hi I am sorry to rant about this but I was wondering if any of you gets chest ache in the middle of where the ribs are. I have had ecg investigation and things, the doctor said it was nothing bad no skipped beats etc. I wondered if it was part of fibromyalgia or costicondritis or something. On the plus side I am walking better than I have been, even though my legs still hurt x☺️😢❤️
chest aches and fibromyalgia. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
chest aches and fibromyalgia.

Oh yes chest pain can be part of fibro and costo. With costo it can be quite severe. Sometimes it makes it difficult for me to breathe and can radiate to the back too. It scared me the first time but ekg and X-ray were normal but when doctor pressed in center of chest it was painful. Aha she said costo flair up. I took it easy for a few days and it quieted down. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere in the forum cold air can make it act up. I’ve been in several serious car accidents and a riding accident which is probably where it started. Seatbelt bruises is one way to get it.
Hi yeah I get costochondritis and it hurts so bad. Sometimes struggle to take a deep breath with it. Get it checked out by dr to be sure. Basically inflammation of muscle in the rib cage and sternum.
it could also be acid reflux. If you push in the area at the bottom of your ribs in the middle of both ribs (your sternum) and it’s painful it could be that.
Hi there, first let me say. I see you start almost all your posts by apologising for ranting. You are not ranting so no apologies needed. Wait till I post a rant then you will see what a rant looks like 😂
If my GP had done ECG etc and found nothing serious then I would believe them. Costochondritis can be very painful but I don't think its life threatening.
I see you posted about it here
healthunlocked.com/fibromya... 3 months ago. While im no doctor I would say if what you are feeling was serious. Without treament over the last three months you would be pretty ill by now. So I hope you can derive a little comfort from the fact no one dies from fibro 😘
Having had all the joys of fibro for 40years for me personally the greatest monster to deal with was the anxiety and worry. Anxiety will make all my symptoms magnify a hundred fold. And I'm sure many can relate to that too.
If asked for advice, I would say stop overthinking, rest take deep breaths and let some of those tight muscles relax.
Thanks Momo! I find myself snorting with laughter here at your wonderful reply about real ranting. A light moment on this dark winter's night as I am reading this post. Bring it on I say! Jo
😂👍Sometimes I do think we have to laugh at times or we really would cry thats for sure. Believe me right now due to 2 months of mega pain in the Butt (nope not hubby) I could rant for England. But taking my own advice and doing deep breathing xx
You just made me laugh again. I live with my spouse AND my 40 plus son who may or may not be getting a fibro diagnosis! - Have a joyful Christmas with lots of laughs. - I sometimes get a pain in my butt and my chiropractor thinks it might be coccyx damage because the last two Christmasses I have fallen down the same three bottom stairs on the 12 and 13th of December. I am hoping it will not happen again this year if I stop myself from pre Christmas rushing around! I think deep breathing is one of the best things. Sometimes i go outside in the early morning and do the nine calming breaths of yoga. Bit cold now though - Aha - The food delivery van is here had better rush off and deal with it!!!
Yeah... from the bottom of my throat down to the middle of my chest .it feels like my chest has been crushed and my throat is tight hard to eat sometimes . Palpitations seem worse than what they are because of the feeling and sound through chest and head it's the same with most symptoms try and relax and switch off mentally if you can.
I have this yes so painful and palpitations. Today my tummy is in pain so I'm just taking it easy . Hope it goes tomorrow. Hope this helps . Also my jaw everywhere
Just a suggestion fibrogirl because I've had that too. My chiropractor and my acupuncturist have both said that can be about the vagus nerve as well as certain ribs calling out for adjustment - which they might do themselves in time -. Suggest looking at how you can massage your own vagus nerves on youtube as the nerve comes down by the side of your ear. See what you think. It's all quite safe to do. Hot water bottles are nice too at this time of year or a microwave lavender bag. Give yourself some snuggle time with relaxing music if you can. It may help shift a bit of the pain.