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15 Replies

ukfibromyalgia BBC Watchdog wants your ATOS horror stories .…

Found on UK Fibromyalgia

15 Replies
Rach1977 profile image

Really, they can have mine!!!! I wonder if Watchdog would whistleblow my employers too!!!!! xx

Would be very interesting! xxx You might have to find somewhere to hide when the proverbial hit the fan though!!! xxx

Rach1977 profile image

Think I would need a safehouse!!!!xx

Rach1977 profile image

Can you copy and paste the http link on here for easy access for me!!!!xx

Your wish is my command!!! xx

VonnyM profile image

Atos didnt even interview me, I was just placed in WRAG without any medical!

twinkle2108 profile image

I would love to! Ive already sent watchdog an email of my case.....Im still in the migration stage of IB to ESA they refused, I appealled, they refused that n now im awaitin my tribunal date.......The ATOS report is almost like its been done on someone disgusted that I scored 0 points. So ive been collecting all the info I can to send to tribunal services, whom i will say are very helpful!! Yest I went library n printed of 75 sheets......yes 75 sheets that I am sendin to the tribunal services....this info is all my case related and I wld love to tell the story of my case. They r an absoloute joke and shld not b gettin away with this. I am now housebound due to the stress that it has put me under!

judrop67 profile image

My husband who has fms is awaiting a tribunal date after his esa was taken off him last June after Atos scored him 0 points yet he had passed 5 medicals previous to this in the past and now they say he is fit for work which is an absolute joke as he cant even do his own toilet needs. who is going to employ him like that he would love to go back to work he has worked everyday since he was 15 and now hes 45 and had to give it up and the stress of what Atos have said made him take an overdose last sept he is already depressed with the pain and they sit there behind a desk not seeing whats really happening its all about numbers .to them they have to send so many back to work . They should pick on the real benefit cheaters not people who are genuinally unable to work.

I'm so sorry to hear both your comments Twinkle and Judrop. How awful it all is. Hope Watchdog do something positive for you Twinkle. Keep us posted on here if they help in any way. Judrop - will you be getting in touch with Watchdog on your husband's behalf? I really hope that you are able to. These departments should be there to help the people who really need the help and who can't shout the loudest. Maybe you will have to do the shouting! Good luck to both of you.

judrop67 profile image

Hi Nicki im thinking about it but to be honest in his mind they are going to fail him its hard trying to stay positive for both of us.

Hi Judrop....I understand how hard it must be, but hope you will have the strength to fight back.

Ang01 profile image

I turned up for my ATOS medical to find the doctor was also employed in the same NHS Trust I worked at in the Occupational Health Department. Although he did not treat me in his OH capacity he denied knowing me although I had regular contact with him because of the job I did and he scored me zero points. I put in a complaint to ATOS but they tried to defend him although I did win my appeal. I have since been called to another medical and when I asked if I could know in advance the doctor I would be seeing I was told this was not ATOS policy to give out this information. They wouldnt even tell me when I turned up at the medical centre on the day they said I would know when the doctor came out to call me!! When I explained my predicament to the Receptionist she told me it was not their policy for a doctor to see a patient that they may have had contact with before!! Looks like they have changed their policy then does it??


For goodness sake why does everything have to be so secretive??? If I had been the receptionist I would have told the patient who the doctor was!! Obviously a jobsworth!!! Have you told Watchdog what happened?

66Amanda66 profile image

What is ATOS ?

ATOS provide medical care for the Department of Works and Pensions.

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