I have had fibro for 13 years but I am really struggling at present with pain everywhere really bad fatigue headache any ideas what may help. On pregablin at present and it has worked really well until now
Intro: I have had fibro for 13 years... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi and a warm welcome to the forums. You can find general information on fibromyalgia at our website fmauk.org and our patient information booklets at fmauk.org/publications
Giving up diet coke and absolutely everything else with artificial sweeteners in was my best route to be pain free.Check everything from yoghurts to ketchup.
Worth a try?
Thanks for the reply but I only drink coffee and a type 1 diabetic on a pump so I am very careful in moderation in what I eat and drink but will keep it in mind thank you

Hello and just want too say Welcome, have you checked into the doctor recently and discussed this, fatigue headaches are hard and I find myself using head balm from a company called herbs on the hill (online, they use products approved by the NHS) I have 2 cool packs which I use on my forehead so I can swap over while one goes back in the fridge. Xx
HiLike many others getting to see or speak to a GP is difficult. I am concerned that I maybe have something else going on. The headache are constant with the fatigue feel like rubbish. Like the ideas of the cool packs but unfortunately I don't like cold thinks I like heat.
Hi Christie67. I did intermitting fasting. 24 hrs. Just water. Amazing results.

Hi India. I'm also new to fibro and exploring non medication therapies. Can you please elaborates more on your fasting regime? If you do 24 hours fast, how often do you have fasting days? Also, I guess you are not on any meds that must be taken with food? I am also being treated for GCA and PMR and still take prednisone which must be taken with food.
Hi Bright-Horizon. Hope your ok. I alternate. Once a week, 12 or 24 hrs fasting. You could have a boiled egg/avocado before you take Meds. Then water through out day.hydration/fills you up. Rest of week (if I can) broth soup. Chicken, 'Root Vegatables', veg stock.you can freeze some if you have too much. So it is veg that's come from ground. Sweet potatoes not ordinary ones. Its delicious. Or you could have a meal I.e chicken., sweet potatoes boiled, veg. You can get lot of meals out of one shop for these items. Basically, its eating nothing with 'Labels' on. Hope that makes sence. NO Veg oil. Bad for FM. If your not sure,you can msg me to check. It really works. Only negative side was I lost a lot of weight. That was over period of 4-6 weeks. I found Aldi, best place for veg. No spays used on veg. X
Oh and you can have 2 coffee a day 😋