19/03/2020: A General version of this message has been put on our website and will be the main page where we update information about fibromyalgia and coronavirus. As new information comes to light it will be put there first and linked to from our communications on all channels.
We will expand it to have links or sections on distraction activities like keeping active and any benefits info for example as things progress.
It is available at fmauk.org/coronavirus
---- Original message below ---
Let me start by acknowledging fully that Corona Virus and the disease covid-19 are quite possibly the most important and immediate health issues we have ever seen.
It is wholly understandable that everyone needs and wants to ask for help, to discuss, to consider everything about the issues.
However, on this fibromyalgia forum, if we allow the continuing general Corona Virus discussions, we will see them drown out everything to do with fibro.
Further, there is no knowledge or experience here which is in any way deeper or more helpful than appears elsewhere. Also items that are being pasted here from Facebook and elsewhere are often incorrect or even worse dangerously so.
If there were no other forums then it might possibly be something we have to accept. But there are at least thousands of possibilities including most newspapers, many existing forums and, I suspect, some new ones will be appearing.
May I suggest that we avoid discussion of Corona Virus other than specifically in relation to fibromyalgia?
Discussions about holidays seems not to be related to our condition, as are stockpiling and while a laugh is appreciated from time to time the humour or any single topic cannot overwhelm what this forum is here for.
Please post on existing discussions and do not start new ones as there have been many. Admin team is a bit depleted at present so will be removing with very little notification.
General NHS/ GOV Covid-19 advice - nhs.uk/conditions/coronavir...
Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK government response - Main hub page for this event :-
Panic does not help things. Please try keep up to date with official sources.
FMA UK Chair
ps Fibro is not an autoimmune condition and on the basis of fibro you are not more at risk of this new virus than someone without fibro. Please check current government advice about whether you should self isolate or not.
This post may also be of interest: healthunlocked.com/fibromya...
Benefits Info: express.co.uk/finance/perso...
Social Distancing: gov.uk/government/publicati...
this shows the at risk groups and does not mention fibro.