Ive recently been prescribed mirtazapine after trying many other antidepressants. Although i feel i am not depressed they do seem to help in functioning day to day.At the moment i am not taking any antideppressants and feel happy (i.e not depressed) although i find it extremely difficult to find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and to get to sleep. Is there something else out there that could help instead of antidepressants? The reason i dont lile taking antidepressants is because of the nasty side effects &i find that they hype me up too much to the point where i cant relax.
Are antidepressants a must in helping... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Are antidepressants a must in helping fibro symptoms & which one works for you?

I am on duloxetine and they curb my anxiety but don’t touch my pain!
Hi minicar i am on mirtazipin 45mg doesn't take the pain away and my moods are awful. Rheumatology gave them me said should help me sleep. Still wake every hr x
I am on nortryptaline which has been great for me, no side effects, helps with the pain to a certain degree. I take 1 or 2 tablets depending on how I am feeling with my fibromyalgia.
Tried amatryptalyne previously which done nothing.
Have you been sent to a pain management clinic? Maybe they can help you further
Was on 45 mg Mirtazapine for 9 years started on it well before fibromyalgia came on the scene for me,
Worked for me brilliant when i most needed it to, with sleep and stabilising mood.
Without this drug I really do not know were i would have been,
Down sides to it were weight gain I was gyming it at the time so wasnt really a problem but be aware,
And coming of it was a absolute nightmare obviously at the time a wasnt thinking about what it would be like to come of,I th9nk my Dr at the time or a year in could have informed me of how nasty the withdrawal is coming of it.
And that could have influenced how long a took it for also a became reliant on it for sleep the antidepressant part of it stopped working probably last few years but I felt I needed it for sleep.
I do not want to put you of Mirtazapine as I found it very easy to tolerate and it done the job for yeats,some antidepressants I have took over the years have had awful side affects so it was definitely the best in that respect.hope that helps a bit because I would have liked to know a bit more about it.👍
I use to be on amitriptyline, which is a tricyclic antidepressant which can be effective to tackle symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, for me, it just made me more sleepy within the day and it didn’t take my pain away.
I then shifted to anticonvulsants, such as Gabapentin, but this didn’t help either...
Mitrazapine is usually taken at night as it can help people get to sleep. TBH if you’re finding it hard to get motivated it may help you. Try it for a few weeks to see?
Hi, I have stopped taking any medication after being on meds for years. I have to say I don't really feel any different, it just took me a long time to wean myself off them through a pain doctor. There were too many side effects and we are just handed out tablets basically because the doctors don't have much else to offer.
However, as we are all different and react differently to tablets it is a case of trial and error.
Please don't let me put you off, they may work for you.
I have good days, bad days, terrible days.
I never know how I'm going to be.
Luckily I am in the Canary Islands at the moment and I'm swimming and doing stretching exercises on the beach every day, well it is 28 degrees! When I go home next week I will probably feel my usual exhausted self again.
BTW sleep is a big problem for me !
Take care x