Sweating and fibro: Hi folks, so I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Sweating and fibro

Nickysfybroflares profile image
โ€ข58 Replies

Hi folks, so I have a random odd question and wondered if anyone else with fibromyalgia has or is experiencing this. So for a while now I have been experiencing really wild fluctuations with my temperature where I can be ice cold particularly in my hands and feet, then it can flip and I feel like I'm melting all over and struggle to get a happy medium temperature. As well as the temperature fluctuations my under arm sweat frankly smells awful, almost copper like. I am showering daily, I am using wet wipes because I'm paranoid throughout the day, and I'm using deodorant all the time and it's still hanging around. My confidence is already shot with other symptoms so this really takes the biscuit. Has anyone else noticed this to know if it's the condition or for myself my other health problems combined with fibromyalgia and all my meds doing this?

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Nickysfybroflares profile image
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58 Replies
Badbessie profile image

Hi you did not give your age or if you had any other conditions. Some antidepressants, steroids and anti-inflammatory medications can cause you to sweat to name a few. There are a number of other conditions which can also cause the symptoms. These conditions can range from hyperthyroidism to menopause to simple anxiety. Yes fibromyalgia can cause problems with the bodies abilities to regulate temperature but to be safe you need to speak with your GP to eliminate common causes before blaming fibromyalgia.

Nickysfybroflares profile image
Nickysfybroflaresโ€ข in reply toBadbessie

37, had lots of tests. Taken a number of years for them to say I have chronic pain and fibromyalgia. I also have acid reflux, high cholesterol, deaf in my left ear due to neglect at gp misdiagnosed 3 times with perforation and infected ear, I'm anemic, and deficiency in folic acid and vitamin d. I'm on Sertraline. I'm on a wait list for pain management. I've had tests for menopause and that's negative, also had tests for thyroids and again negative. To get anywhere with my gp is like booking a ticket to the moon unless its very very urgent so I'll have one hell of a wait to look into sweating issue. I'm just asking this community their experiences as the medical folks haven't told me jack. So I'm having to learn on my own.

NaturalDyer profile image
NaturalDyerโ€ข in reply toNickysfybroflares

I won't go over what everyone else has said about the temperature fluctuations, but I totally get what you say about having to learn on your own. Time and again I've come away from tests and drs appointments (when I can get them) with 'nothing showed' and 'we don't know why'. I've had to accept that doctors just don't know stuff or that the NHS won't fund tests past a certain point. I find that diet is a big factor and I control things like my acid reflux with really restricting what I eat, all done through my own research. But also, do keep pushing them - after at least 5 years of one specific pain I finally got a scan that found extensive gallstones, which they'd never bothered looking for until I asked for the scan because I'd done my own research. So although I understand the people who say 'You should ask your GP' I also know that we do have to research our own symptoms and saying go to your GP isn't always a very helpful reply. Good luck with your journey. x

โ€ข in reply toNaturalDyer

I feel you! And Iโ€™m sorry! I agree with the gp, I have been changing mine all the time as Iโ€™m having really bad luck find decent one, they seem like have no knowledge at all? Constantly googling the symptoms..: I can do that myself what I waste trip to the gp for that. I call them Google professors now, Iโ€™m sorry but so many of them absolutely USLEES! You have to do your own research and push them massively to get the results j have been struggling for over a year now, and only just now I managed to get first app with rheumatologist

Badbessie profile image
Badbessieโ€ข in reply toNickysfybroflares

Sadly both my wife and I have experienced the negative tests and "It's due to fibromyalgia" . The reason I am cautious is that GPs have misdiagnosed both of us and I insist that any problems we have are documented. I totally understand your frustration with getting appointments and obviously your sweating is affecting your self image but you need answers and while the group can show sympathy or empathy in some cases we cannot give definite answers.

CheetieCat profile image

Hi, sorry to say but I think it's quite common. Wonky thermostat is all over the place, sweat in places you never even knew you could sweat in ๐Ÿฅต it's awful, I dread the summer it's bad enough in the winter! Check in with your GP though it could be something else like a medication side affect, also GP can advise on washes, stronger deodorants etc....

Nickysfybroflares profile image
Nickysfybroflaresโ€ข in reply toCheetieCat

Definitely. I have loads of jumpers I live in for the winter and these last few years ive been so bad that I've been wearing my summer clothes throughout. I've got the saviour of a neck fan. And little hand held fans. I use the cool migraine strips too. I hate the summer because like you said its intense. I've even shaved the underneath of my hair so my neck stays slightly cool. If it gets much worse I'm shaving the lot off. X

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCatโ€ข in reply toNickysfybroflares

Same! Keep trying to wear long sleeves but last about 20 minutes max before I'm just about tearing them off. I'm at work today in a spit through 100% loose cotton top but got to wear support socks up to my knees and they make me over heat. I also have a good stock of neck fans, cool sprays, baby wipes, face wipes etc... Even been known to go to work with panty liners in my bra ๐Ÿ˜ณ Workmates warned if I have an accident and I'm being taken to hospital they NEED to get them out!!๐Ÿ˜

bex2013 profile image
bex2013โ€ข in reply toNickysfybroflares

Wearing natural fibres like cotton will really help, cotton sheets on your bed too, it sounds crazy but looks into how threat effects the brain and how to acknowledge your thoughts and discomfort and self soothe, it's life changing if you can master that. You could be perimenopausal. Taking evening primrose supplements may help. And even if it's not peri-menopause they will still help to regulate your hormones and help with menstruation symptoms which could be added to your symptoms. Talc is a good one, carry a small one in your bag and apply when you feel clammy, after wiping and spraying. change your deodorant regularly and try the 48hr ones, anxiety can also cause this so CBT may be an option. Refer yourself to a pain clinic and ask for help with living with fibromyalgia. They actually have very good courses you can attend.

Don't shave your hair off! That's part of your identity. Remember you are valid! We understand you! And we go through similar things.

Do something each day that you enjoy! Listen to your favourite song, call a friend, dance (even if it's chair dancing) sing, have a good snog or cuddle with your partner. Or hug someone you love. All these things are good for reducing anxiety and using up the hormones we produce when we are stressed.

I hope that helps xx

Alirobbo profile image
Alirobboโ€ข in reply toCheetieCat

I used to love summer, I holidayed in Greece, my favourite destination โ€ฆpeople place food and of course the sun! It makes me feel ill now just thinking about that heat! X

Tiamaria2367 profile image
Tiamaria2367โ€ข in reply toCheetieCat

I've had fibromyalgia now for 30 years and I'm sick of the pain and the pain team are struggling to help me because the doses I was on started affecting my heart so I'm in more pain than ever because they have had to reduce and switch around pain tablets, but my body boiler as I like to call it is one minute I'm sweltering so I strip to the bare minimum then 5 mins later I'm freezing so I put my jumper on and you can guess the rest. Your not on your own and I sympathise with you but I agree with everyone else please try the doc just to check everything else is working and maybe you might get answer to sort it.

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCatโ€ข in reply toTiamaria2367

Hi, I think you meant this for Nickysfybroflares hopefully this will alert her, no idea how to change it so fingers crossed!

Hollygreen profile image

Dear nicky.. Yes. I have Fibromyalgia and I perspire unpredictably so heavily all over that I have to go to a loo and remove everything. My clothes are as if they've been in a bucket of water. I look as if I've just stepped out of a shower or got caught in a downpour. It's very upsetting. It happens on holiday while I'm packing to depert, usually just after I've had a bath and dried my hair and styled it and got dressed. I have to start all over again and they may wonder why I'm late in vacating the room. I can't wear makeup. It's exhausting. My GP said that beta blockers work for this but I don't want to take more medication as I'm on lots. There is a charity support group for this. Hypo something. The GP will help. Kind regards from Mrs D.

VerityRoma3 profile image
VerityRoma3โ€ข in reply toHollygreen

I have fibromyalgia and I have the exact same symptoms as you. I look as though someone has thrown a bucket of water over me. I am totally saturated all over my body Itโ€™s horrible

Hollygreen profile image
Hollygreenโ€ข in reply toVerityRoma3

Dear Verity Roma3, yes, it's horrid. My GP says it's common but that's not obvious to me. I don't come across anyone else in my social life experiencing this. I haven't had it for months because I am bed ridden so I don't currently have stress in public places! My Fibromyalgia has made me just about bedridden now. I save my energy for Sunday for Mass. I can't go to First Saturday today Mass because I wouldn't have energy to go tomorrow, Sunday. I'm probably too poorly to go on holiday this year. But, I have a fantastic husband and friends.

moo196 profile image

Yes. I believe it's a common symptom

Alice2004 profile image

good morning

Is quite common to have all the symptoms you described, I am going through them for the last 3 years, at the beginning I had no idea what is going on with me until the doctor told me, is horrible and I became paranoid about myself, and the medication contributes to sweat and smell of it.

Unfortunately we have to learn how to live with it.๐Ÿ™

Avalonia profile image

Not so heavy as you're sweating but frequently at night, I wake updrenched with sweat and always at nighr .H owever, I had lots of hot flushes during the day and my partner says it's almost like i'm going through menopaus

Tiredcow profile image

hi, I suffer from this too and I asked my doctors for a review of my medication. Iโ€™ve now switched from sertraline to fluoxetine, itโ€™s only been just over 2 weeks but itโ€™s been the best thing Iโ€™ve done. Iโ€™m not sweating as much, I feel happier and I feel like I have more energy (I also started taking 2000mg vit D3 daily roughly same time) maybe it might be worth asking for a review of your medication. I put a request in through the nhs app as my drs are quite similar to yours and I got a telephone appointment with the pharmacist. Good luck xx

Alirobbo profile image

hi Nicky, yes yes yes! I feel you, when my cold hands feet and nose start to heat up all of a sudden Iโ€™m sweating and want to rip all my clothes off! Fibro is really doing my head in! As for smell, mayb check for a bacterial infection? My armpits were stinking of onions it was vile & so stressful. I treated it myself bought otc canesten cream twice a day for a week the smell has gone thankfully. Iโ€™m afraid itโ€™s yet another symptom we have to deal with. Take care Alison

Littlefighter82 profile image

I've suffered from Hypohydrosis for years and never thought to link it with Fibro. It's very embarrassing. I can go for a walk on a cold day and when I arrive, I'm drenched. My back looks like I've just done a 10k! I now use Mitchum deodorant which helps. I tried the silver one from my GP but that just hurt my skin.

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCatโ€ข in reply toLittlefighter82

I'm sure you meant Hyperhidrosis - Hypohidrosis is virtually no sweating at all.

Inability to regulate body temperature is just another one of the many recognised fibro symptoms.

This one though is a Total Bitch to live with ๐Ÿ˜”

Littlefighter82 profile image
Littlefighter82โ€ข in reply toCheetieCat

Oops. Yes, that's what I meant!!

Drayco profile image

I have fibromyalgia an i always seem to be cold,i used to love the winters but since having fibro i am cold an its a painful cold where i cant get warm.

Tommygurl profile image
Tommygurlโ€ข in reply toDrayco

Hi DraycoI am exactly the same always cold to the point it makes me feel ill . especially across my upper body it feels like the cold has gone right through my bones it is really painful

Nipper11 profile image

โธHi there ๐Ÿ˜Š. Sorry to hear you are struggling right now. Temperature changes have been something I have always had. The only things I can recommend is increase your water intake and read all side affects linked to your medication. Research your symptoms and perhaps keep a record of how many times a day this is happening. Record your body Temperature at the time . Continue this until you have at least a month readings and take this information to your GP. There will be something which is creating this problem. My body Temperatures have improved by cutting out a couple of my drugs and drinking more water and less coffee and tea.

Because we are all very different it's hard to advise and therefore some simple changes being monitored over a period of time will give you a clearer picture of when this happens against a pattern. Plus What's happening to you is your body trying to tell you something ๐Ÿค” so keep pushing and get your doctor to view your symptoms over a period of time with your detailed record.

Look to see if you have any vitamins deficiency perhaps some tests done by your GP would help. Keep pushing him to get you help and support. I feel sure you will feel happy with the outcome to improve these symptoms, so don't put up with them. There will be a reason for the strong smell under your arms. Look at your diet. Ask for a urine sample to be done to see if there anything highlighted there. .

Good luck ๐Ÿ‘ and take care

Princess61 profile image

Hi, I have fibromyalgia and cf, I'm constantly hot, can't wear thick jumpers, always cardigans so I can take them off . Have my little fan constantly going at night, come winter or summer. My work colleagues hate it when I'm on shift, always got the fans going๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. I love the winter!!! Cooler. Gone through menopause so it's no longer the culprit. I've definitely got a wonky thermostat that's constantly high and very occasionally feel the cold.xx

KimiJay profile image

Yes. Have been getting something like this recently, not as badly as it sounds with you. It always resolves though if I take something off or put something on and even snuggle up with a hot water bottle for a bit. Have been having flares and stress on and off the last few weeks too and have had to take more rests and do lots less sometimes. (Am lucky I'm retired!!!)

In acupuncture at this time of year they give treatments for 'damp'. Very appropriate. It's been horrible. Suggest keep trusting your instincts as you seem to have done and if the sun does manage to shine through, go outside and get a bit of it. Best wishes for a springtime reset! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒบโ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

HBpencil profile image

Hi. Very surprised to see such a response to this post!.I too have this problem. It's awful.

I sweat randomly and profusely. And always when I'm dropping off to sleep. Beit day or night time. Not only is it uncomfortable and annoying, it also makes me feel quite unwell and lightheaded. Anyone else feel this way?

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCatโ€ข in reply toHBpencil

Yes, I know Exactly what you mean! I get it mostly when I'm trying to do something then I overheat, sweat buckets, get the 'jelly legs' then the sicky yucky feeling - game over TIME OUT

HBpencil profile image
HBpencilโ€ข in reply toCheetieCat

Hi. Suppose it's good to know I'm not alone..But isn't it hard to live with?It's happening more often nowadays.

Doctors tend to bypass the subject. But my Gastro consultant has suggested referring me to an endocrinologist. We shall see.

Funny you say it's when you're trying to do something CheetieCat..it's the same with me. Seems to be when I'm in the middle of something where I'm having to concentrate..weird stuff.

CheetieCat profile image
CheetieCatโ€ข in reply toHBpencil

I know, most doctors just don't want to know. Be really interesting to hear how your referral goes though

marguLIS profile image

Absolutely yes! Soaked bedding, soaked clothes, soaked scalp and hair, hands , and pretty much everywhere. Awful, knocked my confidence so badly. Then next day freezing. Couldn't regulate my temperature irrespective of the weather or surroundings.

I'm also really sensitive to deodorant and antiperspirant . Nightmare. I have found one product that actually helps me . If you like I'll give you details. Not a cure, but definitely helps me.

Brigga profile image

Sertraline made me a lot hotter and sweatier. Iโ€™m on citalopram which is definitely better in that regard. Might be worth trying a different AD? I definitely struggle with regulating my body temperature these days - always too hot or too cold. It could be due to my fibromyalgia but I also suspect it might be my weight gain and being older.

denny_the_wench profile image

Yes definitely wonky thermostat - but I kept a diary and worked out some of the triggers:

I get really cold after a wheat or carb heavy meal and it also wipes me out so that I have to go to sleep to recover so I only have those meals at night now - + point I get a better night sleep this way.

I was on Duloxetine and although initially it helped the pain I had to increase the dose over the years and the head sweats were horrendous, with that "just stepped out of shower look" as soon as I exerted myself at all and I resorted to head bands with cotton washable liners inside to soak it up. Now off all those types of meds since Xmas and trying CBD oils and co-codamols if really bad. Has improved matters tremendously but have managed to get a referral to the pain clinic for the 1st time so we will see what they say.

The diary really helps though

Lousbunnies profile image

hi lovely,, Im same but I sweat to the point itโ€™s dripping off me I hate itโ€™s caused massive knock to my confidence, extreme sweating is another symptom to add to fibromyalgia,, as if we need anymore x

saj01 profile image

Hi there... You too! Yes I'm hot and cold all the time now... it drives me mad. I've got raynaud's as well, so I do feel the cold badly and tend to dress in layers so off comes the indoor fleece and the leggings,,,,, when I've cooled down, on they go again.( but that's easier for me because I'm not having to work now.)

As for sweating underarms, I never got on with anti perspirants, found they just stained my clothes. I've been using pitrock deodorant for years ( no aluminum )- not perfect but better than nothing. I also switched to natural cotton t shirts rather than the ones with polyester etc in them. But that doesn't help you.

I don't know the answer on that one, just wondering if a pharmacist might be able to shed some light on it.... bit of a long shot but worth asking, but ideally your gp is the way to go.

Take care xx .

nuttynan profile image

Hi yes love have had this for many many years. I am now post menopause now, but had double dose with the two. Even now i only have to move and i am dripping wet with the two. It really knocks you side ways and make you feel dirty and uncomfortable. I do not go far for one i can not walk or stand too long to go far. A invite for wedding or any thing is a no no as every body looks lovely and i am a wet mess for i even get any where.Some as summer people looks radient with there tan and my clothes are soaked and i am drenched for i get out the door.

Cotswolds25121 profile image

hi, just read your post. Iโ€™m 63, I started going through the menopause around 45 and had terrible night sweats for 4 years. Changing night wear and bedding continuously was a nightmare. Unfortunately, I am still having hot sweats to the point where my hair is wringing wet๐Ÿ˜”as if Iโ€™ve been swimming. Really embarrassing, Iโ€™m lucky to work in care as colleagues understand. For 15 years I kept thinking Iโ€™m still having menopausal symptoms but over the past few years I now believe it must be due to my medication as I am on a lot. I have to say that the frequency of my symptoms is rarer now thank goodness but still hate it as I cannot feel comfortable at all. Iโ€™m like a pressure cooker about to burst. No matter how many times over the years Iโ€™ve mentioned this to drs at my surgery, itโ€™s just ignored ๐Ÿ˜กand Iโ€™ve given up even saying anything๐Ÿ˜”I do however have my yearly meds review coming up in March so I may give it one last go๐Ÿคžin regards to the under arm sweating, I empathise with you. I did use about 13 years ago a product called Mitchum, who do deodorants now but I used the rock version and I did burn under my arms ๐Ÿ˜–but realised Iโ€™d put to much on. After a while my arms didnโ€™t sweat at all, wonderful you may think BUT beware because I still to this day never ever sweat under my arms and I use an ordinary strength dove deodorant but I do wonder if that is the cause of my whole head being unbearably hot, the sweat has to come out somewhere doesnโ€™t it๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธI suppose itโ€™s a personal decision as others may not have the same horrible effect and it depends on how much under arm sweat is affecting your life, although from what you say itโ€™s extremely affecting you. Could be the same outcome as me if you had botox ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธunder arms. Who knows but please know that others will definitely understand how you are feeling and I hope that you find something that works for you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ’•

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalotโ€ข in reply toCotswolds25121

Hi sweetie ๐Ÿ™‚,I have the same being freezing cold but in bed sweat terribly. So out come the wipes. But I use sweat block stick antipersperant? It supposed to last 2 days. It's 1 day with me.

As well as the sweating I noticed my pee smelled sweet?

Or like cat pee๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„lol.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Mega hugs to all Dawn

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756โ€ข in reply toSmilesalot

Hi Dawn, had to smile at your saying smells like cat pee sometimes - me too! I can't believe someone else has this, but it is funny xx ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’–

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalotโ€ข in reply toElaine200756

Lol it's so true. My Dr looked at me like I was bonkers when I mentioned it to him years ago hehehe I'm briefly posting a picture of my face in my profile. Then the cute kitten will be back hugs x

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756โ€ข in reply toSmilesalot

Hahaha ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ hugs xx

Cotswolds25121 profile image

sorry for long post, I do tend to waffle ๐Ÿ˜x

Fibrooh profile image

I have a wonky thermostat too although my problems ate mostly with shivering and goosebumps even in moderate temperatures. I also sweat terrobly when eating anything spicy which I never used to do.

Dinkie profile image

Ah the dreaded WTS (wonky thermostat syndrome) suffered for years. Can be wearing a tee shirt in the snow and thermals in summer and suffer many changes through the day. Just one of the general problems with fibro, the condition that just keeps giving.

Elaine200756 profile image

Yes, I've had this for a number of years Nicky. It's very frustrating. I think our body's ability to regulate temperature is affected by fibromyalgia. I find it hard to cope if the outer temperature is lowered or raised even by a degree it affects me. Sorry you have this too xx ๐Ÿค—

LauraB37 profile image

I'm like this all the time its annoying and doesn't help our confidence, have you tried using mitchum the mens one its like a stick deorant its amazing. Stop the sweating, but I've yet to find some thing to help with the cold hands and feet x

Debsdelight72 profile image

Blimey Nicksfybroflares,

Lots of replies, Try not to worry too much, If you can't get in to see your GP have you thought about booking a call from them? The more you worry the naffer you'll feel, Iv'e said so before with people not being able to get into their own GP,

If you have a walk in centre, Use it,it's what it's for,

Sometimes you might have a bit of a wait but you will be seen

I hope I'm not repeating any thing already,

Now then, Please don't think EEeeeewww, Dirty old mare, Back in the day (70's) Old school was bath on a Sunday and that was your lot and reusing water! I still have not forgiven my brother for leaving something disgusting in the bath, ( Kids are kids Of course I have forgiven him)

A shower was posh where I was dragged up and the hot water was a treat,

What I'm getting round to saying is, Maybe you are showering too much? Your washing away your natural oils and might be clogging up your pores?

Every time we had gym at my middle school we had showers, So I'd just stand underneath, I had to be told several times to get out and dressed Hahaha (1st in, last 1 out)

I'm of course not telling you to shop washing and showering, It's just advice, I hope you get whatever it is sorted,

Take care


Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalotโ€ข in reply toDebsdelight72

DebsI had to laugh at you explaining Sunday bath hehehe.

That was my life too. I only had one sister so it wasn't

Too bad. But she was always first.

And you're so right about school showers๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜Š.

I have a bed bath twice a week and that's fine until I can pay for everyday.

๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—big hugs sweetie Dawn xx

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72โ€ข in reply toSmilesalot

Bless, Not ideal, but at least it's twice and not non at all,

I briefly worked at a very highly priced care home, It was joined to a very well to do hotel in the country side, I felt it was very unfair that people were paying way to much and some didn't get bathed at all,

I didn't stay, Because I didn't like what I saw,

Thank you for the hugs, (((๐Ÿ˜Œ))) right back atcha

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalotโ€ข in reply toDebsdelight72

Oh wow๐Ÿ˜ฏ,They didn't bathe people? That's awful. I'm not surprised you left !!!

I worked nights at a few homes but the worst was when the boss shouted at me in front of everyone for ironing both sides of the clients clothes. I couldn't believe it.

Because I was quiet I got all the crop jobs.

I was put on the psychiatric ward. If never done it before, alone no supervision I was to get 20 people out of bed and wash and dress them .

Needless to say I ended up all bruised and bitten๐Ÿ™„ . Most of the people were incredibly violent.

I sang to them prayed with them anything to distract them from beating me up. I loved it!

I knew my ladies were clean and less stressed.

When day shift came on duty they were so annoyed cos the poor ladies stared shouting screaming at seeing them.

It really made me wonder what the hell went on the rest of the time. I left. The staff were rude arrogant and crop at their jobs and cruel. I did get a better job offer .๐Ÿ˜ŠSorry for wobbling on


I enjoyed most of my time as a carer.

Even more hugs to you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—Dawn

Debsdelight72 profile image
Debsdelight72โ€ข in reply toSmilesalot

I didn't last long with the carer company either, The times I got for driving to clients homes were unachievable So I was always late and my car didn't like it either,

I was going to hand my notice in after a month, When I had my back injury at a clients home,Luckily there was another carer with me at the time so I had a witness, The wife had a massive bedroom and her husband was in something that Harry Potter under the stairs room was bigger! Very selfish woman who in her own words said she was just waiting for him to die so she could move to her Daughters home in Spain!!!

I received an amount of money from being hurt and was off work for approx 6 months and I decided to go back as a bus driver, Until Fibro ๐Ÿ’ฉ took a hold of me,

And here we are sat in bed feeling rather sorry for myself and going nowhere fast๐Ÿ˜ญ, As for you my dear thinking you waffle/wobble on here you've got me that goes on and on and on..........................................................................................and on, If There was a medal,

I would have the gold, ๐Ÿคฃ I really do think typing out a rant is great because it gets things off your chest, And others can join the conversation!!

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalotโ€ข in reply toDebsdelight72

Hi Debsdelight72.I love listening to you sweetie.

I'm sorry you were injured in the care profession.

I had Fibro whilst doing it and was a walking Zombie. I then worked in an office and hated it!!

They made the mistake of telling me a particular machine was unbreakable๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I have no idea what I did but I broke it.

I started out cleaning. Very difficult with fibromyalgia.

What's it like driving a bus ?

I imagine it's exhausting.

I rather like chatting to you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—.

The Woman waiting for hubby to die is so ๐Ÿ˜ข. Wicked woman !!!!!

I got no sleep last night meh. So much pain all over and so stressed.

Jon is planning on cycling even though he's screwed up his feet. It gives him brief respite.

I've got a physiotherapist coming to the house on Wednesday. I'm not happy. To teach me to strengthen my legs.๐Ÿ™„. I do Bob and Brad exercises on YouTube. I'll do them when J goes out.

How is ur back now ? I'm fact how are you today sweetie?

I've to have a barium meal soon ๐Ÿ˜. I don't swallow very well.

Ah Jon's ready to go out and tell me not to eat carpet๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

Let me know how you are ๐Ÿค—Dawn

TormentedWriter profile image

Hi Nicky, I'm afraid to say I agree with people saying that it is quite common. I've struggled with my body temperature for years and GP hasn't been able to find anything to tackle it to date. In the past couple of years, since my perimenopause hit, it's become worse and I've also noticed body odour, something I have never before suffered with. I hope you are able to find a solution as I know, like many here, the embarrassment and discomfort (on top of all the other symptoms) this causes. Good Luck ๐Ÿ€xx

sue32 profile image

Oh bless you...this Fibro thing is a pile of **** isn't it? I was diagnosed 19 years ago and I still have terrible pain. I've tried most painkillers, short of morphine, and nothing helps. But like you, I have a range of body temperatures; one minute I'm shivering something rotten, next minute I feel like I'm going through the menopause...again! It is such a strange illness and I think everyone experiences FMS in different ways. I do hope you find at least a happy medium...xxx

Kariss profile image

Hi, I may be repeating a comment by someone else here, but I can confirm that being on sertraline can make you sweat more. Both my daughter and myself found this out, having both been on this medication at times in the past, and I was never a sweaty person before that. Of course we are all different and this may not be your cause, but ask the doctor next time you manage to get an appointment. For me it was worth staying on the sertraline as the benefits outweighed the sweating problem, but it definitely reduced when I finally came off it.

CheetieCat profile image

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