Are dry eyes a symptom of Fibromyalgia, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year. I have been suffering with dry eyes for about 2 weeks.
Dry Eyes: Are dry eyes a symptom of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Dry Eyes

Have you looked into Blepharitis? This interferes with the oil producing glands on the lash line. If that is the condition, it's actually difficult to cure without knowing the root cause which could possibly be connected to an autoimmune condition. Warm compresses are about the only home treatment possibly using castor oil (pharmaceucital type). Soap and water don't seem to help.

No but you could have sjogrends which is a condition that overlaps with fibro.
Hi Mark, I also have dry eyes, and when I mentioned it to the optician a few months ago, he asked if I had fibro. When I said yes, he said that could be the cause and he finds it is quite common in people with fibro.
As with any new symptom it should be investigated. Dry eyes can be associated with a number of conditions especially certain types of arthritis.
Hi. I have fibro and dry eyes. This dryness started together with fibro condition, never had issues with eyes before. And the worse my body feels (the bigger the pain), the worse my eyes get. So it's definetely related. And, like someone mentioned here, it can be related with autoimune conditions like arthritis. But for sure dry eyes are on the fibro list of symptoms.
Hi Mark1973Like Redkite55 said, my optition asked if I had Fibro and he said it was a common symptom for people with Fibro. I use drops now and then. The symptoms come and go.
Yes unfortunately, you can get some gel from the GP which really helps. Also caster oil on your eye lids at night is really soothing.
Yes very much so they are related I have been on eye medication for this for over 30 years I was told by Moorfields Eye hospital those with fibromyalgia are very likely to suffer with blepharitis ,dry eyes etc Sorry to hear you are suffering too
Hi, I've had dry eyes for a few years. My optician is pretty good (he also has dry eyes!). I use drops up to 5 times a day. Warm compress and massage gently. Also I clean both eyelids morning and night with a lid scrub. I find if I don't do it, my eyes are really painful, and scratching not good for the eye surface. It does come and go a bit but I think that's when I get a bit slack! x