I literally have all the symptoms of fibromyalgia and I have been suffering for quite some time now and after realising that I could have this condition I just wanted some advise as to how the doctor will diagnose this and roughly how long would it take before I can get treatment for it .
fibromyalgia: I literally have all the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

My advice would be keep a dairy for a couple of weeks listing what problems you get from day to day and then present it to your GP. Fibromyalgia can mimic a number of conditions and your GP may arrange a number of blood tests to eliminate these. A GP can diagnose fibromyalgia however you may need to be referred to a rheumatologist before diagnosis. In my own and wife's experience the diagnosis was reached through a process of elimination of other conditions which sadly can take time. However your GP can prescribe medication to help you with your symptoms.
hi there Sandy, you need to get your doctor to refer you to the hospital, there are no known tests I know off as it doesn’t appear in blood tests but if you’ve got a good GP ask him to refer you to Rhuemetology which is how after 10 years I got diagnosed. Good luck and I hope you get some answers and joining this group is the best thing I’ve done as you know you are not on your own x
Hi when I thought I may have Fibromyalgia, with a lot of the symptoms presenting themselves, I went to my GP and she had lots of blood test carried out to eliminate other conditions, when they all came back negative, she diagnosed Fibromyalgia. In some areas the GP will refer you to a Rheumatologist, in that case the diagnosis will take longer.
lv been diagnosed with fibro 2013 n all iv been told by s there is no treatment but iv met people with same condition n i think they been treated with different types of steroids
GGrrrrr Sandy1988
It makes me angry every time I see younger peeps on here,
First of all Welcome, Don't ever think you are on your own with this! So sad your suffering. There are different levels of Fibro, (all of them 💩 I waited well over 4 yrs until I was diagnosed, Then we moved,My GP after my first appointment said come back in a month, And prescribed me some pain meds for the month,
I thought she was just trying to get rid of me, She was actually on a course for Watching out for signs with Fibro, Bloods to rule out anything else, So she is now able to diagnose,
This is something to do with helping take the pressure off the Roomy bods, As time goes on more and more GP's will be qualified to diagnose, Until that happens, Try and relax more (I know easier said than done) Do your research,
Gentle (((hugs))) to you take care Debs