I keep reading of tests people have/had, e.g. for Vit B12, Vit D, etc., and specialists they have seen.After over 3 years of being unable to see a GP, I phoned last Friday afternoon in distress. I live alone and sometimes don't know how ill I am until a friend notices and tells me.
GP is new, and young, so trying to explain that I have been worse and that what she was seeing was 'just' a few nasty chronic conditions all happening at the same time - plus heat, with a body that can't control it's temperature.
She would have bundled me into an ambulance if there had been any available.... Ho hum!
I ended up sitting in A&E all night.
Luckily, the doctor I saw at 0700 - who'd also been there for 12 hours - realised my pain levels would be completely unbearable if they kept me in (as my GP wanted) until I could get a brain/CT scan, so let me leave until the scan could be booked. Which was Wednesday.
As I expected, it was all clear and there's nothing wrong with my brain....
(Head, skull, mind, perhaps... But not brain)
Now that I have the ear of a GP who seems to care, what tests would you recommend I ask for?
Along with Fibromyalgia, I also have OA/Spondylosis of the neck, CPS , CFS/ME, recurrent EBV and had blood poisoning from a tick bite 45 years ago (before anyone knew of Lyme disease) - Oh, and 6 toes no longer properly attached to my feet due to some mistakes made during an operation 40 years ago!
Trying to tell her not to worry because I've felt worse may not have been my widest strategy!!
All your recommendations for tests and specialists will gratefully received.
Thank you,