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ShelWhitt profile image
19 Replies

To all my friends on here who have patiently given me support and advice over the last few months, when I have really been in need and have often offloaded at length, I would like once again to thank you all and will now bring yo up to date with how things are now. We have just been put back into level 3 with the virus, so that isn't good news, but in the scheme of things here it is just more of the same. Things are pretty much as they were at the beginning of lockdown, other than we have become more isolated and seem to have lost contact with what few 'friends'/aquaintances we have/had. I know I am partly to blame as I haven't been well (as you are all very well aware) and therefore have not been proactive in phoning anyone, as I found it difficult to hold upbeat conversations when no ne within my circle thinks there is anything wrong with me and I have long since abandoned trying explanations so have simpy said I am having a bad day if anyone has commented, and left it at that. Moving on you will be aware that a couple of months ago I finally braved the 'docs (I have been trying to keep well away) to ask again about the scab on my scalp which was getting bigger. Long story short told it needed a biopsy and decided I had enough to deal with day to day without anything else so wanted it dealt with ASAP So went privately. It was cancer. So obviously more stress and worry, but I have had it taken out. The bad news was it had developed further than they originally thought, but on the plus side they think it is now out. I obviously have a nasty wound on my scalp which needs to heal, but hopefully in a couple of months it will be OK. So now back to dealing with all the other 'stuff' which has not gone away , and I am still feeling quite ill, but as far as I can see nothing is going to change there so we are back to carrying on much as before. Thank you allfor staying with me and listening to my outpourings, I really do appreciate it and it does help. I hope I can reciprocate when needed. Take care and stay safe. xx

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ShelWhitt profile image
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19 Replies
ShelWhitt profile image

Lovely to hear from you Mydexter. That is part of the trouble at the moment. Everything seems to be so black and dreary. There doesn't seem much good news anywhere to chat about. In the summer we had sunshine and light nights, and could even manage a few short walks. All me and DH seem to do now is plan what we are going to eat from one meal to the next and what we are going to watch on TV. I suppose the only good thing is that because we don't feel that well, we wouldn't be going out far anyway, so don't feel as deprived as the younger, fitter folk. We did have my nephew here today (he is a plumber) to unblock the bathroom sink, so as well as getting the job done, we got to see a different face and had a bit of a chat/catchup. Hope you are keeping safe and are getting over your bad flare. Pleased to have a chat with you anytime. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Happy to hear that you've had your op and the worst bits over now I hope the healing doesn't take too long, take care xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thank you Maimal. Will do. And best wises to you too. stay safe.

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Thankyou for the update, like mydexter says take one day at a time, this damm Covid just adds too people’s health , Hope now that it’s been removed that’s the end of it , well done for getting through this , take care xxxxx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Yassytina

Thank you Yassytina.

honeybug profile image

Hi Shel 😊🌿🌸🦋

I too wondered where your post went. I’m so glad that I finally got to read it.

I’m soooo sorry to learn that the lesion was cancer. Oh hun I hate that for you but so grateful that the surgery got it all.

I just said a special prayer for you sweetie.

I hope you feel better soon my friend.

Please take care and stay safe.

Much luv

EJ 😊🤗💗😘🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to honeybug

Hi Honeybug. Thank you so much for responding. I must admit I am feeling a bit despondent at the moment. I really thought after the horrendous time I have had and the really friendly and supportive responses I have had on here along the way, that when I finally had a bit of good news to share , I assumed my 'friends' on here would be pleased and be eager to share in one of my only too rare happy day.s. It took me quite a long time to finally sit down and write it, in case I managed to jinx a bit of good news coming my way, but I did, as I thought it was the least I could do after all the support I have been given. Anyway , enough sour grapes, and I am definitely not looking gift horses in the mouths, so I will say once again , thank you, to Mydexter, Yassitina and you honeybug so that you know just how much I appreciate your caring.

Stay safe . xx.

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to ShelWhitt

You’re so welcome Shel. I’ve known adversity all of my life so I fully understand the toll it takes on you.

It’s a pleasure to support you and help you/everyone on here. It’s especially hard to carry on in life when we are so burdened by the daily load of adversity in its many forms. It took me decades to be able to push it all down and try to see a positive in every negative day.

I have 61 diagnoses with 3 pending. Have been sick all of my life and a lifetime of experiences that would truly make a best seller novel. So I can relate to countless things.

If I can help you by chatting you can PM me and maybe I can help you through your tough times sweetie.

Yes we are blessed to have this group/site to seek answers to our questions give answers to others share our support and love.

I hope you will see more good times my friend.

Please take care and be safe hun.

Much love

EJ 🤗💗😘🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to honeybug

Hi honeybug. You are so understanding and kind. I think that comes through dealing with adversity yourself. That is why this is such a good site. Most of us have problems and can have some empathy with each other, whereas 'friends' who are relatively well, however well meaning, tend to offer platitudes and wonder why we can't just get on with it! I am sorry you have had such a rough time for so long and I may well take you up on your offer. In the meantime feel free to message me whenever, I can be a listening ear too. Stay safe. xx

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to ShelWhitt

You are so right my friend.

So grateful for you and the others here. We all have a special understanding that healthy /disbelievers will never have.

Thank you for the glad to know it’s reciprocated.

Abundant blessings dear.

EJ 🤗😘

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to honeybug


Do hope now you’ve had the lesion removed you’ll soon feel better. It’s an awful lot to cope with on top of everything else. Take care ❤️🙏

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thank you for responding and your good wishes slug hater.I do feel relieved it is over and done with, (hopefully) other than the nasty wound on my scalp which needs to heal; and then with a bit of good luck (I think I am about due) I will soon be back to dealing with all the other mounting problems. Stay safe, xx

Hi ShelWhitt so pleased the outcome was good for the lesion. It's truly awful feeling so ill and isolated. I thought I was losing my.mind in lockdown i missed my family so much. Now it's going to be dark evenings again already but the virus is revving up again. Sending hugs and positive vibes from me xxx

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to

Hi Mistyang 😊🌿🌸🦋

So good to see you on here. I’m not posting much these days but glad to connect with you with supporting our ShelWhitt.

Sending you much love and prayers sweetie.

Luv ya. EJ 😊🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

in reply to honeybug

Hiya lovely EJ, thank you for your sweet message. I don't post as much as I once did but as ever its always nice to catch up with you.

Much love and hugs, prayers and everything nice to you my friend xxxxxx Love ya Mistyang xxx

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to

Thank you sweetie.

Always keep you//everyone in my prayers.

Keep in touch sweetie.

Be safe take care.

Luv ya. EJ ♥️

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Mistyang. Thank you for you response. I really do appreciate it. You are so right, things like this are normally bad enough to deal with but with things as they are now everything is so much worse. Trying to stay positive and returning hugs. Stay safe.xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Stay safe too, hugs xx

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