Hi Does any one have trouble getting words out . I’m having trouble getting words out I know what I want to stay but it doesn’t come then I get frustrated as I cannot communicate and I get embarrassed in shops etc is this brain fog ?
Hi Does any one have trouble getting words out . I’m having trouble getting words out I know what I want to stay but it doesn’t come then I get frustrated as I cannot communicate and I get embarrassed in shops etc is this brain fog ?
probably little comfort but you're not alone. Possibly is, but not definitely. If it coincides with the onset of Fibro then very likely. I use "um" a lot these days and notice it annoys others. Please note I'm not a medic, but your tale is consistent with experience. Stress maybe a factor
wow fenbadger - a blast from the past, where have you been hiding?
hiding in the sett. Series of long stories. Mum's just moved into extra care having become a lot less mobile partly due to hospital cancelling her back injections 3x It's made life a bit easier
Clever of you to remember me. I look in the mirror and wonder who's staring at me
How's you?
I too have had my back injections cancelled I'm hobbling around like a 90+ year old. Otherwise I'm fine. Nice to see you back
Great to see you back with us Fenbadger!
Cheers, Midori
Hi Yourself! How's you?
Sounds like it to me. I'm always saying the wrong word or losing the train of thought completely. Told everyone at work I was "going to a wedding" instead of "going to lunch" they know I get confused so they just replied they didn't think much of my outfit. I use humour to get me through it. No need to feel embarrassed about it as those who know you will accept it as part of you and as for the rest you probably will never meet them again so what does it matter if you get the wrong words or fumble a little over getting your sentences out. Try not to worry about it as as fenbadger says stress will probably only add to the problem.
I have this exact problem, I think it’s to do with nerves not tallying with each other. Soon I am going for MRI to see what’s wrong with this brain.
You are right this trade bothers others but I’d say it bothers me more than anybody else.
Cognitive dysfunction is one of the core symptoms of fibromyalgia and includes things like not being able to find the right word, moving up words, struggling to focus our concentrate and much more. Very frustrating but I've found learning to laugh at it has been best way to deal with word mix up issues.
Afraid so! You just want the ground to open up & swallow you don't you? Convinced most people I meet that don't know me think I'm a bit simple 😳 & the ones that do take the P at every available opportunity! 🤣
Oh yes, jumble jumble , start sentences never finish properly and then start another sentence and my husband and close friend try and work out what im actually talking about🤣 forget the word I need . With the masks being worn in the shops I’m having difficulty understanding what people are actually saying to me at the moment xxx
Hi, absolutely yes, it’s both frustrating and embarrassing especially when talking with strangers. With family I tend to just shrug and say “sorry, it’s fibro” and move on, they understand and I don’t feel so bad. Acceptance is the way forward but like anything to do with fibro, it’s easy to say, not so easy to do!! Take care.
Hi Sian10, frustratingly yes it is, for me at least I'm learning not to let it get to me. I used to mostly lock myself away for fear of being ridiculed and not understood ect but with support I've learnt a few things that work for me. Firstly a little saying " It's non of my business what other people think of me", secondly don't sweat it! When my words don't work which is more often than not I no longer panic, I simply re route my brain and use different ones, they don't always fit exactly but those that know me treat it as a quirky language and get what I need like if hairbrush doesn't word then saying I need the hair tidy thing from the sleeping place is fine. If I'm shopping and need help I've found most assistants are helping I have no issues with telling them I have brain fog and don't word well and I can then relax and turn it into a game. Yes like everything with fibro it's exhausting but I'm trying to not let it win. Best of future to you.
It sounds like brain fog. When I'm overtired I am worse. In the middle of a sentence sometimes I can completely forget what I was saying, especially if I am interrupted. I also struggle to find words on a daily basis. I have found that playing on word apps has helped me over the last year or so. It might help you.
I get this. Part of my cognitive function issues following major brain surgery in 2017 (large brain aneurysm clipped) and then added to by stroke last August. I get a lot of issues with words, but I also get it really bad when fatigued or stressed, so much so I can hardly speak and what comes out is gobbledegook. Sons and partner see this often and each time they think I'm having a stroke again.
Thank goodness a sense of humour is abundant in this household.
Sorry to hear about stroke hope your ok now , hubby is getting used to what I’m trying to say pointing helps too , I just get frustrated as my fibro has got worse and I’m off work sick as I carnt do normal things GP says you will be fine in 2 weeks no it’s been 6 already and is constant I just want someone to say right that’s it this is how it’s going to be from now on and then I can get on with in if that makes sense ? X
I get this a lot, I also stutter, when I’m stressed 😥 I never had this before fibromyalgia
I regularly forget words but it doesn't bother me too much. Yes I get frustrated from time to time but I laugh through it or just ask people to wait a minute or play the guessing game, lol. So I might describe what it is I want to say until I get there or someone else did. If I'm in a shop, I just say that I'll walk around until I remember what I came in for.