Hi all, just feeling really low and anxious at the moment and don’t have much support (or perhaps I do but just find it hard to ask for it!) I’ve been off work for about 7 weeks, started as a fibro flare but gp now classifying it as anxiety and depressive disorder, not sure why…my mental health suffers because of the fibromyalgia but they said there’s nothing that can help with it. I’ve been on codydromol for many years, without review. Recently given mirtazapine which make me feel vile so not taking no more. I’m waiting to hear about trauma counselling and adhd and autism assessments. I think my main issue is worrying about work and finances. I just can’t physically work at the moment yet I’m made to feel like I’m not helping myself or I’m exaggerating my symptoms by the gps, mental health services. Sorry for all the negativity, guess I needed to get stuff off my chest. Love to all xx
hi all x: Hi all, just feeling really... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
hi all x

Morning, don’t beat yourself up as Fibro can come with anxiety and or depression, I read it here many times, sometimes it maybe just finding the right medication too help you on the right path, trial and error we say here, as I found out myself when a doctor is not listening , can understand your worry as your not well enough too hold down your job ,have you tried a different doctor or change of surgery ? It is very frustrating and you just need someone too listen and stand firm on what you are trying too tell them, I hope the Counselling will soon happen for you. at least here we understand your daily struggles. I was with a doctor for a few years it wasn’t until I was given another doctor at my surgery did I get the right help, it took awhile, very hard sometimes but we know how we feel and we need too be heard, let us know how things go , and I hope you have been given a certificate too be off work right now xx
Many thanks for your reply Yassytina. I’ve suffered with anxiety and depression on an off for about 25 years, have tried a lot of anti depressants. I can’t remember how long I’ve had fibromyalgia, maybe 8 years or so. Nothing seems to work medication wise. I know myself after all this time that I just need lots of rest, self love, time alone, gentleness etc and I usually feel better within a few months. My gp has been giving me fit notes, yes, so I’m grateful for that. I guess I just need to not pressure on myself and accept things as they are. I will explain to the gp that I have done better in terms of recovery without meds than with in the past in regards to mental health. Lots of love xx
Hi PurpleTimeTravellerSorry to hear finance and work are tough right now. If you haven't got one an Occupational Health Referral might be useful. It can help you and your employer with reasonable adjustments.If you are in a Trade Union they can support you in this process.
Some other resources that people may find useful.
You mention waiting for trauma counselling. Carolyn Spring has a useful blog and free stuff for survivors of trauma.Her online training is also very good.
Some people find EMDR treatment helpful in trauma recovery. You can ask at assessment if it would suit you. More details on NHS website.
To understand how the central nervous system works I use Deb Dana Polyvagal cards 58. A set of information cards that explain how the body reacts to trauma and stress and ways to begin repair of these pathways.
As other replies have said,we often have to make our own way towards being the best we can me. I had to leave a job of over 40 years. I now work again part time and have found more balance.
We are often harder on ourselves than we would be on others.
Big fibro hug and best wishes for your journey.
Thank you so much for your helpful reply Gigi, I’ll definitely check out those resources, they sound really interesting. Due to the nature of my role, there aren’t any reasonable adjustments that could be made, but hey I could get another job. Maybe that is what my body is telling me. Lots of love xx
Hi I really do feel your pain and understand what you're going through. I was diagnosed earlier this year after losing my father last year. I still don't feel like any of my medication or symptoms are under control. Due to the level of time I had off work with my father and my illness I now don't get for any sick time. At present under doctors orders I work 4 days so the loss of money is very worrying as I live on my own and don't have pip. I really hope you get sorted and find some support wishing you well x
Good morning, your post is similar to me😞 I totally understand why people don’t apply for PIP because it adds stress on top of everything else although if you get awarded it I can’t tell you the difference it makes. I have been able to drop 1 day a week at work and it is invaluable to me, I use it as a rest day and don’t do anything. I was so exhausted in my day off on Wednesday that I didn’t wake up until 2pm. I don’t feel guilty about that because I needed it. Without pip I couldn’t afford to not work the 4 days as I too only have my income. Not pushing you into applying but it may be worth thinking about it. 🤗🤗🤗
I have been declined twice I was advised to appeal but as you have said its the stress of it.
Hi Marieg1270, I’m so sorry for your loss. Financial strain makes everything worse doesn’t it and things are more expensive than ever. Maybe you could access some support from CAB or similar to help with PIP? Xx

I did try I about to lodge a tribunal appeal fingers crossed 🤞.
I understand your need for some moral support and I would like to believe you will find it here. Life’s exhausting and very hard with this condition sometimes you will feel that you have had enough but please remember to be kind to yourself go with your body remember you can only do life when you are well enough to do so and we all know that worry’s only makes us worse it’s out of our hands. I had to give up work I loved working it made me feel good knowing I made that house school hospital as I was a builder with a construction company. I’m around your age and my brain wants to work but I know now my body says no. I wish you hope n good luck with good days on the horizon X
Thank you so much Dukes. What a lovely positive reply x
Hi, Never taken co-dydramol myself so can't really comment on that, but maybe it's not the best help for you... I couldn't stand mirtazapine- felt like a chemical cosh.... made me feel very sluggish and I couldn't stop eating!.. Think this is the one which was first used as an appetite stimulant . I tried a couple of antidepressants, but nothing they prescribed helped me very much. So I asked if I could go back on imipramine as I found it suited me- ..
As for your gp- some of them haven't a clue what it's like to have fibromyalgia.... and as a result aren't really sympathetic. Chin up...
Hi saj01. Thanks for your reply. I haven’t heard of imipramine but will have a look into it. I haven’t had any luck with antidepressants over the years either. Re codydromol, they barely touch the pain but I’m now dependent due to taking for so long but the gps aren’t interested. Guess we have to help ourselves as much as we can xx
I used to take Co-dydramol as well, but since moving to a different area, where the GP seems to be actively avoiding us, My prescription has run out so I'm managing on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.
The surgery (only one in town) is strictly appointments only and you must take your chance on ringing right at 8am, to try to get one of the rationed appointments there. I'd change surgeries, but there isn't another in Town.
Thinking of ringing a local Veterinarian next time I fee ill, as I've been referred by 111 to a dentist, and To the Eye Hospital by an Optician, who thinks I may have the start of Glaucoma. (Grand!)
Ee, it's a grand Life if you don't weaken!
Cheers, Midori
Oh no what a nightmare. Hope you get sorted soon xx
Yep, Been with this GP for 3 1/2 years, and not seen a GP in all that time. Saw the nurses for Covid Jabs, but that's all.
Wow, that’s really bad. Sending love xx
Hi, my friend is at full rage and the pills don't work. Family is fine so I don't care. I open my eyes and think about them, ignore all the other junk. Sounds like a twit but is the only way I survive. Cats help too, moany little things.