Good morning everyone, interested to ask if, like me, any fellow fibro sufferers have lipomas? There is a condition called Dercums disease which (according to Dr Google) occurs in fibro patients which presents with multiple lipomas. I mentioned this to my Rheumatologist at last appointment and he didn't seem interested to listen to me! I have many lumps under skin, mainly on arms, back and thighs. Oh the joys of fibro, and Drs who refuse to listen making you feel such a fraud! Thanks for reading.
Lipomas: Good morning everyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi there, Lipomas and fibromyalgia are not directly related. Someone with fibromyalgia has the same chances of developing lipomas as others. A person with lipomas is not more likely to have fibromyalgia than those without them.
I guess fibro sufferes may feel it more if for example the limpoma is near an area of the muscles where your fibro pain is more sensitive than other areas on the body.
Thank you for your reply, I did however read on the Dercums disease symptom checker it can occur in Fibromyalgia.
Hi, I am not medically trained. But from what I have read about Decurms it is a rare and painful disease. So if you have that which I hope you don't. Have you had a diagnoses for decurms?
Thank you again for your response, in answer to your question,no, I have not had a diagnosis of Dercums, but I do have multiple lumps on my arms a, thighs and back some of which are painful to touch. Like everyone, I am reluctant to bother my GP atm.
Please bother them as their experience is very worthwhile rather than looking at the internet and guessing. A phone triage and then appointment at their discretion.
Thank you Desquin for your msg. I really was just interested to hear if any one else has this condition, and if yes, of its connection to Fibromyalgia. I have a lot of co morbidities and certainly don't need any more! Thank you again.
Dercums disease.
Been researching this as partner had lipomas removed two years ago.
Look up six commonly missed diagnoses B12 Deficiency Wholehealth Chicago
Pernicious anemia.

Thank you Sallyannl, will have a look at that.
I have multiple lipomas I had operation and had two lumps removed one right groin area and one on my left lower ribs.The one on my groin was still growing it was about 16cm long and about 10 cm wide. The lump on my ribs was the size of a golf ball.And still have one on my right rib cage which is the size of a marble. You can get the lumps removed if they are giving pain or emotional problems like not going out because they are on your face or you when you go swimming and everyone is looking at you. I think they have to be bigger than 5 cm to be removed and if they are causing you mental stress . Also lipomas comes under dermatology you need to see a dermatologist not a rheumatologist. I hope you can try to get diagnosis to see if you have lipomas.good luck.
Have you ever considered it might be anything to do with b12 deficiency .... lymphatic disorder
See earlier reply.
I also have lipomas of various sizes. The ones around the base of my rib cage can be quite painful at times. I was advised by a consultant that removal can create other issues. I do worry that a more serious condition might be missed by medical professionals assuming it's just another lipoma.Having read the article in the link, I'll be raising Dercum's disease with my GP but like September, I feel they might think I'm a fraud and time waster!
Hi if the doctor you visited did not listen to you go and see another doctor in your practice keep insisting if you feel you are being fobbed off and make sure you get a diagnosis for the lumps . Good luck.