID at the moment so definitely a nasty 🤢 Christmas time.
Aching all over & no taste or smell at all.
Have so many medical appointments soon so I hope this COVID goes soon as I've been awaiting the appointments for over a year now and I don't really want to cancel them all out & be pushed back to the end of the list 😞
So sorry too read you have Covid , in my area a lot people got this nasty bug going around , I hope you pick up for these appointments &the COVID jogs off .
Yes, I take Amitriptyline and have vivid dreams and often very unpleasant ones. I can only guess its due to medication as there is no other reason I can think of.
Hi veggiefan, I had to come off amitriptyline for the very reason that I had dreadful vivid nightmares on it. I felt silly saying that but the nurse said that it was quite a known side effect for that medication.
Hi Fibroguy66
I have always been a person that dreams and can remember them( unlike my husband who never remembers his dreams) but when I first started taking Amitriptyline my dreams became so very vivid that on occasions I've woken up and I have not been ablet to tell if they were real or a dream. At first I found it upseting as some of my dreams were about family that are no longer here but the dreams have become less vivid over the past few months and now I only tend to get them when I'm stressed or extra tired. Some of my dreams though are so bloody weird but the benefits I get from taking the Amitriptyline for me outway the dreams.
I have exactly the same kind of dreams can’t tell if it’s reality or dreams broke my wrist have plaster on was sure the plaster came of in my hand during night went to accident aAnd emergency they said I could keep it of it wouldn’t budge now I don’t know if I was dreaming or not have a lot like this under a lot of stress at mosment taking panizc attacks and palpitations on a lot of meds to .wee jinty
yes l had awful nightmares on gaberpentin. As soon as I stopped taking it they stopped
Bisoprolol gave me horrendous claustrophobic nightmares, fortunately removed from me, but the ‘scared of the dark’ feeling stayed with me for some months …had me panicking in two very close evening power cuts…weird!
Hello, I have had nightmares all my life. When I was a child I would wake up screaming most nights. I still have them now minus the screaming (though, plenty of screaming in my head unfortunately). For about 8 years (several years ago) I was on amitriptyline and also had them then - came off the drugs and nothing since then apart from paracetamol as too many side effects. My son also had screaming nightmares when he was a child. The joys of life!! Take care
I'm aware that you can't take valerian root with some medications but it works for me very well, it stops very random and weird dreams. So the amitriptyline helps me to go to sleep and the valerian relaxes my mind so I don't have psychedelic dreams
Hi Fibroguy66
Yes I get bouts of strange or nightmare dreams. Especially if I take Amitriptyline. I wake in cold sweats, talk in my sleep etc. Quite startling. Otherwise not too bad.
Hi I often get bad dreams don't know why only meds are duloxetine. They are usually about my ex and I have fallen out of bed before now and definitely the bed looks like I've been fighting in my sleep! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with less pain! xx
Dreaming and shouting is when I forgot to use my apnoea machine and it can be a terrible nightmare and my children will hear me from their bedroom and come to wake me up. Yes as some body said, I dream of relatives or friends that have passed away as well. Thank you everyone. It shows no one is alone on this journey we are in together. It's encourages alots.
Yes have lots of dreams and horrid nightmare one too I am told I was shouting no no no the other night but I dont remember a dream aalongside that. wake up all through the night constantly , pain ,stiffness and irritable bladder I guess do not make for a good nights sleep Only on heart medication at moment pain relieving drugs do not help me
Yes I do 🤔
Thankyou for your reply.I must say that fibromyalgia does cause some very puzzling and bizarre dream structures etc.
I've tried all the medications on & off and the dreams still keep coming being in afternoon naps & night time sleeping etc.
Fibromyalgia is living hell for sure
It sure is I have type 1 diabetes aswell . What a mixture 😌
My personal mechanic has type 1 diabetes as well,it seems to make him very moody at times,so much so like he has a personality change.Sorry to hear you have diabetes most definitely.
Have sent you a private message to read.
Kindest Regards
We're you born in 66?
I get patches of weird dreams , like 4 or 5 nights then I don't have any again for a while.
Hi Jane.I'm not on any medication at the moment as none works on me personally 😔 so I'm just about living with 24/7 pain.
Painkillers no longer work in any shape or form but I still get the most bizarre dreams & some would make a good movie I think 😂
Pain definitely affects dreams no end.
Heaven only knows what realm we enter in our sub conscious minds.
Some are like night terrors & next day you remember them vividly etc.
Yes I have strange lucid dreams every night. They usually involve people and places from my past, although they are different.
The places are not as I remember, sort of twisted versions of reality. Although the people are exactly as I remember them.
I've looked up the meaning of my dreams, but I don't know how valid the results are. It would be good to get them and my sleep analysed.
I wake up dozens of times a night, sometimes I go straight back to the same dream other times right onto a new one.
I can't remember the last time I woke up feeling anything but exhausted and in pain.
I like Dreamscape, I think it sums up the strange surreal world of lucid dreams nicely.
Oh the dream directory thing,yes I have tried that before but if any truth lies amongst it,I couldn't say.I've never returned to the same dream before but that really fascinates me,as that would be something I would like,as some are intriguing indeed.
I strongly believe that dreams are a different realm we enter,some being happy & others sometimes daunting & darker etc.
What seems to be like an hour episode dream to us is sometimes in reality only about 10 mins if that or shorter.