Hi guys, hoping you’re feeling well and pain free today. I’m Cass and I’ve not long been diagnosed and all I really know about this disease is what I’ve read on the pamphlet ( waste of paper if you ask me) given to me by my consultant. Today I’ve woken up in immense pain in my right hip and leg and the morphine isn’t touching the sides. It feels a bit like I’ve got toothache in my hip if that makes any sense?? Can any of you tell me is that “normal” or is it something else I need to worry about??? Really struggling and if you have any tips I’d be ever so grateful..
Can I get a little help please?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Can I get a little help please??

Im also new to this,im in all over pain today but what you have just mentioned iv had that too,i take pregablin,dihydrocodienne ampitripline antidepressants and today nothing is touching my pain which is getting me diwn,so im on bed rest,Dont worry yhat is normal.Take it easy.The cold is getting to me more ,stay warm as well,Get well soon xx💕💞💓
Tanbody im so sorry you’re feeling rough today. I hope the rest helped and that the pain has eased some. I take gabbapentin, morphine, paracetamol, duloxetine and chlorpromazine and nothing has helped except rest and heat, so thanks for the advice. I see the pain clinic next week so fingers crossed I can get an action plan together. I wish you all the best 💗💗
Some symptoms are because of Fibro but some are not and might be treatable. If it's a new symptom that you have not discussed before with your GP, mention it when you see the GP next so he can assess the cause.
I have the same,it is always worse in the winter especially if it is cold and wet and as you described it is just like having toothache. I also have osteoarthritis in the hips and have just had an X-ray to see if it has progressed. The consensus last time was that I did have osteoarthritis which was causing some pain but it was being aggravated by the fibro. Sometimes joint pain can just have one cause but sometimes it can be a combination of things.x
Thanks for getting back to me guys. I do have osteoarthritis in my spine and am waiting to have my spine fused but this is in my hip and I’ve had ct scans and mris and there’s nothing wrong with my hips (yet). This pain has come on since I had a tooth removed 2 weeks ago and I think the stress may have cause the pain elsewhere but like I said I don’t know enough about it to make that call. Just don’t want this pain to be yet another ailment to add to the list.
Has 2 goes at singing the wee Song - double checked with our youngest who was a TA in a Primary and now has 3 of her own.
Conclusion: It wasn't your tooth being took out.
The "Jaw-bone" is Defo Not "connected to the Hip Bone !"
Now we've Solved that !😉
I've found through reading peoples stories here and other places and through American Health Journals (just because they are usually 2yrs Ahead on Treatments/Meds because of the Profit motive)
Anyway, Fibromyalgia V.Rarely Starts up on its Own. In the majority - like 90 - 95% - It's kicked into gear by Another Severe Pain or Infection.
I thought mine was "Tennis Elbow"! And the Consultant and his wee officious "mate" had a good Laff when I said, "So it's not "Housemaids Knee !" Oh No ! Nothing that simple. Had to be Arthritis. Elbows, Wrists, Thumbs & R.H.Fingers And Knees ! I could expect further Input from Shoulders, Hips and Ankles! But - After a Good (BAD!) poke and prod - he come up with, "Underlying All That, You've Got Fibromyalgia ! And I'm afraid there's No Cure at Present for That !"
"Fibre Neuralgia !? I'm Not getting enough Roughage, So I'm getting A Sore Jaw !?"
"Ha ! Very Good! Dr. Weasel will run through it and give you some Options. Bye now !" And OFF he F##KED !
So, basically it was my really Fecked Up Lower Back had kicked the FM into life, but the Pain Meds were keeping It under wraps. It was only when my Anxiety Levels crossed the Line and caused Psoriasis. Psoriasis didn't like being Lonely and brought along the Arthritis.
So the Xtra Pain from That took away some of the Analgesics effect on my Older Pains, revealing the old Fibro under it all. But, never worry! Increasing my Current dosages should make me feel more comfortable - like I'd a big pimple on me bum! Comfortable !? WTF did that mean !?
Like, 1 mans sore leg, Is a Soccer player's Roll on the Grass for 10mins !
So, basically (your saying,"Why'd he Not Start with the Basically, instead of his Life Story?!) You have FM, which has a nasty habit of siphoning off All your lovely Pain Meds - especially Morphine and the like - leaving you to feel like you were in a Car Crash, and Pains show up Everywhere !
Some go away, Some stay for good ! (Bad !!)
Persistent Joint pains, go to the Dr. and tell them your Meds are not having enough effect, can I have a lovely Steroid injection please - these're Great! They're So Sore - because GPs are usually well out of practice giving injections ! - That you Completely Forget about the Pain you came in for !
Go home. Get a cup of Tea. Strap an ice-pack, you know, Frozen Peas to the Injection site. Pain will ease. Remove Peas.
THEN ! Enjoy the Blissful feeling you'll get from "No Pain"!! And Wonder Why You Can't Have It All The Time !?!
Cos you're not a big jessy Soccer player, with a Dr. who'll stick Needles into you All Day Long - until you're Michael Jackson!!
And Nobody wants to be as Pain-Free as Mikey J. Is Now !!
Anyway, book finished!
Try Stretching Exercises for Bad Backs of YouTube - ONLY EVER DO What Feels Comfortable ! STOPPIT IFIT HURTZ !
Swimming is the Best, if you can. If you can't, use Lessons as Motivation. Move, slow and steady if you need. If it's Cool out, dress for Winter, cos moving Slow & Deliberate is bloody freezing! If you can move quicker, Do! But do "Warm Down" exercises when you get home. Shower, Epsom Salts Bath are great for relaxing muscles.
Now you wanna do That, because Muscles are the things Most Connected by Fibres to Bones- anchors if U like.
MYALGIA = "Pain in a Muscle*
Ergo, FM = Pain where your Muscle Fibres are attached to Bone - or Anything really ! - All Over Your Body - Even In Your Skull, which can Trigger Neuralgia and/or Headaches!
Never Give In, Never Give Up.* One Day they'll have a Cure. In the USA. they're Trialling different Meds, and some look promising - dunno if the rats agree, but who listens to rats, so carry on until it's time to Stick Needles into people. And pray for some of those people to say; "Praise be, No Pain!"
*Unless you're applying for Any Benefit, in which case; You've completely given up. You just lie in bed unless you have to go out (Never the gym ! Or Training!) Your Partner/ Mother/ Sister/ Friend, have to come and Make food. Tidy up. Walk the cat /dog /fish /parrot /whatever. They have to make you bathe, brush your hair/teeth/fur on ur back !
That's Defo It.
Look After Yourself - Selfishly !
[P, H, L & H -2U&2ALL]
Thankyou so much, it’s a complete $#|+ storm and I’m slowly learning but I enjoyed your reply. It made me smile because you completely understand. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through it to be able to relate though. Have an absolutely amazing Christmas and New Year. Stay amazing!!!