Feeling very low mood and emotional today, newly diagnosed and overwhelmed by the pain.
Fybromyalgia : Feeling very low mood... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi and welcome to the club nobody particularly wants to join.
Firstly be kind to yourself and remember you are still the person you were just before the label fibromyalgia was pinned to you. There will be times when you grieve for the person you were before the fibro sprite sat on your shoulder and demanded payback for every little pleasure.
Now for the more helpful bit, there are ways of managing your new life. It's a case of finding out what works for you. Believe me, what works for one may not work for another so it's trial and error to find the best solutions for you.
Medication may work however it can take a while to get the right drug or combination. Personally, prescription meds are out for me, too many side effects. I rely on diet, heat pads, tens machine, epsom salt baths, gentle exercise, hypnotherapy, chiropractor treatments etc. The one piece of advice I would give is try to pace yourself. If you are having a better day please don't jump in and try to do everything you haven't been able to do in the last few days. If you do you are likely to get a flare and be back to square one. I find ten minutes doing whatever and then rest for a while and return to the task in hand.
Have you been referred to Pain management or one of the fibro clinics or for CBT? I know some areas also offer hydrotherapy but it's very much a postcode lottery as to what is available.
If you are working it may be worth considering asking your employers for an occupational health assessment. You are protected under the Equality Act 2010 and are entitled to reasonable adjustments to enable you to continue in employment.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, we are generally a friendly bunch who try to speak from experience. No question too silly as you can bet someone has asked or thought about it before.
Hope this helps and once again welcome
Thank you so much for your replies, your kind words go along way and I'm trying to follow all the help I'm given.However had to get out of bed 5.20 am with the pain this morning, same as yesterday it was creeping though me it won't let me sit down or lay down, so here I am walking the floor, with neck arm back buttocks and legs
I am so tired but I can't sleep untill it's eased off
Wishing you all the best to keep well.
Nothing major to add to previous advice which is spot on. When i was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia i had to take pain killers initially but nothing excessive. This was to break the pain cycle and allow me to create some firm of routine as badic as giving myself time to get ready for work and exercise, which is crucial to maintain mobility and mental wellbeing. Of course talking is also a good therapy with a proffesional and family. Stay positive,keep moving, despite the pain, eat healthily and keep in touch with this forum which is really helpful.
bless you, it’s not easy is it. Have you tried biofreeze gel or a magnesium spray. Either of these can help together with heat pads. I am unable to sleep in a normal bed and rely on my riser recliner chair which has been a life changer for me.
Take care and post whenever you have a question or just need to rant. We all “get it” as it’s not an easy condition to live with
Can't better the advice from Dinkie, unless it's to add traditional Chinese Acupuncture to the list. 🌺
Hi Katekate57. You poor thing. I'm in a flare. Warmth and rest.