I have applied for the 2nd for pip the first 2 yrs ago during COVID so was a telephone call and they basically called a liar saying I could do more than I advised in my form - I have re applied and again a telephone consult how can they see how bad u walk or how I manage at home I think this is really unfair that a Dr dies not see me to assess me has anyone else been refused after a phone consult I appealed last time and was still refused
Refusal of Pip application: I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Refusal of Pip application

Hi Jan0860I am so sorry it didn't go well last time but glad you have decided to have another go. Is there someone who can be with you when you have your phone call? It can be a professional or family/ friend or a volunteer. I was with my daughter when she had her phone call. You will need to make sure you can put over how much you struggle. Make some notes and examples so you don't forget. Make sure you know what you said in your application as they use it sometimes. Try not to get flustered or let them hurry you. I asked for a break for my daughter as she has ME and FIbro. If it does go to MR don't get disheartened if the outcome is the same. Just take it to appeal. The last time you appealed did it go to court? Get some help from organisations to support you. They have a good benefit adviser on here. Fightback4justice. Benefits and work. CAB. Welfare rights are just a few you could try.
Good luck. X
Hi, I did an MR and it has come back as the same decision. I get lower rate for (sorry can't think what it's called). But did not get the mobility part, I got 4 points for that, despite the fact that I am taking 8 Zapain, 2 Naproxen and 75g Amytriptaline a day. I also have anxiety and arthritis.
I still work, and wish to continue working, and I have someone do my housework and ironing. My husband, who also works does most of the other tasks needed around the house.
I just don't understand how they come to their decision.
I think if they had to walk a day in my shoes, perhaps they may understand how difficult the most simple things are to do.
I am going to appeal their decision.
I will take a look at the sites that you have mentioned, as it's so hard to try and get across to them the difficulties we face on a daily basis.
I hope Jan0860 gets the help and support she needs 🙂
Hi there FibronewbieJabMy MR came back with nothing unchanged. The person who did it said that she had read it and as I hadn't said what I disagreed with she wasn't able to change the decision. I knew then she hadn't read any of it as I put down very clearly what I agreed with and what I didn't and why.
I put in for an appeal and got it before it went to a tribunal.
I wouldn't tell them you work as you don't have to and also don't tell them if you can drive. Obviously if they ask outright you can't lie but they don't need to know those two things.
I so hope you have better luck. I use Benefits 4 Work site. I think they are really good.
Love and comfy hugs
Lilly x
Hi Jan0860, It took me 4 years to get Pip, and that was with a letter the hospital consultant sent to me stating I couldn't work. I went through 4 mandatory reconsideration, utilised cab and a support group. The best help I had was from a welfare worker at my local one-stop centre, who actually got me the Pip, 6 years ago. He told me never to deviate from the worst day and to know there's a set amount of questions that they ask in different ways. You need to get intricate with how you look at, and break down what you do to get to, and from work, as well as what you actually do for & at work. They will apply this to what you say you can and can't do. You need additional information from whoever helps you that needs to be signed & them willing to state they'll give evidence if it goes to court. But you need to be realistic and look at it the way they do, too. For example, you can go to work and perform those actions and they'll say you just give up when you get home as it's too much or too painful. Do you have anything other than whst other wirjers have to support you doing your job. Are you entitked to extra breaks? Can you only get to abd from wirk byctaxi? Are your start and finish times dofferent from the other workers? Is there specialised equipment from your employer? Etc. They think that negative way and will punish you for it by denying you the benefit. In addition you need to stipulate how far you can walk, mine is 20 to 50 metres (about the length of 5 double-decker buses, end to end, they say). They think why does she work if its affecting her health so badly? Plus, you need to question them if you think they've gotten out of line and bring things up that are not relative to how you are now. All the best 😍
Hi J0860.
It depends what U wrote on ur form & what supporting evidence U gave them.
Ur local council should have a welfare rights department who should help U.
I suggest U appeal the decision as U say how can they see U walk over the phone ?
When they did speak to U , did U answer their questions ?? As they use leading questions that makes U out to be as if ur lying.
When talking to them ask who they are & their qualifications to deal with ur conditions , they try to catch people out, so mind & remember what U say to them. Also where ever possible record the conversation to that way U able to tear things down if U go tribunal.
The HMRC have been tasked with targeting the disabled by the Chancellor in last week's Autumn statement & state opening of Parliament. Make sure U always have medical letters that can help ur case,
(edited by admin to remove political comments)
I wish U love & light on ur journey.
Goodmorning I wrote on here months ago that the gov starting to up their language against disabled people by making statements that lump us all as scroungers or workshy when majority of disabled would love their health over the pittance we have to jump through hoops for
Hi,being lumped in that category makes me so angry,when I had my face to face for pip as the woman was typing she quickly shot a question at me " so have you ever worked then? " I said "of course I have for the last 25 years and the last 13 I was a hands on support worker for people with multiple disabilities until I gave it up to care for both my terminally ill parents who passed away !!!!" 😮she was like oh right like I seemed to be a lazy sod and looking like a unemployable tramp which always does wonders for your self esteem when you got up at six to make a 9a.m appointment and tried your best but it was too difficult to put a bra on that morning and brush your hair properly coz you were in the middle of a flare up😭😮you were sweating buckets to get there for 9 and they left you sitting till 10.15 by which time even tho you had gotten up five times coz of stiffness it was still like you had had a hammering to the knees!!!When I left that building that day I was so relieved I burst into tears but it was very stressful trying to justify yourself while looking and feeling your worst day🤦virtual hugs to all🌈
If only some of these people who assess us have to live like us for month with same health issues and then see how they feel afterwards lol luckily I had help my last review for pip and got ongoing award after 10 years of constant fighting the system put in place to dehumanised disabled people now with the ramping up of the threats of the money that you fought for being taken away if you don't do certain tasks but how will it work ? No wonder people give up because it's so stressful or worse stoll like my friend who just couldn't cope anymore with their money stopped and lost their home and even though they told dwp that they would take their life