So I was going away to Spain for ten days for the benefit of my family and not looking forward to it but needed to order meds to carry me over the period away. I was told I needed a review but they would give me the meds.
Whilst away my 16 y/o son said he would like to try SCUBA diving as I am licensed but hadn’t dived for more than 15 years. I felt I had to go with him, to look after him, but I was quite nervous about it.
Got geared up on the boat and fell over as I just couldn’t carry the weight of tanks and lead weights (for buoyancy ) the guys on the boat looked shocked and asked my wife if I was drunk! Anyway, in we went and all was good down there, nice to be able to do something unhindered by Fybromyalgia once I was under water. Getting out up the ladder on to the boat at the end of the dive was very hard though.
Anyway, got home and booked my review by phone and had it a couple of days later. He said I could have my meds for another six months but was concerned that I sleep so much and booked a face to face with my GP for 9th September. I did sleep for 17 hours the other day but the Nortriptyline gives me nice colourful dreams so I don’t mind; the dreams are better than real life. As many of you will know Fybromyalgia can give you anxiety and I suffer from that badly and only go out of the house once or twice a month. I’m doing less than 2000 miles a year in my car, and usually going out revolves around being Dad’s Taxi. I am reluctant to have to go to the Dr’s surgery as it is a drive away at rush hour.
I tried to order my meds again as they run out in a couple of days and a block has been put on them until the 10th when I will have seen the Doc. Well, that’s no good, how do I manage until then?
Vent over, be as well as you can.