hi this is my first post. I don’t know how to make things better at the moment. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in June but suspect I’ve had it a long time. I’m 35f with 2 children and partner 35m. I feel like I’m so tired and my back is constantly burning. Xmas has been so exhausting travelling, cooking, planning, shopping and managing everybody else’s stresses I feel like I’m ready to give up but feel my relationship is on the brink of breaking also. My partner has mental health issues that he refuses to address and feel like he thinks I’m making up how bad I feel. I don’t really know what the point of me posting this is just feel it would be nice to get off my chest and any advice welcome
overwhelmed: hi this is my first post... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi and a warm welcome. You can find general information on fibromyalgia at our website fmauk.org and our patient information booklets at fmauk.org/publications

Hello and a warm welcome, Christmas can be very stressful , young children , everything that s expected of you , having a young family and this horrid condition is wearing enough , I hope the last few days it’s calmed down and you can switch down alittle, the forum is s good place too talk and we have members your age who will differently relate too what you are going threw ☹️could you speak too say your partners parents and ask for some help and or advice too help him move forward as it leaning heavy on you right now ? Very hard but if someone will accept they need help it could ease family life for you personally, I am sending my best wishes too you as my daughter is 36, separated with 2 little boys ,has fibro & endometriosis so we try work between us day too day xx
I'm sorry to see you are finding things really tough at the moment. I have tried the low oxalate diet suggested by Sally K Norton.com, and it has worked for me. I am pain free and am now sleeping properly for the first time in three years. Its worth a try, it just means you need to gradually cut out some problem foods. The link to her site is:
I have found her website really helpful (she is also on Utube - just tap in Sally K Norton). She also provides a list of low oxalate foods:
I also found a GP who has been on the diet. Her story is on the Daily Mail website:
I hope this helps.
I think writing it all down here is a pretty good start for you, where folk understand so many different aspects of fibro...
I am without children but have taught all my life so understand the sort of strains that youngsters put upon you...
You have a difficult scenario with yr partner and that sounds so heartbreaking...
Mental health issues can make one selfish and I spk with experience!!!
I hope you can talk w yr GP and school to check if they can understand and offer signposts for children's support , social safeguarding 4 you and maybe a directive to yr partner?
Easy healthy meals, reading stories together in bed so you can get some extra lying down time, magnesium baths and generally taking any short cut you can to make yr burdens less...
The diet above sounds interesting
I seem to live on vegetable soups in winter and keep as warm as possible...
You've got a lot on yr plate and it does take years to adapt completely to a healthier lifestyle where you have to put yourself first everytime!!!
Good luck!
Kp reading posts on here and you will find the most helpful tips from all sorts of folk who are somewhere on this journey with you..
I hope you find another line of support here and report back on this thread anytime you need to...
We'll watch this space xxx