Hi. I have recently become exhausted all day and no matter how much I sleep it won't go away. Dr thinks it's related to my fibromyalgia. Can anyone give me some advice on how to cope with this and is there anything I can do to help? Thanks heather xx
Fibromyalgia and tiredness: Hi. I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia and tiredness

You might try a warm bath. Soothing music, meditation or a tens unit to relax your muscles. It's a matter of finding something that will let you go into a deep sleep. If you don't hit REM sleep you won't feel rested. You may even have to be put on a medication that will help you get deep sleep. We all have problems with sleep. It's a matter of finding what works for you on that night. Hope this helps some.
Heather- Since I started supplementing B12 and B complex his has helped lift the fatigue a lot, I'm not saying it works for everyone but in my case its certainly worth a try. Only buy suitable supplements as many cheaper one's are filled with fillers and can make you unwell. Do a little research first. If you pm me I will give you the brand name I use xx
I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I sincerely hope that you can find the answers that you are looking for. There are medications that you could discuss with your doctor, one of them is called 'Symmetrel' and it is used to help fight fatigue, and / or trying some vitamin supplements may help? As the winter months can take it out of us? I want to gneuinely wish you all the best of luck with this.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Just check it's not related to the medication you're taking. I took Prozac and then discovered this is what was making me really tired during the day
Hi there
One of the largest issues with Fibromyalgia is that we do not reach Stage 4 REM sleep. If we were able to do this, we would probably not suffer with Fibro in the first place.
It takes approximately four hours of deep sleep before we enter REM and then we need to stay in that stage for about 2 hours.
During this time all the cells in our bodies are renewed and a general healing process happens.
People that do not have Fibromyalgia, in general, reach Stage 4 sleep every night and awake refreshed.
Fibro sufferers, in general, wake up (if they've managed to sleep in the first place) feeling exhausted.
I appreciate that this does not answer your question as to how to cope, but I personally found that knowing why I feel so fatigued all the time, helped a little bit.
Trying to pace yourself is about the only thing I can suggest. Also if you search Spoon Theory it may help you to read up on that. (Type Spoon Theory in the search bar on the top right corner of your screen).
I have suffered with Fibro for over 30 years and still struggle to pace myself 😁
All the very best.
Lu xx
Ask you gp to get your vitamin D levels checked. Low levels are associated with fatigue, pain, depression and pretty much all of our symptoms of fibromyalgia and most people suffering from fibromyalgia have very low levels when tested.
Make sure if levels are low, that you are given vitamin D3 at the proper dosage not the UK standard one of 600 Iu. Depending on how low your are, you need anything up to 60,000 Iu a week.
I would definitely get it checked, it's a simple blood test and why you there ask for you ferritin and haemoglobin levels to be checked also.
Hope this helps x
snap I am now trying colliodal silver it seems to be working why I do not know I went for my blood clotting test just before xmas it had stabalised over the past weeks but on this test it had dropped again my nurse asked me what I had done differently I told her I had stopped the colliodal she said for me to go straight back on it I have and my clotting has now leveled off again I am classed as a multi stroker I am also diabetic have fibromyalgia arthritus and COPD a few more but these are the worst yet the colliodal for some reason is easing all symptoms of the above to the extent my doc said she had never heard my lungs as clear as they are now I have looked on the USA sites about this colliodal silver and it makes very interesting reading as lot of doctors are now saying is it the one thing that was missing in treatments as silver is after all an antibiotic or was used as such a couple of centuries ago trouble is doctors cannot prescribe it and though over time it works out cheaper than a lot of stuff the initial cost is dear £30. for 1000ml but it lasts a long time and works out at about £1.50 per week the one draw back is if you over dose on it your skin turns grey so you have to stick to the recommended dose which is easy to do hope this helps you good luck