Pain when laying down : Hey Fibro Gang... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Pain when laying down

Frenchi88 profile image
9 Replies

Hey Fibro Gang

A little while ago somebody put a post up which I thought I'd saved but now cannot find. They spoke of being in pain when sitting , standing , walking & laying down (which I know could be any of us) but they paid particular attention on the more pain when laying down. I know it's a long shot but I never got to read it and it hot home to me . Anyway all things good to you all


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Frenchi88 profile image
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9 Replies
Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Hopefully the member might see this and re post for you x

JayCeon profile image

Hi Frenchi, could it have been a reply post by me? It'd be typical details of mine and I can't remember anyone else writing that (and I do scan or read almost everything) and know I wrote about it at least once recently. I pay a lot of detailed attention to each of my pains, but maybe I focused on that due to the post I was replying too?

I've searched thru my posts here 2 to 4 weeks ago, and couldn't find it though. So maybe it's better and quicker if you want for me to just write something about that again?

Just a few sparks first: My 4-8 sleep breaks may be annoying, but help my body to readjust, so I may hurt less when waking & getting up. To reset overall Ache and local pains I use short cold showers - always before sleep and at the moment sometimes even 1-2x per night. At night I've got thigh pain down with softening with a lambskin over a thin soft topper and hunchback pain with a hard mattress plus hardening, a hard cushion under it for a few minutes every time I go back to bed. 6 sleep positions which I have to regularly alternate, often twist-stretched. Local pains that crop up at night I use my massage gun on, lying twist-stretched, sometimes arnica cream. I manage to keep local pains down to about 5%, my Ache usually to 20% since MCAS, before that often 10%, unless I overdo it of course...

Does that ring a bell? Something along those lines?

Frenchi88 profile image
Frenchi88 in reply to JayCeon

Hey JayCeon I actually don't remember if it was you because I didn't read it all. I only read the beginning which said "Can't Sit, Can't Stand, Can't lie -down and that is me to a T. It may well have been your post I didn't have time to read it so I saved it (or so I thought) to read later.

It just the first time that someone has mentioned these symptoms. I can't lie on my left side as that makes it go numb with tingling sensation and it causes pain too from my lower back all the way down the leg to my foot. I can't lie on my back or right side because that hurts my back. I can only lay on my left side until that begins to hurt from being on it continuously. So the I have to get out of bed and walk around or sit on a chair until think it has subsided and then go back to bed to go through it all again. This happens for hours and hours until, through pure exhaustion I fall to sleep, but I only sleep for an hour and then struggle to go to sleep again, and again I sleep for an hour until it's almost morning then I sleep and dint want to get up. So for years now I've dreaded going to bed. I look forward to it but as soon as I lay down it all begins and that makes me sad that the place where we all go when we are tired, poorly and supposed to make us feel better actually makes me feel worse (if that's possible). Well it seems you have got yourself sorted somewhat with a lot of attention to detail about getting the right comfort or less of pain and discomfort so you get some rest, so well done you for persevering with all the things that help you because to be honest it sounds exhausting but worth it. I think my next step is to go back to my GP and see if I can get some answers. I haven't been to Dr's for years with Fibro stuff and that's because of years of going and getting actually nowhere, but things have changed and things are got worse so I must kick myself up the behind and go get some help....God willing.

Oh I'm sorry its taken me a while to reply but it's been a rough few weeks with the old Fibro thing and feeling generally low so have not been in the right mind to reply. I really appreciate your writing it all again for me as I know sometimes it's a chore to even read them let alone think and write AND for somebody else.

Hope this message finds you well

Regards Franki88

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to Frenchi88

Hi Franki or Frenchi! :-) Hehe - first time I've seen fog done that, as far I remember! :-D. No problems, we're not in a rush... ;-)

Since again it sounds similar, but not how I'd start a post,

I've had another search (mails & site) for can't sit stand lie down, and only come up with these 3, all don't seem to quite fit:

and most recently but probably too short:

Yeah, it was exhausting hard work to get my local pains sorted out, but definitely well worth it, as you say.

Honestly, I can't imagine GPs helping us/you with this stuff, esp. as you say you don't have any positive experiences there.

In my experience, also what I've read, so my opinion: it's good gentle physios who can give us starting points - osteopaths and all the other manual methods, then the "meridian" techniques like acupressure & acupuncture. But whilst my acupressurist did a lot for me, I'm so independent now, that I wonder if I could & should have stopped going there earlier. It was taking up 5h/wk. I then started using youtube for loads of new self-applied acupressure, exercises, stretches etc. to make up for it, and suddenly realized I was getting loads of symptoms down myself which she hadn't been able to - I needed only a few days per symptom, and it was 7 or 8 symptoms alone, new and old, using self-applied acupressure.

The problem with prescriptions for normal physio is that even those that have heard of fibro and believe they know how it works usually don't realize that we're all different and that everything needs to be done extremely gently at first (with some exceptions).

But I'll have a go at your symptoms, if you like, as I think you may be able to find some workaround or exercises yourself:

"I can't lie on my left side as that makes it go numb with tingling sensation and it causes pain too from my lower back all the way down the leg to my foot. I can't lie on my back or right side because that hurts my back. I can only lay on my left side until that begins to hurt from being on it continuously"

Left side: Did you mean both "I can't lie on my left" and "I can only lay on my left side until..."? 1) From which point does the numbness/tingling seem to start? Chest, waist, hips, thighs, knees? It sounds very much like a nerve problem. You may be able to locate it by pressing on various suspicious spots/points. Or try putting pillows, maybe thin, under various parts of your left side to see if that relieves the pressure anywhere. Either by softening there, or by keeping an adjacent spot in the air without contact.

2) Interesting that the pain from the lower back sort of radiates down: Does that mean it starts in the lower back? or that you feel it strongest there? (Check question: How do you know it isn't starting in your foot and going up to your hip & lower back?) Do you think it's more the muscles or the bones? Have you ever done back exercises for this?

Me: My thighs are my main problem on my sides, so a lambskin under lower back and thighs soften that. My acupressurist also worked on loosening the muscles, and now I similar to her use a massage gun if necessary. But essentially I can't lie on my left or right side either, so...

Back and right side: Which part(s) of your back hurt(s) when you lie on it, and how?

Me: In my case my "hunchback" hurts, for which a hard mattress has always helped. Since fibro this it too tough for everything, my lower back and thighs, so I've put a thin soft topper on it, which strikes the best balance, and a thick soft topper hurt again, was too soft. For my lower back I put the soft topper and lambskin under like I said, and when I'm at a therapist's I get cushions to the left and right, as the pain comes from my very sensitive and uncushioned tailbone, so that's hanging in the air a bit. But actually I can only lie on my back for about 5 minutes. Also I get a kind of apnea on my back, my soft palate starts making funny noises, which is improved by the cushion under my hunchback, but not gone. So I lie down on my back first for snuggling in, cos the hunchback cushion is good for my back, but turn around after 5 minutes for the actual sleep. I've found cold showering helps reset all pains at night, but especially the lower back pain or "unrest" which can drive me absolutely bonkers.

Right side is like left side: My thighs hurt too much.

Front: You haven't mentioned how far you can lie on your front? My problem there is that turning my neck only works for 2-3 minutes. So I do a combination: Recovery position. Legs sort of face down. One leg cocked to the side, so thigh up in the air, adjusting by moving the knee higher or lower. The other straight, fairly face down - the side is the biggest problem, but I need to get the angle right by twisting my that foot outwards). Arm on the side of my cocked leg also cocked, sometimes hand near pillow or face for additional support there. Other arm behind my torso. To prevent my neck from having to twist too much too long, I adjust a pillow so that it's diagonally under my face, so I'm half face down, but can still breathe.

I have one pillow to each side so I don't have to keep moving it around.

To vary these basic positions to the right and left for relief when something starts hurting I can twist in varying ways. Like keeping the torso twisted as above, but putting the straight leg in front of the other, which then is no longer cocked. Which if I find a good angle might not start the thigh going off too quickly. But for a certain time I can also lie mainly on one hip/buttock but with pressure on a bit of my back and a bit of my thigh, stretch my torso upwards and backwards and twist my legs accordingly. That's sort of on back and side at the same time.

So... your body will be different, but maybe my questions and positions can give you some ideas "out of the box". If you can now answer, and want to, I'll be glad to try to 'feel' some further ideas for you... :-)

Frenchi88 profile image
Frenchi88 in reply to JayCeon

🤣😜😁🤪🍼😂 hahaha oh wow what a plonker I am ...Franki is my middle name that I use for some things and Frenchi is an old nickname that I've had for many moons and of course that day I didn't know who I was !!!! Should I blame "Fog" 🤔or take it on the chin 😅😳🙄...

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to Frenchi88

Ehrm... Franki.... or Frenchi... or whoever you are today... ;-) - Are these ideas not what you wanted to hear? Or has the fog struck again?

Frenchi88 profile image
Frenchi88 in reply to JayCeon

Hey JayCeon I've not been able to read them yet as I need quiet time to absorb it all (which by the way thanks so much for the extensive reply with your advice and help) but been busy last couple of weeks preparing for a funeral so have not had time as yet, but I will 😁

Frenchi88 profile image
Frenchi88 in reply to JayCeon

Hey JayCeonI have tried a lot of your advice on body positioning before I read your email, and I've tried them all now after all this time. I find some work for a short while and by short I mean mins. Some work for bit longer ,some just give me the smallest bit of relief. I read over one of my posts and I wrote it all wrong. I can't lay on my left side for more than maybe couple of minutes if I'm lucky.

I can't lay on my back as that still aggravates my left side. I can't sleep on my front as I've never been able to and it still means my left side having contact.

So my only relief is my right side BUT that being laid on continously begins to hurt as it gets no break.

Also when I lay too long on my right side my face begins to hurt so I try then to not let my face touch the pillow. IF one day I cannot lie on my right side THE ONLY RESPITE I GET that will be devastating for me, I worry constantly about that but I guess it will happen.

I have bought many a "gadget" for help but none seem to work and have wasted some considerable amount of money on them. I can't afford to to keep buying gadget after gadget ie pillows, blankets, toppers etc etc etc

The pain begins in my left buttock I can touch the spot where it begins. If I lie on that side it begins to travel down my leg and the next part I feel it is the back of my calf.

I have to lie on my right with my left leg over to my right side stretched out that's my only position.

So I really appreciate your message and ideas. I am starting again with the Dr side of things , starting again from the beginning to get some help that I desperately need.

Hope your doing OK and thanks again 🙂


JayCeon profile image

Hi Frenchi! :-)

I'm still hopeful that we might find even more ease for you!

To relive your right side I wonder if you can keep changing the angle of your torso? And when you say you need to put the left leg over to the right side: Can it not sometimes be slightly behind your right leg?

To protect your face could you try to not let your face touch the pillow efore it starts to hurt, like first?

To relieve your right side and everything it seems you need to work on the interesting / ominous spot on your left buttock.

It hasn't shown up on any scan? That'd for me be the only reason to consult a doc. In my experience docs apart from scans can't help us, their ideas have usually made things worse for me.

If it hasn't, then it's probably not the bone, but muscle, or fasciae. Can you sense what?

Much better than a doc is a gentle PT - osteopath, chiropractor, acupressurist, myofascial release, etc. there are about 20 techniques. Best one that does several of these. With their variety of treatments they might be able to pinpoint what kind of problem it is.

However what I now always prefer for a quicker solution to local pains like this is describe it on youtube. E.g. I just tried "pain spot in buttock" and the PTs there various tests and possibilities what it might be (sciatica, piriformis and glute/gluteus would be the main ideas) and what you can try: stretches, exercises etc., whilst self-applied acupressure is also a favourite one for me. For buttock the first few videos suggest trigger points therapy, myofascial release, stretches, exercises, posture exercises... if I add 'acupressure' at least 7 videos come up which all look interesting. Also one saying it might be hip rotator trigger points, not sciatica.

Pain travelling down our legs is often sciatica, has that been excluded, have you tried something for that?

As you say you have several gadgets you will have a massage 'pistol'? What happens when you use it on that, does it get worse?

Any help in this stuff?

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