I had my works do last week, and I drunk more than usual (I don’t normally drink)but not enough to be as violently ill as I was, i was only out three hours and I spent the whole day the next day in bed. I have not felt right since and have been in so much pain this last week? Someone told me that fibromyalgia sufferers have a reduced tolerance to alcohol, could this be it???
Booze and fibro??: I had my works do... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Booze and fibro??

I have 1–2 drinks then stop otherwise I am absolutely shattered the next day, feel light headed & just not myself. I don’t think alcohol mixes well with medication and certain illnesses (from my own experience x
I have a glass off sparkling wine on xmas day, just one mind, It destroys me. I recently had One glass of gin at a family party and felt dreadful. Is it worth it, on special occasions, sure is, just for 5 minutes then suffer the fallout.
I’m ok with the odd G&T but wine, which is very acidic, is a no no. You also need to check if your meds are ok with alcohol xx
Hi Kim. I hope your feeling better now. Yes I have the same problem little by little I couldn’t tolerate alcohol now even one glass would make me ill so I am now totally tea total. I think it’s something to do with the liver not functioning properly and it’s why we get the symptoms. It’s so not worth the after effects. Who would have thought that a glass of alcohol would make us so unwell. The only thing that helped me was drinking a lot of bottled water throughout the day before drinking also drinking a lot of bottled water afterwards too so you could try it if you have a glass of something as it may help you Have a nice day. Take care. J😀
I think my steady aversion to alcohol was one of the early signs of fibro, though I didn’t know it at the time.
Last time I had alcohol was 2006 (!) Less than half a glass of wine with dinner—- I crawled out of bed to the pharmacy at two o’clock the next afternoon.
I’ve also developed problems with other food stuffs, ( even in tiny amounts) chocolate, coffee, curry spices all result in shaking, vomiting, mega headache.
Agreed that I'd avoid more than one drink. It's possible that it isn't just a case of the alcohol being an issue, but other additives, preservatives and sweeteners that affect us adversely.
Morning all I must be the exception to the rule thank goodness lol I'm just like any normal person that drinks too much and I have hangover that's natural.
I only like cold white wine and I don't drink often but 2 or 3 glasses and I'm ok. So it's hard to tell if it's anything but a normal hangover if I drink more.
Maybe it's because I don't take medication. And if I did I definitely would not drink at all.
So I guess like everything else alcohol effects everyone differently
I'm on medication, so even though it says no alcohol I discussed it with the pharmacist because we had relatives over from Sweden one Xmas and I wanted to enjoy celebrating with them. The pharmacist said, half a glass wouldn't kill me on special occasions. So I never finish a full glass but it makes me feel part of the celebrations. x
Yes I’m the same. I drink 2 glasses of white wine with no bad side effects but don’t take painkillers. I also feel nice and relaxed after my tipple.
Yes I'm the same Pat, it helps me relax and hence reduces my pain. The only time I get problems is like when we have friends round and then it can be one too many and end up in the middle of the Xmas tree. But these occasions are very very few thankfully 🤣🤣
Actually just to clarify I was on my way to bed after guests had gone. Hubby already tucked up with is book. I tried unplugging the Xmas tree lights and ended up in the middle of it. Hubby had to come and pull me out
This took place with a great deal of tutting and shaking of the head. His not mine. Mine was stuck in the tree been bombarded by baubles lol
That's my only fault with alcohol it makes you forget you can't move or bend. But yes the naturally occurring hangover is to be avoided at all times. If you enjoy a drink with no harmful effect stay within your limits reminder to self 😜😂🍺
I'm not on any meds either but I have noticed how bad I feel after a night out. I play darts on a Wednesday night and don't work on a Thursday. I have quite low BP and noticed that I felt fine one minute then it was as though the alcohol had suddenly hit my system. I feel like I've hit a brick wall and have had any energy taken from me.
I've really got no enthusiasm for Christmas this year. I'm normally quite organised but seem to be 'snowed' under with things that need doing but can't be bothered!!
Hi there, maybe your low BP effects how you feel. The best thing is if alcohol, food or anything else makes you feel bad maybe it's best to avoid them.
I hope you don't mind me saying but you do sound a little low. Sorry if I read that wrong. But alcohol is also a mood enhancer I'm sure you know that. So if your feeling a bit low in mood a drink would make it feel worse.
I don't think your alone most people feel this time of the year very overwhelming. Thankfully I only have my hubby and grown son to think about. But I myself usually feel low in the winter so I can empathise with you 🤗🤗
Thanks Dizzytwo x I bought myself a pad the other day that's headed WTF am I doing? It's basically a pad to remind me what needs doing and to tick off (I'm 52 and 'brain' fog!!) My husband and teenage son think the title sums me up and is hilarious!!
I think I'm just finding things a little overwhelming at the moment - too much to do; no energy; not sleeping but that's usual for us all on here isn't it.
We get on with it xx
I cant tolerate alcohol which is since I was.ill with chronic renal kidney disease, I can't say ive missed it the last 20 years or how sick it made me. Xxx
Discuss this with doctor. You could have drunk some fake label booze. Methanol instead of ethanol.
Ooh me too. Last time I had a few drinks at a christening I was sick for 3 days, felt like I had been poisoned. Just not worth it, I can deal with 1 or 2 small glasses of wine and that’s my limit.
Some of our systems are so sensitive a meal that is difficult to digest can be to much for it to handle,,,, just look at the extra pressure you putting on you liver with the alcohol.
I always loved nice congac and have quite a collection of bottles of very high value,,, one glass once in a while sipped over the course of an evening was the limit,,, now I might sip on one teaspoon full very occasionaly just to taste it again,, that's it!
Well I have started to have a Guinness every night it makes me so relaxed
I don't drink now because I have non alcoholic steatohepititis caused by meds from my Drs over the years so it's just not worth it cos drink would then damage it further. I can't say I've missed it. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx