For ages now I get a buzzing in my brain which I mainly notice when it stops for a second when lying down quietly in bed? Was wondering if this affects sleep without one realising it.
Anyone have a buzzing brain? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Anyone have a buzzing brain?

yes i do but i always put it down to my tinnitus but my mother was on anti depressants tablets and once she stopped taking them she was left with a constant buzzing / electrical noise in her head she did go see a ENT about this and its was something to do with a trapped nerve in her neck which she as been suffering with for years ..I personally thing its due to the Neurotransmitters in the brain ..
I suffer with fibro, and I also get the buzzing not very often but when i do it happens when I move my head left or right, told my doc he just shrugged his shoulders and put it down to the fibro.
I have had tinnitus since I was a young child, I remember my mum telling me to hum one note higher to stop it! lol
I am now 56 and still have it, hearing specialist said it was scarring on the ear drum, but its drives me nuts. I wear two hearings aids, they help a little, but when I take them out it returns big time.
helo, am new so please forgive if i'm repeating somebody else. I did read in New Scientist about a hearing condition that affects v small amount of people where they can actually hear the humming sounds made by the various tech gadgets we all own. Apparently there is a low key constant hum made by our tech society and some people are able to hear this range...You never know!
Thank you. I do have Tinitus, very loud in fact which is a recent addition to the buzzing in the head which I have had for ages. I woke up completely deaf in one ear with Tinitus, have been seeing doctors for this but the buzzing is different and people look at me like I am crazy.
I do get text book migrains but the buzzing is a constant.
yes I have a buzzing in my head mostly on the left side which is worse when I lie down. I was diagnosed with positional vertigo 3 months ago but I seem to have all of the symptoms of fibro (fog especially) but first I have had to go through tests to elimate other problems first before diagnosis. (which hasn't happened yet)
When the buzzing is there I wake up very tired next morning, so I think I don't get a good nights sleep without realising.
Hi Julie,I started some months ago coming up out of sleep with my mouth full of saliva and wanting to be violantly sick.I had to keep a bowel by me so I could spit out (sorry to be so graphic)and for in case I was sick.This then went away and with all the wierd and wonderful things we suffer I just ignored it.Then 2 wks ago when lying down I could`nt move my head without the whole room rolled and so did my eyes.I actually fainted twice on trying to sit up,which was very scary.I looked up vertigo lying down and yes they said it was postural vertigo or top shelf vertigo.Apparently we have what they call rocks in our ears(calcium deposits).I have had problems with my ears since a tiny child and have lost count of how many time my inner ear has burst or If I have a bad cold I i will go deaf for a while.I think then this is something that has nothing to do with fibro.Good luck.with tests. Best wishes to you xxxx
There are not many things worse than that feeling you get from vertigo. I have vertigo myself now after waking up totally deaf in one ear. This seems to be common with fybro sufferers, judging by the responses here. Gosh why on earth would that be so? I think that there is so much more to fybro than meets the eye!! xx
That is really interesting; I wonder if this is significant as some sort of link to fibro. Thank you for your reply, I wish you all the best with the doctors etc.
I heard of a trick to help drown out tintus at night and that was to set the radio so it was between stations and you get what they call white noise.I dont get tinitus but I do have times when I hear my heart beat in one ear and it can drive me mad.Then it will stop for a few months and thenn come back again.
well when I was diagnosed as having positional vertigo by the consultant I was advised excercises consisting of: sitting up on a bed then falling back so my head was off the bed (pretty scary, make sure someone is with you at the time) then hanging my head off the bed and turning to the left then the right but holding for a few minutes, it has worked to a certain extent but after 1 year of having this (seemingly brought on after a very stressful situation) I'm still dealing with the symtoms, is this part of fibro I just don't know, back to docs within 2 weeks as xray on back and shoulders and fasting bloodtest pending. thanks fo your response very helpful x
Yes, I have it. It's adrenal fatigue/ anxiety. Fix adrenal fatigue. Anti anxiety meds can help in the meantime. Get on adrenal fatigue recovery on Facebook and post that Q and see all the responses
I am assuming you mean a true vibration, not the him of tinnitus. Thanks
I started hearing the humming sound in my head like a year ago and it’s continuous non stop humming sound . Anytime I feel relaxed even during day I hear the sounds. It’s always there. Occasionally I hear throbbing sound ( at night) but it’s not all the time. I am so used to it now honestly I don’t find it annoying but rather comforting relaxing. No one in my home can hear any humming sound in their head just me . I don’t think it has anything to do with stress or anxiety. It’s just brainwaves create the humming sound .