Experiencing difficulty with memory - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Experiencing difficulty with memory

Hi2020 profile image
27 Replies

Has anyone with fibro started experiencing difficulty to concentrate, difficulty to remember things like people's names even though you know these people? Or difficulty remembering words as if your vocabulary had suddenly narrowed , or while having a conversation you thought of saying something but 20 seconds later you completely forget what it was you wanted to say?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi2020 profile image
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27 Replies
SlothMode profile image

Yes most people with fibro suffer with Brain Fog. It's a fibro symptom that comes and goes. I forget the names of things which annoys me when I'm trying to have a conversation. Thingy becomes the word I fill the missing word with lol! On a bad brain fog day I struggle with my speech and find my co-ordination is all over the place. My concentration has dropped dramatically since I developed fibro. It is nothing to worry about I bet we all do it 😊🤗

Hi2020 profile image
Hi2020 in reply to SlothMode

Thank you so much for your reply both of you! 💙 SlothMode Hazel_Angelstar

It's quite a new symptom to me, it just started slightly over a year ago even though I have been suffering from fibro ten years ago so I was a bit worried and I went to the doctor and we run some exams and they actually found some anomalies in my electroencephalogram .

I wonder if other people suffering from fibro have found the same anomalies in their electroencephalogram.

Do you actually feel as if your brain has become slower than it used to be, 'caise that's how I feel 😕

How do you manage to cope with this at work?

'Cause I feel really embarrassed usually when it happens at work.

Sorry if I ask so many questions, it's just it's the first time I find someone who is experiencing the same.

Thank you!

SlothMode profile image
SlothMode in reply to Hi2020

No worries you ask all the questions you want. Yes you do feel like your brain has slowed down. I struggle to watch television on my laptop I only watch on demand, my 5 and netflix as I am able to watch when I want and for how long I want. I struggle with watching films that jump around from past to present to past too. Before Fibro I loved reading books but am unable to concentrate enough to read them now. I don't work my doctor signed me off and has never signed me back on. If you're having problems at work a friendly chat with your doctor or an Occupational Therapist might help you. Fibro can be very daunting as the only real people that really understand it is a fellow sufferer 😊🤗

Hi2020 profile image
Hi2020 in reply to Hi2020

Many thanks to each and every single one of you who took time to share their experience , I appreciate that so much! 💙 Thank you SlothMode Painny LisaSnow Hidden Bambi60 Hidden denny_the_wench CheetieCat Midori Ninapod Jaycee18 Ladame JenL76 Chrisbel

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to SlothMode

During the pandemic, I developed what I thought was fibro, about June 2020, and also 'Brain Fog' apparently the fibro symptoms have now disappeared, never able to get properly diagnosed, as being in isolation? but the brain fog definitely has not, halfway through a conversation I forget an ordinary word or expression, I try to bluff it out, I get so angry about it, I might remember the word/expression about a minute later? I do worry about it, I doubt if I will ever get that 'sharpness' back, I am 65 maybe dementia setting in?

Hi2020 profile image
Hi2020 in reply to Adlon57

Thank you for replying Adlon57 and thanks for sharing your experience. I completely relate to you. It really doesn't have to be a more refined word for me not to remember it, just commonly used words. And I have been having the same thoughts as to the fear and doubt of ever getting my sharpness back .

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Hi2020

I'm finishing off a book, 50,000 words, trying to find a word/expression, trying to remember why I put that piece in, a LARGE dictionary perpetually by my elbow! 😤

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Yes, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, fibro fog) is one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

At least my supposed fibro. has disappeared, but it took a bad reaction to AZ vaccine to clear it, a reaction to my very, very, rare medical condition Schwannomatosis and a new vaccine, with unknown side effects, are NOT to be recommended to clear everyone's fibromyalgia! Plus to be told one more epileptic seizure and that was your lot, right in the middle of this utter chaos?😤[I've had epilepsy for over 50 years, unlikely for a cure for that?]😤😤

Painny profile image

Oh dear… if I try to tell you about my brain malfunction I have to be here all day. This bloody brain is half numb half alive. I’m so embarrassed that I avoid mixing with people. Often I can’t remember or the wrong words come out of my mouth….everything is mixed up in my brain, worse for me as I have other conditions apart from fibromyalgia

It’s really tough 🥲😥 and I really feel for you. I understand you!

Wishing you better xx

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer

The famous brain fog is unfortunately so prevalent. It is especially bad when we are stressed or in flare. Fortunately it can also get better sometimes with no reason at all.

Hi, I suffer from Brain Fog most of the time now. I cannot remember things, I listen to someone talking but couldn’t repeat it straight after. My consentration is shocking, I can’t plan anything. I’m repeating myself all the time. It has made me anxious but I’m trying to manage it. I write everything down, shopping, cleaning day, appointments etc and get reminders on my phone. My daughter has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and she has said her memory is bad so I’m thinking it’s a result/symptom of fibromyalgia.

We are all in this together so any hints or tips please feel free to share. X

Bambi60 profile image

All the time - I have a note book with me mist of the time so I can not down what I need to remember - doesn't work all the time - but it does help! Xc

Yeah I'm terabel can't remember what I've to say 😕

denny_the_wench profile image

Mine is always worse in the morning - before I've taken my Duloxetine especially and before at least 3 cups of tea, or if I've got flustered by either having to hurry or getting lost on the way to somewhere! I have invested in a small dictation machine to take with me to Doctors appointments and so on - anything where I know I'll probably be able to answer any questions but won't have a cat in hells chance of remembering what I've said afterwards 😵😳

Without exception every time I've asked if I can record something and explain about my fibro brain fog, they have always been extremely helpful and accepting - if anything they've spoken slower and more clearly than they might have done otherwise.

This is the one I bought as I also wanted to record an hour-long yoga class, but they start from £30 upwards I think


CheetieCat profile image

Yes, know exactly what you mean, it's awful forgetting names + what you're actually saying mid sentence.

I tend to use my phone's calendar + note apps with alerts for just about everything or I wouldn't be anywhere I'm supposed to be.

If I'm making phone calls especially at work I jot down bullet points to keep me focused during the call. Post it notes too but they're too easy too lose then you're totally screwed.

Absolutely loved books and read constantly but like SlothMode I can't anymore, just can't keep the information in my head. So annoying!

Multi tasking is definitely a thing of the past unfortunately. Find I can't concentrate if there's too many people talking, too much noise.

Fibro Fog can make you feel pretty stupid but there's lots of wee things we can do to make a big difference. I'm in my fifties + I've never got my phone out my hand like a teenager but for very different reasons 🤣🤣

Midori profile image

Yep! Fibro fog coupled with Covid has left many of us feeling like we've mentally been playing hopscotch in a wind tunnel! Scrambled brains!

Cheers, Midori

Ninapod profile image

These things have happened but it could be down to menopause: many of my friends have also experienced this but they don't have fibro!

Jaycee18 profile image

At work I relied on Outlook and One Note. Keeping copious notes, setting myself tasks, diary entries and reminders.

I definitely find that if I am stressed or tired it gets worse. I can struggle to find the right words and know that sometimes I am asking the same questions/having the same conversation that I have had before. I buy birthday cards and forget to post them, sometimes I find them later even addressed and with the stamp on.

It’s embarrassing when talking with people I don’t know well, but proper friends and family just accept it as part of me.

On the plus side I can rewatch my favourite tv crime dramas and rarely remember “who dunnit”

Ladame profile image

Hi, yes! I experience all those things ! Feel as though I’m losing the plot at times! Wishing you all the best.

JenL76 profile image

Hi hun, my husband and kids try to humour me now as I used to get so frustrated with myself that I’d shut off from people to avoid the embarrassment and frustration. Now we laugh about it, as I’ve got to live like this until (a)they find a cure or (b)my days end. I even forget how to spell at times and I left school with high level grades in English,🤷‍♀️But I don’t know if it’s any relevance for our memory loss but I had an mri on my head which shown small vessel brain disease..I googled what this was and it’s when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen enriched blood to the brain cells which ultimately cause brain cells to die! However, google says it’s a cause of dementia!!! It would be interesting to know if all fibromyalgia sufferers have this brain disease 🤔

Regards and well wishes

Jen x

Hi2020 profile image
Hi2020 in reply to JenL76

Hello Jen, thanks for your reply! I do have an anomaly to my brain but it's not the same one.

I went to see a neurologist when the simptoms started 'cause I wanted to be sure it was not something else, something that could have been serious.

Best wishes,


Chrisbel profile image

I found that breathing oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber, was actually quite helpful with the brain fog and fatigue, along with a few supplements for the brain, that help with cognitive ability.

I completely relate to u I got worse this past 3 months thought it was just me and then realised it was fibro . My memory is quite bad . But most embarrassing when it's to do with work or something important

Hi2020 profile image
Hi2020 in reply to Michelleswshopping

Thank you Michelleswshopping for replying and sharing your experience. I feel the same as to it being most embarrassing when it has to do with work, especially because it's kind of hard to justify. It's not like you're distracted or not committed. And it's very uncomfortable when you 're having a conversation, maybe even a more formal one , and you get stuck in the middle of a sentence cause you just can't remember the word you need and you just find it hard to keep talking. At least that's what happens to me. It's like I get stuck.

Michelleswshopping profile image
Michelleswshopping in reply to Hi2020

Yeah I feel the same , getting more upset with it and feel what's going to happen when I open my mouth of I can't complete what I will be saying . I don't want to say to people I have something wrong with me at 42 years old

Hi2020 profile image

I feel you💜 Michelleswshopping

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