Diagnosed with fibromyalgia... Any tips..
Fibromyalgia: Diagnosed with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Read on here to learn all you can about fibro.
Ask for help from your GP. A good place to start might be a referral to physio. Quality of helps varies across the country but you might strike lucky.
Find what works for you. Don’t spend a fortune buying this supplement and that vitamin and don’t be tempted by any of the “ miracle cures” you’ll see online.
Look at tens machines, gels, creams and sprays that can help. Don’t spend a fortune, start low.
Eat well. Make sure you are well hydrated.
Learn to pace yourself, keep moving but don’t overdo it. 10 minutes gentle exercise twice a day is better than forcing yourself for 30 minutes vigorous walking and ending up in bed for 2 days. Even if you can only walk around your house, maybe the garden, and do a couple of minutes stretching it’s better than nothing.

Thank so much.....
Verywell.com is an excellent site, give lots of info about all sorts of health, just put fibromyalgia and lots of info will be there, it is also a reliable site ,